Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: July 5, 2021
Last post: May 12, 2024 at 2:03 PM
Posts: 10

is it possible that its your bias that makes it feel like one team is being more hyped up than another?

it always seems to be people who are supporting the other team who feel their team is not being given as much credit which makes me think that you are just noticing it more because of your bias (not that being biased is a bad thing)

i dont know what reason pansy would have to hype up one team over another it doesnt benefit her at all it just gets 100 hate threads made

posted 9 months ago

that was before fanchising

the franchising record is 101

posted 9 months ago

there's no way the vlr recency bias is this extreme

where is your cerebral cortex

posted 9 months ago

a full korean team literally came second at madrid

posted 10 months ago

bro has never heard of vod review

posted about a year ago

Is there any proviso for when a player dies and by dying wins the team a round? (For example a player runs at an enemy planting the spike in a low time situation and then dies to them but there is no longer time to plant) This isn’t specifically mentioned as the round hasn’t technically ended yet so i was wondering if this was taken into account at all in the rating.

posted about 2 years ago

im not sure what any of that has to do with how good he was at jett, the point is that his literal best year of competition was on jett and the only tournament where yay and derke were both present that year derke was the better player statistically on jett. i'm not saying yay is bad he clearly is the best player in the world at the moment but it is ridiculous to suggest derke was not a good jett

posted about 2 years ago

which year are you talking about the year where he got second at an international lan plus further than envy at champs or the year where chamber was meta??

posted about 2 years ago

this is literally only stats from champions there is zero domestic play included and yay and derke got to the same round in playoffs before they lost

(oh wait envy didnt even make playoffs OMEGALUL)

posted about 2 years ago