Flag: United States
Registered: July 22, 2021
Last post: December 17, 2024 at 3:07 PM
Posts: 37

dude’s a parasocial weirdo invested in fake beef manufactured by westjett videos and his strange obsession with me

If you want drama watch Netflix bro, it’s not real

posted 2 months ago

It becomes easy to recognize the people that consistently act disgusting on the internet. He privated his twitter now

posted 8 months ago

You say you hate me from the CS days but all your posts are filled with the same fake information straight from WestJett Videos. Not to mention your Twitter has regular interactions with him

You don’t have to like me but it’s so funny you claim to hate from a situation 10 years ago when in reality it’s pretty obvious you let this guy paint a picture for you.

posted 8 months ago

my fault haha i was just happy for dapr

posted 10 months ago

i've never participated in any match fixing let alone organizing it, what a wild claim to make. i regret how the ibp situation went down but don't spread false info dude

posted 10 months ago

SEN last told me they were working on a contract renewal and then I learned from the george geddes article while live on stream. It was embarrassing and not a nice way to find out for sure, and the clip went viral. Rob's damage control to the clip was to lie and say I was informed but there were 0 calls and 0 messages from SEN to me or my agent. They were always in their right to make the roster however they wanted even if that didn't include me, I just felt wronged to learn that way. The org is still filled with passionate people that do an amazing job and the current players are good people.

I wish he had owned up to poorly handling it and that it didn't go down like that but it's in the past now. It sucks that people think I had any reason to lie about it. I feel for pancada finding out like this but he's a great player and I'm sure we'll see him playing on a roster soon

posted 11 months ago

yea couldn't igl anymore, def not that we couldn't prac bc of mental health issues

posted about a year ago

let’s not assume things. If g2 are acquiring the guard, I have nothing to do with that. I would also never let me be forced into a roster, don’t be quick to judge

posted about a year ago

actually mad weird and parasocial to make shit up

but damn your post history is obsessive

posted about a year ago

can y’all stop falling for this bait account?

every thread he makes is to encourage ppl to hate on me, I don’t share any of his opinions

posted about a year ago

holy shit

posted about a year ago

i made a donation last night to the sarcoma foundation

posted about 2 years ago

Y’all are all so stupid in this thread

They never said they aren’t renewing, they literally told me they are. It’s not like I didn’t expect sykko to bring Dephh, but I did learn the news during the clip instead of hearing from the org.

posted about 2 years ago

hahaha I only called him out on his lie and he keeps deflecting it

poor guy

posted about 2 years ago

I’m talking about the part where you claim it’s my fault and made up that I admitted we don’t scrim in NA?

Yea we were def not practicing enough during stage 1, but these are because of private reasons pertaining to someone else on the team and not something you deserve to know. You just assumed it was my fault and made up a lie to justify being mad at me for no reason haha

posted about 2 years ago

lol this is not true at all

it’s so funny watching people like you so desperate to justify your hate you just make shit up to argue your points.

posted about 2 years ago

Nah it’s clear you don’t know the full story

I had a bet already placed and you can’t refund them, only switch bet. I found out 10min before the match. Of course I’m not going to lose my bet to them and switch it, anyone would have. I didn’t snitch, details of it got leaked by dboorn’s gf and then I had my org CEO ask me to tell the whole story to R Lewis and then the Valve legal team contacted me directly asking for details. The lawyers of a billion dollar company can mean serious implications. People constantly twist what happened to paint me in a bad light, but my hand was pretty much forced here.

posted about 2 years ago

Ok so you were called out and switched up on your original stance so easily hahaha

posted about 2 years ago

You just said a lot of words without giving any real explanation. It seems like you’ve convinced yourself this and are stuck defending this position. Just because you don’t understand the evolution of our changes doesn’t mean it isn’t there. The team in LCQ was completely different from the broken team in stage 2 (which isn’t anyone’s fault, we had someone dealing with extremely serious personal things and rotating subs). Everything for LCQ was from scratch, and I agree the game is evolving. How can you argue that any of the comps or ideas we ran were not on-meta? I’m curious for examples.

posted about 2 years ago

I’m honestly curious, did you watch LCQ? Do you really think the calling or tactics were poor? Genuinely don’t understand this regurgitated narrative

posted about 2 years ago

you’re this mad about something from 8 years ago and don’t even have the facts straight hahaha

posted about 2 years ago

because this website constantly spreads misinformation in the circle jerk about me

people keep making stuff up without proof to justify their hate

posted about 2 years ago

you guys just keep making up more and more things about me lol

posted about 2 years ago

ah yes, im supposed to not stream and throw away millions of dollars

it doesn't cut into our prac at all, it's just that you can see it so you can easily put blame on it. but if i played league or watched anime all day you'd never know :D

posted about 2 years ago

this is not true and idk why people keep twisting what i said

i said a benefit of rawkus was that he was a former player, not that it was ever a requirement for any coach.

posted about 2 years ago

you’re so angry about something you don’t even understand, it’s obvious you didn’t even play the game back then

You can’t take a bet back on csgolounge, only switch your pick. Anyone would not want to lose their skins and switch if they found out a team was throwing, you’re lying if you say otherwise. I already had a bet and switched it right before the match after I found out

Also didn’t snitch, it’s different when the lawyers of a billion dollar company approach you 5 months after the match in question.

posted about 3 years ago

i hate to read and respond here but honestly we're one of the few teams that have been to every event. we've seen riot not improve conditions event to event, even while going through the proper channels to give advice.

and i know it sounds like we are complaining the most, but i promise every team has been unhappy with some of the conditions. because we're one of the more popular teams i feel like we should speak up. the teams without the same reach might not get anything out of voicing their complaints sadly.

posted about 3 years ago

no I didn’t lol

posted about 3 years ago