Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: May 18, 2021
Last post: July 3, 2022 at 5:44 PM
Posts: 113
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How's fazes new training facility ?? I hear they make amazing coffee 😂

posted about 2 years ago

I understand what your saying and I agree the mental game can be the winning one but if bonkar was that good of an igl why hasn't any one snapped him why did he have to create a team of his own to get picked up for the European leagues i get his team never qualified for the emea playoffs but if he was that amazing of an igl why hasn't a top tier team considered him as a pick up like I said he's a very good talented player but his peak was guild he hasn't reached that peak since usually when a player is either let go or walks because he thinks he's greater then what he's in at the time and doesn't get picked up again it's usually because they weren't good enough to play at that level which is why I feel he might be overrated but for the record Im not a hater

posted about 2 years ago

The guys peak in professional valorant was guild which he left to play tier 2 valorant don't get me wrong the guys good I mean really good but I don't think he was on the same level as players like Nats or Derke just to give a couple of examples

posted about 2 years ago

Both amazing players in their own right but your comparing a sentinel to a dualist that's like comparing apples with a shoe it don't make sense

posted about 2 years ago

Is it me or does Paura leave teams that don't qualify for majors/champs regular I'm sure he did this when he was at SMB hope finds a team he can settle in and hope bbl bounce back tbh

posted about 2 years ago

çünkü onların türkleri kardeşim ve ben türkiyeyi seviyoruz

posted about 2 years ago

Thought ange1 got out of Ukraine why would it be 50-50?? Hope he can make it tbh

posted about 2 years ago

I'm not trying to slate m3c as they are a world class team but they have fallen off a little I'm certainly not taking away from fpx who are also a world class team but I think because of the having to be dropped by gambit and all the travel restrictions against Russian citizens they don't seem to be playing like then selves truely am in a way gutted for them but pleased for fpx for proving it wasnt a fluke gg

posted about 2 years ago

This thread aged well didn't it 😂

posted about 2 years ago

Good thinking to be honest it would be awesome if they did an academy league like LOL or a lower tier league like what their doing now In emea but for all regions theirs more then enough teams to do it tbh

posted about 2 years ago

No trigger I was educating an idiot 👍

posted about 2 years ago

Riot will sell skins of the participating partners ie. Agent skins in colours of their favourite teams or weapons with exclusive team skins a percentage will go to the teams and riot will take the rest it's a win win for any one participating tbh

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

"his English is better then yours" would fit better to be honest but either of yours works just as good my friend

posted about 2 years ago

Unfortunately Sen has at this moment in time truely dropped off which is a shame they were once a team to fear but just like G2 they've lost their touch so your right a change will come the end of an era for Sen will happen and this time I wouldn't be saying to drop a certain player as they are all incredibly talented players so what ever happens I wish you and Sen all the best

posted about 2 years ago

If your referring to the NHS well my friend I'll tell ya ...ITS NOT FREE ITS PAID BY THE TAX PAYER.... Education done 😂

posted about 2 years ago

I'm not mad 🤣 I was just stating facts 🤣

posted about 2 years ago

Not cringe at all to be honest quite a fitting comment for brain dead Americans 🤣

posted about 2 years ago

With all do respect team liquid never truly qualified for majors, fanatic had two subs and G2 are still in the upper bracket personally they haven't been great but it's a bit unfair to make the worst region statement

posted about 2 years ago

Exactly I mean c9 is a perfect example they have multiple teams under the same name, valorant, csgo, lol ,super smash Bros, chess, apex legends, halo, hearth stone and quite a few more that's a HUGE org compared to the guard it's not a dig at the gaurd it's just facts

posted about 2 years ago

In my head I just read a load of different team names not one org, sorry but I'm a bit old school where an org was a one stop hub for your favourite team to host many different esport games ie. SK gaming, 100theives, fanatic, these are BIG eSports orgs to compare just because one owner has a lot of teams with different names doesn't make the guard a big org it makes them a small team

posted about 2 years ago

Your fellow country men seem to think your the best since sliced bread so why does that bother you ? It only takes one team to prove their region was best .put it into perspective, playing against your own region is mearly weeding out your weakest team then you gotta prey your last hope proves the rest of the world wrong

posted about 2 years ago

Imo the guard are in my eyes classed as a small org for these reasons.. they've been around only for a few months they currently only have a valorant roster to my knowledge and they have no history in eSports as yet BUT they definitely deserved their spot at the majors I mean they kicked arse and I wish them all the best for the majors

posted about 2 years ago

They will have to go through the qualifiers for challengers 2 weither they get a R32 bye I have no idea

posted about 2 years ago

Is braveaf still suspended for those txt messages he sent a Ukrainian (before he knew what was to come according to him )

posted about 2 years ago

Genuinely hope fokus come out the victors in this one only because their the under dogs and yaboilewis I've followed since the early vct last year he deserves this along with his team mates GLHF

posted about 2 years ago

Ben iki kez oldum ve onların yaşamak istiyorum 😊

posted about 2 years ago

merhaba arkadaşım yakında türkiyeye geliyorum çok beğendim umarım iyisindir

posted about 2 years ago

,🤣 that was not provocating any one get off ya high horse ya snow flake he was just simply being polite and saying good luck as fasting isn't easy I couldn't do it and to be honest my hat goes off to those that can

posted about 2 years ago

Brens situation and fpx's aren't the same one was poor management on not getting visas the other is a war that has stopped all Russians from basically traveling

posted about 2 years ago

Unfortunately this is not the same situation Russians aren't being allowed into Iceland were as brens management messed up their visas not getting them done in time and no other sea team had time at such short notice to get visas either hence why they left bren and joined team secret theirs no inconsistency here im afraid this is just real world politics getting in the way sorry to disagree with you but I'm just trying to be factual

posted about 2 years ago

This isn't fpx's fault this is Putin and his war on Ukraine that's caused this issue that's what's fucked up tbh

posted about 2 years ago

So this whole skipping groups I'm guessing that's for the top seeds with regions with more then one slot ? And yes I know tgrd have skipped groups don't know about the rest though I'm assuming so

posted about 2 years ago

I agree they do have potential BUT they need to keep consistency

posted about 2 years ago

Have to agree with spectre here no offence to TL no hate or any thing but FPX definitely deserved that spot more they finally showed the dominance they showed glimpses of from last year

posted about 2 years ago

I genuinely feel for the fpx team they would get so close last year and fail at the last hurdle, this year they show true dominance and made it all the way to have the rug pulled from under them genuinely sucks

posted about 2 years ago

I was gutted to see they had fallen off hard in their challengers event two straight losses and they looked so damn good at champs last year shame tbh hopefully they will bounce back

posted about 2 years ago

By dropped I mean dropped from active play yes your right he was kept on as a content creator and in a way dicey might have been a poor choice for an argument so to speak as he was actually taken care of in a round about way I do mean "how they handle things" as a general thing not just based on one player

posted about 3 years ago

Ps. I appreciate that you commented at least with a reasonable post. 👍 Ethan is better then dicey no doubt it was just how they handle things was my point that was all

posted about 3 years ago

I get that but dicey had just won the first ever valorant regional trophy he made history for 100t and with in the first month of the newly announced circuit he got dropped granted they kept him on as a content creator he wasn't treated too badly I guess but he was still dropped quite quickly I felt it was a bit unfair on the guy, I mean look at optic they make minimal player moves and they try to look after their own just doesn't feel that way with 100t any more that's all

posted about 3 years ago

Wow -frag with no comment nice 👍 don't hate the truth 100t have been aweful to most of their players FACTS

posted about 3 years ago

I was a fan of 100t from its very conception but I have seen multiple times how they manage and treat their players so poorly steaming from meteor and aphroomoo to the players on the cod team in their first season In the cdl, to how they treated dicey babyj and ecls in valorant their a joke, nadeshots been using "his experiences in the past" but he's full of shit he don't care about the players he wants trophy's some thing he struggled getting during his career the loser

posted about 3 years ago

He's the head coach 🤣 sorry

posted about 3 years ago

Well they will be able to gain that tier 1 access if they beat xset, i consider xset a top tier team who haven't had a chance to shine on the top stage, so this weekend will be a good test for the guard

posted about 3 years ago

I've had a thought about all the new formats happening with the challenger mains and all of the EU leagues happening, I'm sure riots already said their not going to franchise Val but, do you think they might be field testing to see if it's viable to run Val as a franchise? And if so do you think this will do good or bad for the scene ?

posted about 3 years ago

I supported 100T when they first started out a ls a lol team so it made sense to keep supporting them in all games they played in

posted about 3 years ago

Sorry teacher, i'll make sure to use punctuation next time. You sad twat 😂 this is an eSports website, not a classroom haha

posted about 3 years ago

I did miss it indeed your right damn lol

posted about 3 years ago

I thought marved was sold to envy ?? I must have missed that news about it being a loan

posted about 3 years ago
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