Flag: Lithuania
Registered: March 28, 2022
Last post: September 13, 2024 at 5:58 PM
Posts: 70
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Shut uo brazilian, jajjaja latam have to spots on champs and turkey one, Brasil only qualify for the first event, with a team that have qck as duelist JAJAJJAJAJAJ

posted 6 months ago

Your team lost to darkzero a tier 2 team that have corey in his main roster your opinion doesnt count n this page

posted 8 months ago

Fur and mibr, worst team in franchices

posted 8 months ago

Afghan kid, just shut up you are typing while you watch all heretics matches on a bunker, more respect to the poeple that at least compite in the gane that you play every day, mtherfcker

posted 9 months ago

3-0 bo3 today G2 doesnt even know how they qual to Shangai

posted 9 months ago

Shut up fckin rterd csgo 2 player

posted 10 months ago

You are brazilian turkish temas clear the 99% teams of your región

posted about a year ago

A very good past, some one who give a relevance to the esports comunity, stupid Kids that think that tournament performances is all in a esports player

posted about a year ago

And his good year was because of tenz an sick prime

posted about a year ago

Bro he is one of the biggests streamers and players of the year, just look at how many moments he give to the game and the comunity

posted about a year ago

Bro shazam, only have 1 year with lan events and he doesnt get franchised, i mean his lan present wasnt to good.

posted about a year ago

Bruh, shut up, all the same happen on any region are they lifes, and anyone can do anything they want with his future, idiot kid that thinks that val is all in his life

posted about a year ago

They deserve this wp, good level.on champs and masters, but they have the luckiest start, only if in regular season 100t won aginst mibr, eg where watching the champs in their homes, sometimes the luck give you nice things, prx wp too, jingg nice year of competitive

posted about a year ago

Dude shut the fuck up, eg have the luckiest start of season if 100t dont lose the mstch against mibr in the regular leaugue eg will be watching in their homes the champs, prx won the league, and if the assholes in the staff of eg doesnt say potter that his job was in danger if she doesnt change the mental.and playstyle to poayoffs, they wouldnt be in champs, it not was ez, it was a run of luck, and a god preparation at masters

posted about a year ago

What a fking person with no sociable skills, bro 6 months ago in lock-in you say in the coments of this forum tjat derke and aspas are bots, dude they win more than al your family, talking only about tournament pricepools, and you really think that youre hate and comments care on a Internet forum, such a ewaste of oxygen

posted about a year ago

Brasil only got one team team that in Tokyo was a joke

posted about a year ago

The one above is a, Needed house atention boy

posted about a year ago

Nah really, comment in all matches, throwing hate and calling bots the players, come on you're are alone in your house watching with your parents behind you, what a virgin boy

posted about a year ago

Chill bronce kid, you really think that you're opinion or hate hace value on a Internet forum, all the match posting get a lige

posted about a year ago

An idiot that use probably frieds to boost his range, talking about boosting

posted about a year ago

Mzwera an dgshit get fucked in the lcq ez for latman those Brazilian teams, KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

posted about a year ago

Go and masturbate with cs highlights videos

posted about a year ago

Bro Brazilian kid
Team liquid >>>>>> Edg >>>>>> Loud

posted about a year ago

Dude your logic is dumb
Eu have more iternational win events
Also they got and extra slot for winning lock in
And eu is the only region that have a player with 2 international Wins Chronicle and probably he will have 3
And also is the only region that will have a team that reach more than 3 finals

posted about a year ago

JAJJAJAA, 100% They go destroyed right to the losers bracket

posted about a year ago

Xd, nice prediction

posted about a year ago

Bro look at all, qw1 just double in kills the 2nd one in defense only with his op, and in atxk he do everything just some.frags from the others and thats all, alongside the numbers of Koi are better than the rest of Fut

posted about a year ago

Fut sucks they are only qw1 with an op holding every spot the rest of the team gets carry

posted about a year ago

How to troll a franchise spot, awfull team with horrible players
Jawgemo is horrible
Boostio is a normal player with irregular plays
C0M looks like trash yesterday
Reformed and apoth dosesnt exist
Demon1 and screwface more money waste in 2 players that are.not gona play
A coach that doesn't concern good ideas and every strat looks bad
Sorry for Ethan an Bcj they deserve a better team, than this group of death players

posted about a year ago

Actually you are saying that tsm is garbarge,something that is true but, lul

posted about a year ago

Yeah, actually they clear fnatic in the lock-in

posted about a year ago

Wow actually they lose, offcourse they arte better as you say, because of that they go to grand finals

posted about a year ago

Xd, top 3
Fnatic Koi NaVi
Top 4 to 6
Kc or liquid

posted about a year ago

Actually no the lotus comp, from NaVi was better than KOI because the sova, acutally botj palyed well, bit Koi wins more important situations

posted about a year ago

Xd sym diffed corey, they just own tsm

posted about 2 years ago

I didn't see the comments bellow your tesis, but holly fuck, you are so retard, talkong like if you are inside loud org and know every thing that happens, probably more things happen inside the relations of tje players, you are so rage because they lose 2 valious players, bit they took better options, so just shut the fuck up

posted about 2 years ago

Average kid that doesn't understand the market of a game, dude if they see better posibilites of making money and content in a most important club i dont se the problem of taking that option, and actually you have more important things to do than writting a tesis on Vrl comments, porbably make the school tasks or go outside with your family and fiends

posted about 2 years ago

Dude wyf firts he is not Igl, second in th first lan event that he lyed they got semis, i think that a lan event includes more than just aim and strats, you need to be focus and dont be fear, is just unlucky that the teams only have one chance to probe their abilities

posted about 2 years ago

Rossy the last one, he is Just so bad no lvl for this

posted about 2 years ago

Yeaj kiko, 2 washed players, the 2 worst Sen players and a tier 2 destroyed FaZe, nice predict

posted about 2 years ago

Mvp first map, man if you want tha atenttion that you dont have in yout house, you got it all the team reply you

posted about 2 years ago

Tomazsy is one of the Best duelist i ever seen

posted about 2 years ago

The biggest throw in champions, how a 12-4 turns into 16-14, unlucky and bad play of Furia, and a good mental for DRX

posted about 2 years ago

Nice prediction Bro, you win points in tje pick'em?

posted about 2 years ago

Dude, best performance of brazil getting playoffs and final in Rekajiavick, because they got the spot of being a region with 2 teams, then they go to the group phase and got eliminated, i know that KRÜ is not the best team but a 8-0 and winning in champs against, Sen, Fanatic and other teams with god level deserves more

posted about 2 years ago
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