Flag: United States
Registered: January 28, 2021
Last post: February 13, 2024 at 8:15 PM
Posts: 22

i told you we qualify

posted about 3 years ago

Bro c9 better win this tournament

posted about 3 years ago

good. That is prob why man

posted about 3 years ago

Like I said "If you are in normal health and have a consistent sleep schedule, you are playing the same" but otherwise idk man good luck go aim train or sum cuz there is no way in hell this game is an aim only game, it is positioning and setting yourself up for advantageous situations. Guy above me stated earlier, You are consistently bad or consistently good, like if you are whiffing that hard with good health and sleep, (WARMUP DIFF TOO) you are 100% getting lucky that 28 killgame

posted about 3 years ago

? Some opponents just punish your mistakes better dude. It isn't a a matter of "I'm so inconsistent". Inconsistency is a lie. If you are in normal health and have a consistent sleep schedule, you are playing the same. Saying that you are inconsistent is masking your mistakes that you could be working on instead. You are just making an excuse that you "could be better" but in reality you are making the same mistakes over and over again without improving. I have plenty of examples. Take for instance Masters Reykjavik: Derke had amazing stats and opening kills on every team EXCEPT against Sentinels. Was he just having an off day? NO! He was playing like he always does but he was getting shut down by more punishing opponents. Use that knowledge to improve your gameplay. The other day, I was playing ranked , and dropped 39 kills on Reyna. Another game, near the same rank, I dropped only 24 on Jett. Yes you are going to have varying performance each game, but what I observed is that during the game with Reyna, I was holding every barrier and one tapped everyone. Why? Their Pheonix never flashed main. THEY NEVER PUNISHED ME! So stop bringing out your 'insane " scorelines and just pointing out your "inconisistency" as your reason of failure. Try to figure out what went wrong against those certain opponents and learn to adapt the next time. That "look at my Jett game earlier I was so nuts" mindset is so dog for improving your skills.

posted about 3 years ago

nature is the new guy on geng

posted about 3 years ago

in all honesty, you are just bad

posted about 3 years ago

im a c9 and sen double fan, I get the chills whenever I think about the PAX Arena finals between c9 and sen. Imo one of the most enjoyable series I've watched

posted about 3 years ago

Hi guys, I am here to say that C9 blue will be 1st in all the coming events because they are just better than everyone else.

posted about 3 years ago

I don't get why people think it is such a bad map??? It is straightforward and nothing is really that complicated about it. B is hard to retake and A is easy to retake, there are choke points to control that are like other maps, less angles than icebox like what

posted about 3 years ago

yo he is a troll calm down guys

posted about 3 years ago

Valorant has jett.

posted about 3 years ago

I want to see c9 blue

posted about 3 years ago

floppy is so bad im worried c9 will falter because of this floppy dude why cant he just be a top tier player in one night man like cmon now

posted about 3 years ago

why tf would u do thi???? they are umber 1 team in NA no reason to change anything. Obviously you don't know the difficulties integrating new players into a team

posted about 4 years ago