Flag: Brazil
Registered: February 4, 2022
Last post: November 17, 2024 at 1:55 PM
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that's also part of the racism btw :)
thinking brazilians are naturally violent. but yes, they'll always come with excuses. sometimes they don't even notice their racist ideology. structural racism, that's what we call

posted about 2 years ago

a lot of people have told me what i am telling you. they experienced that themselves. even native argentines have told me that. i didn't get that info out of nowhere, it's just a fact.
it's just unbelievable how bad you guys try to defend something like racism

posted about 2 years ago

sigh. you are dumb.

posted about 2 years ago

keznit is racist, that's why. we have nothing against Leviatán, though.

but considering a lot latam players (players, not pro players) have historically been racists towards us on every competitive game, it's just impossible to support a team like KRÜ where even a PRO PLAYER, who should be a role model, is racist.

in countries like Argentina, racism is naturalized. we are called monkeys in a daily basis, just for your knowledge

some latam dudes who aren't even racist can't understand the magnitude of this problem and want to believe keznit didn't mean what he said and everything was a misunderstanding. it was NOT a misunderstanding and this specific player was racist multiple times. every brazilian pro player recognizes it since he plays on our servers. he's toxic and a piece of shit.

Brazil don't tolerate racism and never will. we will always stand against this.

posted about 2 years ago

sacy didn't play well in any of the series btw, which is extremely abnormal

posted about 2 years ago

worst series of his career*

posted about 2 years ago

LOUD almost beat OpTiC with Sacy playing horribly bad. imagine if he was on server. not criticizing OpTiC though, they are really good and i like their boys

posted about 2 years ago

POSSIBLY having a bad day? it was obvious. that team wasn't really LOUD. LATAM fans are the only ones that force themselves to believe KRÜ is better than LOUD

posted about 2 years ago

most pros in BR agree EU > NA in many terms

posted about 2 years ago

esse mesmo cara "random" joga contra os pro players do cenário todos os dias. este random tem influência sobre milhares de players e a atitude dele pode mudar até o comportamento médio de um jogador de solo queue radiante brasileiro.
as vezes tu escreve uma coisa ou outra que faz sentido, mas na maioria das vezes é L

posted about 2 years ago

transcreve aí, internet do estágio é ruim

posted about 2 years ago

past stuff on the past lmao

posted about 2 years ago

mw ter mais mira blz, agora o time inteiro da VK é sacanagem

posted about 2 years ago

i thought he would, but he proved me wrong, sadly. i wish i could root for KRÜ, but i can't root for a racist guy

posted about 2 years ago

based vlr user

posted about 2 years ago

KR and JP guys will always have my support

posted about 2 years ago

assim como custaram no último mapa contra a optic. é a vida.

posted about 2 years ago

bro i used to support latam a lot, but when their main representative is a team with a guy who was racist towards us, i just cannot support it anymore.
leviatán guys seem nice tho, but i don't know them enough

posted about 2 years ago

eles jogaram bem split cara, foi no detalhe

posted about 2 years ago

after this groups stage, i don't think this format will ever be used again, so dw. unless Riot is utter shit

posted about 2 years ago

apologies accepted. i didn't take the offenses personally dw

posted about 2 years ago

true, but don't worry, we'll be better at champions xD

posted about 2 years ago

i mean... usually it's just a bunch of guys who don't know english, get triggered by racist/xenophobic comments towards our country, proceed to TRY TO communicate (just try)/interact/trashtalk and then everyone generalizes the whole region because of a minority. but then since there's a response to the reaction, more people trashtalk Brazil, and then you got a cycle of hate. it's not a Valorant problem only, though

posted about 2 years ago

only if the other teams would take scrims seriously. most of the BR teams just trolls during training sessions, they are happy just to be breathing while being unprofessional

posted about 2 years ago

acho que todo mundo minimamente sensato concorda com isso. mas é bom não reclamar sobre o formato, pq vão falar que a gente só reclama quando não convém. eu acho ruim o formato desde o Masters passado, mas é isso. acho que depois dessa a Riot deve fazer uns ajustes, já q foi o último Masters do ano e o resultado foi uma bosta

posted about 2 years ago

Tô até de boa. Pelo menos foi pra OpTiC, os caras são muito gente boa com a gente. Fora que a OpTiC vai amassar a KRÜ, o que é ótimo.
LOUD já tá no Champions. Sacy vai se recuperar e vamos brigar pelo título. Bola pra frente.

posted about 2 years ago

i hate him (because he's too good, mainly against Brazil lmaoooo), but i also love him. such a nice guy.

posted about 2 years ago

honestly, everyone from optic have always been nice towards loud and brazil in general, so i have nothing against them

posted about 2 years ago

idk about the rest, but to me, OpTiC is brazil on this Masters

posted about 2 years ago

wtf? i actually think a lot of people like OpTiC, me included. every guy there is nice and it's a healthy rivalry. i hope LOUD will face OpTiC again during Champions btw

posted about 2 years ago

agora é pressionar as orgs brasileiras a levarem a sério a profissão

posted about 2 years ago

não, mas só pq to em fim de semestre e sem tempo. fiz exceção pra LOUD pq né...
mas é isso, no máximo vejo highlights

posted about 2 years ago

caraio pegou pesado ai rei, tocou na ferida dos cara

posted about 2 years ago

during the game vs optic, the BR casters and chat were actually saying how nice yay is. but you come to vlr or twitter and theres a shit show

posted about 2 years ago

same chileans are going to downvote you to oblivion btw.
and this fight will never end anymore because LATAM fans will keep being racists, which we don't tolerate and never will

posted about 2 years ago

you know LATAM and BR used to be extremely friendly to each other before racism accusations on keznit, right? historically we have a good relationship on EVERY esports game. VALORANT is an exception because brazilians don't tolerate racism. just a bit of context for you.

posted about 2 years ago

oh boy i am used to that, i've come from league and csgo where everyone is biased against brazil (it's changed in a good direction recently but just not enough). they'll see a guy who doesn't even KNOW ENGLISH trying to trashtalk and will take that guy seriously and generalize a whole region. that's it

posted about 2 years ago

ggwp man
love optic guys, yay mainly

posted about 2 years ago

good thing you know this would've gone to LOUD if Sacy and Less didn't underperform (they both bottom fragged)

posted about 2 years ago

i'll come back here when LOUD win Split

posted about 2 years ago

they've been training on Split and they made that call even before Masters. and they improved a lot on Fracture. i mean, if it wasn't for both Sacy and Less bottomfragging, this would've been different

posted about 2 years ago

saadhak baiting while Less went for the kill LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

posted about 2 years ago

aspas doesn't play aimlab, it's a showing thing. he might be prioritizing precision over speed

posted about 2 years ago

same way TenZ tried to solo carry old Cloud9 roster

posted about 2 years ago

the thing about VODs is so true. on CSGO, Astralis studied SK Gaming (BR roster) (when they used to win every team) VODs and neutralized them after some considerable time. first time dev1ce faced FalleN, he destroyed him.
well, then Astralis dominated CS scene winning like 3 Majors because other teams had hard time counter strating them. maybe this will happen on Valorant someday

posted about 2 years ago

if you want to blame anything, blame the change of meta. game is changing a lot every update, some teams adapt better but don' have enough time to master anything

posted about 2 years ago

well, Sentinels didn't become trash right after winning first Masters. but the rest evolved and they stagnated

posted about 2 years ago

no, tenz is canadian aspas

posted about 2 years ago

i wish i could cheer for krü, honestly. sadly there is a guy called keznit there, and i don't support racists.

posted about 2 years ago

best redemption story ever. if they manage to do this, i don't think anyone is gonna stop them anymore

posted about 2 years ago
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