until he realized he wasn't the goat
Less is the goat
and now his mental is broken
rip in peace
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | February 4, 2022 |
Last post: | February 7, 2025 at 7:47 PM |
Posts: | 3143 |
until he realized he wasn't the goat
Less is the goat
and now his mental is broken
rip in peace
bro they legit got destroyed in their best map in the most important event of the year (which means they have to work hard to fix all breaches that all teams they face are going to explore now). bad timing for this to happen, i guess
cock length proportional to his intelligence (very high)
surely it only depends on him, right?
not that I agree with OP, but what you said doesn’t make much sense either
not discussing what is a fluke or not, but if FNATIC don’t go to grand finals and either PRX or EG win, we can discuss some luck involved, definitely
OP isn’t entirely wrong tbh. matchups are a thing. I don’t see EG beating FNATIC, but I see them maybe beating LOUD since they know each other well and did countless scrims in Americas. and… I don’t see FNATIC beating LOUD in a rematch either. LOUD dropping to lower is something FNATIC feared the most, since LOUD seems to be the only team that can consistently beat them
if you are betting on EDG you are delusional
this is EG's best map man, chill. DRX will do well on Lotus
should've been 2-0 for sure but it is what it is. let's sweep the lower bracket
ter tem, mas n é chorar, é só apontar o quão retardados são esses gringos q preferem apoiar asiático que apoiar times da própria região
matter of fact
those people screaming are part of LOUD staff/players family mostly.
99% of the crowd is cheering for PRX
if you think enough you’ll have your answer, good luck. first event in the year btw
DRX wouldn’t even have won LOUD if LOUD hadn’t used that brand new comp on Ascent
i could agree with that since both are great
but if I had to choose, Less (smarter)
maybe most impactful player so far (either him or Less), but he abused Chamber, on the other hand
multiple miracles happened on Lotus. props to something
haha it’s funny how Mortadelo seems to be consistently doubting BR region in general. nothing against that, I just find it funny
Alfa is very good, but Less is just smarter
something’s gameplay is very unique, I see him exploring aspects of Jett no one else does. Demon1 is different in terms of aim tho. on the other hand, aspas is the smartest one imo
watch out, shitmea fans about to tell you why Alfajer is soooo much better
victim complex = pointing out that NA is extremely contradictory and nonsense. yeah you definitely know what you are talking about, tuga
acting? it’s not my fault that you got negative IQ
we hadn’t been merged yet and OpTic core was LOUD’s biggest rival, this comparison just shows how stupid you are
we have like 5 super loud fans from Brazil and you think they represent some proportion there, but we’ve seen images, even casters say 99% are cheering for PRX
me when I have no idea what I am talking about. franchise wasn’t even a thing when LOCK//in happened, we hadn’t been merged in practice yet, only on paper. NA not giving a fuck about a team from their own region is stupid and kinda unexpected
tu tá maluco!! o Brasil torceria pra NRG a n ser que o bragriis fizesse algum comentário merda perto do campeonato. pelo menos seria assim. depois disso? já não sei
i didn’t think it was that bad, but it is. disappointing from NA, honestly. makes no sense.
PRX is legit looking like an all aim no brain team
what do you mean? PRX is doing basic Valorant and score should’ve been even better for LOUD as some miracles happened for PRX multiple times
loud is not hated lol
where did you get this from?
saadhak and sacy taught him well
in a nutshell:
he said he knew nothing about the game in 2022 and he was just a shooter.
he fears no player in game.
he supposedly thinks derke is the best itw because of how well he does his job (but probably just because he "can't" say himself).
he learnt how to study vods in 2023, he's a completely different player.
he doesn't practice before any match, he barely play ranked matches before tournaments.
Less himself is better than Alfajer, why would he say Alfajer
it's either him or dev1ce. but i'd say dev1ce considering the major titles.
puta cara, eu acho que a cobrança do Spacca é ÓTIMA pro cenário. não é passando a mão na cabeça dos caras que eles vão crescer. é só tu ver que a maior parte dos pro players respeita o Spacca e leva muito em consideração os conselhos dele. não à toa ele seria o coach da LOUD. olha lá oq relativizar desempenho pífio fez com o CBLoL. a gente é uma piada, região do entretenimento. a gente precisa é de mais Spaccas.
how does it feel being diffed by the mastermind Saadhak?
só isso mesmo, pq de resto a gente dá de 10 a 0 neles. nossa crew é bem melhor e entende muito mais do game