Flag: India
Registered: October 16, 2021
Last post: February 25, 2024 at 8:47 PM
Posts: 9

so actual criticism is hating? Interesting. And you talked about doing something better than them, my guy I wish, but I have objectives in life other than making the next big Indian esports org + even if I accomplished this, I wouldn't get my org into franchising cause that is already set, so tell me, how the FUCK do you want me to do something 'better' and explain to me please for the love of god, HOW AM I BEING A HATER

posted about a year ago

So basically you made that comment based off no information and put no thought into it and therefore, you are now saying that you don't care about whether or not I touch grass or not, I am pretty sure that you apply this decision-making process in your life as well and make baseless assumptions and do things on impulse and without a thought, the biggest issue is that the vast majority of kids in India are like you nowadays, the decision-making process and criteria, any form of critical thinking just does not exist, no wonder my country is going to shit, such a shame, I hope you change, not for my sake, or even for your sake, for the sake of our country

posted about a year ago

I don't think im the main character, but all I know is that you don't want to accept facts and will apply this mentality in your own life and will never grow or have any good accomplishments of your own, the sad thing is that your measure of success is probably very low, so I can't really say anything to you cause in your mind, you have already succeeded kekw

posted about a year ago

Justifying that I touch grass + clearing you in multiple ways = me being insecure... BRO, DO YOU EVEN HAVE A BRAIN?!?!

posted about a year ago

So a rant about how the only franchised org in South Asia is a shit org implies that I don't touch grass... nice brain you have there, I am a national level field hockey player, I go to Uwaterloo CS, and this is just the beginning of the ways in which I clear you, but then, what can I expect from another person from my own country, backward mentality, don't want to accept facts, its pretty much joever kekw

posted about a year ago

Basically the title, open to debate, of course, the reasons I think GE is a joke are the following:

  1. GE held an open tryout and selected Kohli, a young Indian talent who was left on the GE bench after they got into franchising and they didn't even keep him in the team afterwards and put him in a weird spot where they legit went - "He can leave or he can stay and learn". Now imagine yourself in this position when you're 18/19 years old, you're in the best org of your country and all of a sudden, the org doesn't want to help you, you have to settle for a worse team if you want to play, my whole problem with that is the amount of time Kohli had to waste because of GE cause they themselves were not sure about what they wanted to do with him

  2. VCT 2023 Shitshow - Won 2 games I believe - against GenG and DFM. The roster was great, an amazing IGL, Texture and Monyet, literal demons and Bazzi who was just a well-rounded good player, and then you had Rossi, I understand that they wanted to keep an Indian in the roster, but at some point, the org has to choose between winning and emotions. Its not like Rossi is bad, but he choked in EVERY SINGLE MATCH. I would also like to mention that GE benched texture for a map against PRX (Check pearl) -

  3. VCT 2024 Roster and Kickoff shitshow (again) - Now they decided to kick SkRossi and keep Lightningfast, who was on the bench in 2023, and OH BOY, Its like 2023 all over again, once again my fellow countrymen are holding the team back from winning, LF has made an INSANE number of individual misplays in this one tournament, I don't even want to start talking about the macro stuff, but moving on. The roster this year feels insanely rushed. You have a good IGL in Russ and then you have... another IGL in Benkai..? okay I guess, and then you have blazeking... sure... and lastly POLVI... truly a star studded roster
    What makes me even more puzzled is that after winning against Bleed, Polvi goes on to say in the interview - "Hopefully we have restored some faith of the fans". ABSOLUTELY NOT! IT WAS A SHITSHOW FROM BOTH TEAMS, IT WAS A QUESTION OF WHICH TEAM PLAYED LESS BAD INSTEAD OF WHICH TEAM PLAYED WELL

  4. Too cringe and no real direction - GE's owner went to harvard, which goes to show that going to harvard doesn't mean you are smart and will yield good results, it just means you are academically inclined, all he says is "GE Fighting" and now this whole thing has become a chant for when GE comes back into games, and they have painted this permanent underdog image of themselves. I remember, in an interview, he was asked to say something other than "GE Fighting" and you know what he said? Yep, you guessed it, he said "GE Fighting". As an Indian its infuriating to know that this team will never win, cause guess what, team building and changes are not decided by the coaches in this team but instead by the management which doesn't know even the 'V' of valorant. Overall its a pretty depressing situation and I can only hope and pray that someone knocks some sense into these fools

posted about a year ago

GE is the biggest joke of an organization

posted about a year ago

OH... LOL... My bad!

posted about 2 years ago

wait... so its more preferable to lose in the final if you are in BR/LATAM vct, place 2nd, play the BR vs LATAM playoff and win, so that you are directly placed in the double elims... gg riot

posted about 2 years ago