Flag: Brazil
Registered: February 4, 2022
Last post: November 17, 2024 at 1:55 PM
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i called it before last Masters and said LOUD were NOT prepared for that event. they felt unwell and didn't scrim last time, no wonder they didn't get out of groups.
THIS TIME they are better prepared than ever. there is no excuse. expect the best from them.

posted about 2 years ago

LOUD got no restrictions. they are scrimming with OpTiC when they are in the same group

posted about 2 years ago

parecendo o recente psg com messi, neymar e mbappe pipocando na champions

posted about 2 years ago

a frase do zombs nunca fez tanto sentido, infelizmente. deixam de jogar no server pra jogar no twitter

posted about 2 years ago

yeah yeah whatever you say bro

posted about 2 years ago

i wish they were good enough so they would create a higher competitiveness. reality is disappointing though

posted about 2 years ago

they are gonna get trashed by both PRX and Lulquid
no hate on the players or org, but i think people are overrating them because they got suddenly acknowledged by the Val Scene

posted about 2 years ago

FURIA ir bem no champions depende de um milagre maior que o da ZETA no Masters
esperanças eu tenho pq são meus conterrâneos, mas eu sou realista

posted about 2 years ago

eu queria poder discordar de você

posted about 2 years ago

what drugs are you on

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

well this mentality is basically why BR region (besides LOUD) doesn't grow much, most teams don't take scrims seriously. that's one of the most important practices to improve, it doesn't matter if you are revealing strats

posted about 2 years ago

Inazuma is still better esthetically, but yeah not bad

posted about 2 years ago

me too and im a looking forward to watch EDG's firepower

posted about 2 years ago

very likely hopping on the hype train

posted about 2 years ago

some complain there isn't a team to dominate the whole scene. partly it's because the game is new, but a big factor imo is the way Riot updates the game and the frequency they do it. theres always something new or some big change that might change the way every team plays.
it's just amazing not knowing which region will win the Champions. in LoL Worlds we know it's either going to be KR or CH and it's always been like that, so it's boring. but in Valorant, every team got a shot. isn't that nice?

posted about 2 years ago

sacy is a goat. dude was a LoL champion in BR, decided to move from a MOBA to a FPS game and became one of the best in the world
saadhak is one the funniest guys and he's very professional (he was a world champion in Paladins iirc). he and sacy are the main keys in the BR region. also saadhak was born in Argentine, but at this rate hes going to naturalize as a brazilian because he does act and speak like one.
Less and aspas are both young beasts with infinite potential. it's just amazing watching them play.
pAncada is one of the best controllers in BR (probably the best) and he's really funny too (he was a CrossFire world champion iirc). we got a saying from a Fast and Furious scene ("shit, it's Brian") that we use whenever he clutches (yes, his name is Brian).

every player in LOUD roster is extremely nice and respectful. they are amazing people and genuinely care about our region. i admire them all.

posted about 2 years ago

everybody loves sacy

posted about 2 years ago

common trembo L

posted about 2 years ago

against KRU it wasn't just chamber, they just didn't enter the server, that team wasn't LOUD.
and don't get me wrong, i am not trying to belittle yay here, he is cracked i agree. but he did abuse chamber against LOUD and idk if the results would be the same if there wasn't any chamber, for example

posted about 2 years ago

thing is, i don't doubt that IF they manage to extract a lot of knowledge from scrims. but the training sessions have to be PRETTY good in order for them to improve this much after LCQ. same way they improved from LCQ to Champions 2021 btw, almost going to playoffs and with every defeat being a really close match

posted about 2 years ago

i think all LOUD international defeats had a Chamber involved and performing pretty well. it felt like they didn't know how to exactly play against it. Chamber ulting meant a lot for the enemy team and LOUD would frequently throw some rounds because of it

posted about 2 years ago

he destroyed against LOUD with what was LOUD's main weakness, Chamber. lets see how hes gonna perform after nerfs. but theres no doubt hes a god and top3 at least

posted about 2 years ago

very unlikely but who knows

posted about 2 years ago

a man can dream

posted about 2 years ago

no player is saying shit about scrims. they know they are the underdogs and i have a feeling they're gonna do way better than expected to prove they are a good team. this type of situation is one of the type that will motivate a roster like FURIA's. having scrims with the best of the best when they got a new player since less than 2 months ago (ig?) is something that will make them grow A LOT in short time.
i don't know about you guys, but i am high on hopium
khalil will smash them all no cap

posted about 2 years ago

couldn't agree more

posted about 2 years ago

you are high on hopium bro

posted about 2 years ago

thats exactly what i thought

posted about 2 years ago

NA region level is equal to BR's

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

he donated to some polemic politician's campaign

posted about 2 years ago

sovereign smashes every other one obviously

posted about 2 years ago

yes maybe I could've worded it better

posted about 2 years ago

just because i said valorant is more complex doesn't mean CSGO isn't complex. lack of interpretation here. "more complex" is relative.

posted about 2 years ago

i thought csgo was harder in the beginning ngl, but as you get experience with valorant, you realize it's way more complex

posted about 2 years ago

i meant like "well thats your problem", but the way i wrote was kinda weird

posted about 2 years ago

zeta run on masters was fun and all but thats it, LOUD is a godlike team when they prepare before tournaments. and they prepared for champions the whole year. there is no chance they are gonna lose.

posted about 2 years ago

too bad for you, i watch the brazilian casters who are amazing

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

tem que se valorizar mesmo. se ele se garante no trampo dele, n é pra aceitar qualquer migalha não.
não duvido nada que a NIP com ele no lugar do Jhow como coach poderia ter ido mais longe

posted about 2 years ago

too long didn't read

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

é, fico do teu lado nessa. dg decepcionou e tá sem moral

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yes, naxy

posted about 2 years ago

i mean, just because tiktok made it popular doesn't mean it's bad. i love drift phonk. but yes, a lot of stuff that tiktok made popular is absolute trash.

posted about 2 years ago

cara, eu tbm acho que a VK tem mais potencial, o problema é que são inconsistentes e pipocam em partidas importantes. talvez teriam o famoso buff internacional, mas fazer oq, tomaram pau da TBK

o bagulho é que o seed 2 já foi setado e os caras deveriam no mínimo focar nos treinos. o dg n passa essa impressão, pelo menos. fala demais, mas falta fazer dentro do server quando realmente importa

posted about 2 years ago

NIP tomaria um antistrat da DRX q deixaria eles paralisados na partida. bando de chokers do krl. pelo menos a FURIA quase se classificou no Champions passado...

posted about 2 years ago

mlk eu tô ficando injuriado com o dg. claro que todo jogador tem q ter um momento de lazer, mas se vc olha o twitter dele realmente n parece que é uma pessoa focada no Champions pro qual ela acabou de se classificar.
o maluco viajou pra outro país, tá fazendo bootcamp e perde tempo falando coisa fútil. sei lá. se fosse eu, minha mente estaria totalmente vidrada no campeonato e nos treinos (que são muito importantes antes de um grande campeonato)

a realidade é decepcionante: a FURIA ganhar algo vai provavelmente depender do demérito dos times do grupo dela. simplesmente não passam confiança alguma

posted about 2 years ago
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