Flag: Canada
Registered: April 27, 2021
Last post: September 5, 2022 at 7:40 PM
Posts: 559
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It’s not just CNed, like he playing well but it’s the entire Acend squad right now making G2 look terrible. Maybe you can say G2 are saving strats as I think Acend and G2 will be on opposite sides of the bracket for the playoffs no matter the result of this match.

But this is just a straight ass kicking from the whole Acend team. It honestly looks like Acend isn’t even getting challenged right now. And G2 don’t look like the team from yesterday or earlier.

posted about 3 years ago

Even as a KJ main, I do agree with you that I am surprised SEN is running KJ over Cypher. And it's not like the team dislikes Cypher. Dapr goes off with him.

I have no clue why so I can only speculate. Think they just value the info KJ's turret gives for flanks, and Dapr does a lot of lurking by himself on attack. Then on defence he leaves the turret to spot on A while he spots in Tube.

Just think with the way they currently play Breeze, Dapr and team currently favour the spotting info the turret can give, rather than the more passive info the Cypher trips can give while allowing the Cypher to be more aggressive on lurks. I think if Dapr decides he want to lurk more heavily or play off site more, we might see him switch to Cypher.

posted about 3 years ago

This thread reminded me of what Pansy said about Scream fans a couple games ago. Man that was funny, can't find a clip of it though.

posted about 3 years ago

I would personally go TSM, 100T, Liquid (Mainly cause of Scream), BBL, and VKS.

Sentinels are growing at a fast rate, but they don't have much if any history outside of Valorant so there isn't much investment from fans in the Org.

It's one thing I will give TSM fans major props. No matter how bad their team does, the majority of them stick by them through it. It's for that reason I do hope that TSM can do well again sometime in the future, their fans deserve a good run or two again.

posted about 3 years ago

Yup you are right. Was mainly meaning now, but you are 100% correct in that 100T did have the upper hand against them early on.

posted about 3 years ago

I don't know what Shahz did tbh, but I love this rivalry, cause it's real. I really hope 100T can become good enough to start beating SEN, so they can have a back and forth. There is legit history between the two teams. It has potential to become Valorant's Fnatic vs NiP in early CSGO days. We just need the teams to take some wins off each other, cause right now it's pretty one sided.

I don't want them to bring up stuff in the past. I just want them to be competitive because you know they don't like each other. And it's entertaining as a fan.

posted about 3 years ago

His gameplay does that enough to him, no need to pile on /s

posted about 3 years ago

CS Players will always be able to potentially have success in Valorant. But it is absolutely true that the longer CS Players wait to do a switch if they plan to, the harder it will be to immediately find success. And this isn't just my opinion, players like Hiko have openly said this on stream. And alluded to it being one of the reasons Ethan made the switch as early as he did.

It absolutely has gotten harder and will only get harder for CS Players to drop in Valorant and be able to immediately compete at the top. That isn't to say CS players won't find success, the games are similar enough that will always be the case. But the longer the games has time to grow it's own talent and become something of it's own, the harder it will be.

posted about 3 years ago

Shahz even talked about trying to make Bind at least somewhat of a pocket pick if it ever got through bans. Something that is obvious not their best map, but that can surprise teams if it gets through bans. Which they accomplished, they beat Fnatic in it which at the time they seem basically unbeatable on it.

Seems like they are still looking for more which makes sense. You have TenZ on the Yoru, so they are obviously still looking for more strats.

posted about 3 years ago

Not till July 26th according to Liquipedia.

posted about 3 years ago

Well I have some good news for you, they have confirmed some reworks are coming to Icebox. Don’t think they gave a date though.

posted about 3 years ago

Def agree, I truly hope their region can get some success in the years to come. Like it obvious won’t happen right away. But Japan has taken a liking to the game. Hopefully that breeds new talent and teams able to compete are world LAN events, even if it’s not near future.

posted about 3 years ago

Think it’s a little premature to call him best until we get to see him on LAN, basically the same treatment Derke and TenZ got. But he is absolutely killing it lately and if it continues he is putting himself right into the conversation. If he does what he has done lately in Berlin, I would absolutely think he is one of if not the best. And the dude is still 17.

posted about 3 years ago

Def agree. He had one of the best clutch ratings in all of Iceland too, so it’s not like his recent clutch’s are out of the ordinary. He just is really good in clutch scenarios.

posted about 3 years ago

Dunno what has happened to Nitro since Ethan joined. Nitro was consistently playing as 100T best player, Ethan arrives and he drops off a cliff (Look at the stats, it's night and day almost). Obviously roles play a factor. But I think if 100T get Nitro to play even 90% of what he was earlier 100T can be a very scary team.

posted about 3 years ago

thank you

posted about 3 years ago

Look at the agents selected. He should be getting a better ACS with Reyna, if he isn't fragging out more than a KJ, Astra and support characters there is an issue. The last 3 months Zellsis had to fill in partially for Whippie with support characters when in Masters. I am not debating thief isn't a good player. But he's adjusting to a new team that is partially built around Zellsis. I don't really understand how people can believe a thief having to adjust and find a place on a new system on a new team is better than Zellsis who literally helped build the system and knows the team in and out.

posted about 3 years ago

Both teams were doing really well in the T2 scene. KCP has 3 players that were already signed by a big org in eUnited but got dropped in less than 3 months without really any chance to prove their worth. So talent was there and had previously been scouted.

Both teams before getting signed were showing well for a org less T2 team. While both the teams are not really names you would think of going far in events. They have talent on the team that can cause upsets and big runs like we have seen.

posted about 3 years ago

Even if we pretend this is true. Little time with the team.

posted about 3 years ago

No I don’t believe that either team is T2.

posted about 3 years ago

He is, the topic is from EU_Quiet, and you C9 bois are easy to bait.

But it is kind of true. V1 have made it farther than C9. So if V1 are tier 2, so are C9. In truth though, neither squad is T2.

posted about 3 years ago

He is good. But you are replacing Zellsis, one of their best players and a vocal dude in the team. Honestly it’s hard to know where V1 is at. It’s feels like forever since we have seen the full squad together. It’s not like thief is bad, but give me Zellsis on the team anyway of the week.

posted about 3 years ago

Playing with a sub plus playing against a team that has 3 ex-eUnited players on it. It’s not like KCP are some scrubs.

posted about 3 years ago

Gamer Posture

posted about 3 years ago

TenZ has been using the Reyna on more and more maps as Shahzam is picking the Jett for OPing.

posted about 3 years ago

TenZ has literally done nothing but complement CNed as well. Honestly it seems like the Acend and SEN teams have a good relationship with each other from scrims in Iceland. This rivalry just seems forced from the fans IMO. Give me stuff like Shahz vs Steel over this forced stuff. And honestly I view TenZ as the Reyna player, as Shahz plays Jett with the OP frequently.

posted about 3 years ago

Sad to hear. Get well soon.

posted about 3 years ago

You heard it here first, Morocco and Ghana are the power houses in viewership.

posted about 3 years ago

Stats are results. There’s no arguing against them. But I know there is no arguing with you either. So have a good day.

posted about 3 years ago

It did get a pretty heavy revamp, and is no where near at CT sided as it once was. One game doesn’t change the fact new Split has only a slight CT-Advantage nowadays. And that’s not me just thinking that’s the case, stats back that up.

Edit: here are a couple sources backing what I’m saying.

Vallorbuff has Split on Patch 3.0 at 48.4%

Blitz has Split at 48.4 to 45% depending on how high of rank you are. Sadly they don’t have Radiant stats, but they do have Immortal.

posted about 3 years ago

If he plays at like 4K it would look normalish. Though I doubt a pro would use a 4K monitor and not a 1080P 240-360hz monitor. People always laugh when they see my crosshair, but it’s a standard crosshair, just at 4K resolution it’s massive. I play on a 4K monitor cause I play other games, and it’s 144hz so it’s does me ok for my no where near pro talent.

posted about 3 years ago

Have high hopes the region in the years to come. I think people expecting results within like a year or so though are being premature. But with the population, it’s a region that is very valuable if Valorant can get a stronghold there.

posted about 3 years ago

Just wait till next year. The slots were decided many months ago, even the people thinking we should change slots currently like give BR and JP less spots are speaking way too prematurely. We’ve had one 10 team LAN. Let the game learn from the year, they basically went in blind based off popularity from like 10 months ago, there’s gonna be some error that needs fixing.

It would not surprise me we see tons of changes next year, at a minimum region slot adjustments. We don’t even know Riots plans for the future. For all we know they want events to be 24 teams with a group stage at the beginning. Not saying that’s the case, I’m just trying to make a point that next year is when everything we learned from this trial year during a pandemic pays off. There’s gonna be some growing pains guys, we are literally growing a new esport. But I do hope we get as much region diversity as possible, so I’d love if you Turks have your own slots just like any other fanbase. Hopefully that can happen.

As for a Turkish agent. Definitely could see one coming in the future. I’d love there to be a Canadian agent or map, but my hopes aren’t high. Until then, I joke around with my friends that Omen is a Canadian.

posted about 3 years ago

You'd expect if No Pressure does well Navi will announce the full roster soon. So for that reason I hope they have a very good showing. Having Navi in the esports is a big win for Valorant.

posted about 3 years ago

Gonna be a banger of a match, both teams can take it. If 100T plays like the talent suggest they should be able to play, they should be able to beat V1 with a sub. But I guess at this point V1 with a sub is normal lol. But if 100T is just gonna be Asuna carry like we see a bit too often out of 100T lately, V1 takes it.

Personally as a big fan of Penny, he seemed not in his Iceland form in the open qualifications, not bad but he has played much better. But if he can show up like he does often that is huge for V1.

I don't have a team in this race so all I am hopping for it a good match. Part of me is hoping to see 100T at Iceland though, so I hope they do well.

posted about 3 years ago

Aprils fools day. A for fun mode that have every agent in their most powerful state they've ever been. Reverse all the Sage nerfs, Raze now has her old blast radius for her ult at only 6 ult points. Not just agents either, guns too, The bucky is unnerfed and put back at the cheaper price, same with stuff like the Op. You get the point.

Do I expect this to happen. Not really, a lot of work for a stupid April fools joke. But would be funny to look back at how agents used to be. Maybe not now, but like 2 years or so down the line. If they were to do it, maybe it would be a mode that rotates in like Snow ball, Escalation, Replication, etc.

posted about 3 years ago

Sorry if it came across like I was saying you were abusing it. By no means do I mean you are some dirty cheaters. That wasn't my intention. Now I do believe there is obvious grey area there to be concerned, but if you say you truly didn't know then it really is unfortunate. I will say your post is probably better directed to be it's own post. I think this was my single comment in this thread. The situation is really unfortunate, but I do truly hope the best for you guys in the future.

posted about 3 years ago

I could actually see Japan be the Asian region that has the most success in Valorant. They have the fan base, and with that should hopefully bring growth of pros in the game later on. Definitely not Berlin though I agree, would be very surprised (Though happy to see).

I will say. Riot generally does well with giving smaller scenes resources to expand. Not to say they are perfect, CIS in LoL could have been handed arguably better at the game’s beginning, though it was always going to be an uphill climb against DOTA. OCE could probably be handled better in LoL, but I think OCE is just a difficult region to build a successful due to the region population and location. But if Korea at least has the big tiers teams continue to field teams, Riot will do all they can to support the region.

posted about 3 years ago

Even as an NA homer I would agree. With an esport trying to grow its good to have competitive matches between regions. While I don’t think a win by NA or EU would be bad for the esport, I think a win by basically any other region whether it’s KR, JP, LATAM, BR, TK, CIS, etc would be a bigger win overall.

If Valorant could be a truly global Esports it only helps the health overall health of the game. I think getting the Asian part of the world and be successful is a huge win just from the sheer population. Support those smaller scenes (simply by watching) will go a long way.

posted about 3 years ago

What, lol? This was 2 weeks ago, but I was agreeing with you and just explaining that many people as in fans don’t like Steel and see him as a weak link in 100T. Never said that anyone in 100T hates steel, no way I would be able to know anyways.

posted about 3 years ago

He is yes, though my comment isn’t meant to compare their age. Simply that at 17 years old we don’t know what their skill ceiling is gonna be.

posted about 3 years ago

Might as well stick it out till after Last Chance qualifiers IMO as there should be a big batch of talent available then. It's gonna be hard to drop in even the best talent in the game to turn the team around quick enough to make Berlin. So IMO do the best you can with Drone's replacement, see what you really need talent wise then make the move on a big name after LCQ. They already have the young player they want to build up so I don't know if scouting is the way to go. Just think TSM might need to throw that money around and make big move in a few months time. But I don't really know if making another move before Challengers 2 is the right move unless they get a hold of someone they really can't pass up. Who knows though, we are all just fans assuming on the internet.

posted about 3 years ago

Bang is a young dude, can't think of many 17 year olds that can drop into a team and turn it around a week after. Where he will be in a year or twos time no one really knows. But if we are comparing today's talent it's Asuna without doubt.

The people already saying that Bang isn't gonna help TSM though I think are a bit too quick to the punch. When you are investing into a player like Bang you aren't thinking of immediate results. You are thinking 6 months to a year down the line at least to really get to know where the kid is gonna end up talent wise. It is a player that could payoff huge though, getting TSM a player like Asuna who is young and can lead the org when the new batch of talent comes up is huge.

posted about 3 years ago

What ever works for you. Lower sens seems to be the "norm", but I think people get caught up too much trying to exactly copy a pros sensitivity. People wanting to use it as a starting point I understand of course.

My in game sens seems to be 360 doing the calculations, honestly I didn't know the exact sens until this thread.

posted about 3 years ago

People seem to completely miss Youtube viewers. While it isn't as much as twitch. There is a noticeable percentage that watch from there. There was almost 20K for the SEN vs Soniqs game a couple days ago just on Youtube. While that is lower that Twitch obviously, that is a healthy portion of the audience not to forget.

Anyways, I don't know why people focus on finding a winner in viewership when both games are healthy. Both games can live happily together. It's silly to argue over viewership to the point where you are debating what percentage of co-streams viewers are "real" viewers and which aren't.

posted about 3 years ago

LOL It wasn't a ban.... Your entire comment it out of left field.

posted about 3 years ago

You’re more getting downvoted because it’s a bad take. He’s one of the best players in NA, he would literally make any team better in NA (Even if he was a 6th player on SEN) Get him scrimming a month before he comes back and the rust would be off.

Now if you want to say TSM shouldn’t make the move because the massive baggage that comes with Sinatraa, sure that’s understandable. But to say talent wise it’s not a upgrade is just dumb.

posted about 3 years ago

Come on, they knew it was intentional. They would have had these Cypher cam setups days to weeks in advance. I don’t know how you can’t look at that and at least know if you use it you are playing with fire. Go up to a TO before the match and ask their ruling.

posted about 3 years ago

You’re in college? I legit thought you were like 14.

posted about 3 years ago
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