Flag: France
Registered: December 8, 2021
Last post: June 4, 2024 at 11:03 AM
Posts: 429
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he only played 3 games so stats are fucked on him no ? and even though its a bum ass team Drone imo was better

posted about a year ago

Doesn't change my opinion on him still think his dogshit ? and that drone is better

posted about a year ago

hop of my dick your team didn't qualify for shit you bum plus Pessi is leaving PSG to go where ? no one wants him anymore

posted about a year ago

He only played 3 games, stats were good but in game it didn't look good and plus there's a lot better now that split 2 is coming and even beta drone would've diffed N4RRATE to another universe

and his also a fucking bum.

posted about a year ago

Crazy how the bum named N4RRATE still on this team but drone's duelist skills from beta are still infinitely better than the 0$ earnings that this dog has.

GG go next

drone da goat

posted about a year ago

dunno why the faze fan is talking you guys aern't even in the fucking convo you bums go crypto scam more people

posted about a year ago

I hope so on paper we have one of the strongest teams lets hope so

posted about a year ago

Yes LEV is goated but reality is we didn't play as well as we could've

Ardis is a fucking scam with his scouse accent dog

6th man may be important one day I hope to never see ethos compete tho cause it'd be troll

W stripper is a goated smoker but he not playing raze (or victor) shit is sooo fukcing stupid

posted about a year ago

ranked player that's all we've seen his 'talent' on tier 999999 teams and he never was exceptional plus for the best team he played with he had to play initiator this guy isn't made for competing he himself know's this stick to content creation

posted about a year ago

exactly but idk instead we are doing the DUMBEST shit possible at this point I wouldn't be surprised seeing FNS on jett

posted about a year ago

crashies has and will always be sinatraa's son

posted about a year ago

put Victor or s0m on raze idk man this shit is stressing me I hate it when we have a good roster but we trolling

posted about a year ago

W stripper is a W smoker but he could be a W duelist (he has shown) he always has been undermined in NRG, this could be due to FNS or s0m wanting these more passive roles s0m hasn't really ever been the main duelist on NRG but more so a flex player. and sadly yes there isn't anyone close to yay's level apart from him (but we don't got money like that)

sure ethos won't play but imo thwifo has t1 potentiel and has proven himself this guy is crazy good, best option for him is joining EG so staff can exploit his raw potentiel and he can later on dominate the scene

posted about a year ago





posted about a year ago

I hope so, but you still can agree that it doesn't look good for now and sadly enough SEN won't be an easy task if we are playing like this

posted about a year ago

I don't know im scared for the future of this team I feel disgusted wearing this flag it's a shame honestly that we throw anyway all our talent on anchoring and we put this shit scouse accent on duelist and he does nothing

posted about a year ago

speak better about our GOAT, OUR SAVIOUR, THE ONE WHO BRINGS CONTENT, THE ONE WHO CLUTCHES s0m if not we need to get thwifo back this guy was very good

posted about a year ago

I'd like to talk to my community here







posted about a year ago

Still don't understand why they picked up the two worst possible players.

collegiate player that was never good

Soniqs IGL that literally got flammed cause he couldn't IGL in tier 2

posted about a year ago

Tarik and watchparties

posted about a year ago

Using scrimbux info I'd like to put france in A category if possible sir.

Plus if we take the number 1 team of every split this season i'd say that SBG would win against 90% of their opponents

posted about a year ago

I honestly think that without BoDork Polaris wouldn't have any recognition he really carry this whole ass VCL on his back

posted about a year ago

ranking of vcl emea ?

posted about a year ago

May I know why we overrate this VCL so fucking much ?

posted about a year ago

0-2 SBG APEKS l.m.a.o


posted about a year ago

people fr thought G2 could win this ? not to be rude but M80 was CLEARLY gonna win this one

posted about a year ago

tenz doesn't play raze so obviously xeppa and zekken are better raze players than tenz how fucking stupid are you

yeah the 15yo plays in shit tourney that are t3 low t2 so yeah dumbass

yes t1 NA barely has 10 duelist and I asked for '10 duelist in tier 1 NA that are better or equally as well suited as Tenz'
so you didn't do it did you ?

only edge jawg has is that he can play raze omg !1!!! looks like jawg might be better than demon1 than ain't no way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im baffled and once again he has mostly played against t2/t3

only players that have played and won against T1 players consistently are the 4 T1 pro's you've named, koalanoob, corey and bdog.

and if you fail to see how you are comparing a raze main to a jett main on mechanical skill you need mental fucking aid

posted about a year ago

Please delete this cringy shit

posted about a year ago

They bet a giveaway of 5 shirts for the opposing team and a video making an ad for the other team in spanish

so kameto will have to speak spanish and say how great TH shirts are and how everyone should buy them


posted about a year ago

nah saw one thread of some dumbass being a bit racist but i do like our countries rivalries especially since r/place and football match between streamers and youtubers we had hope we will get more content

we even did with the deal between Thegregf (i think?) and kameto I hope kameto respect's his part of the deal and makes a banger video for TH

posted about a year ago

i was two secondes away from getting perma banned lil bro watch your mouth

posted about a year ago

xeppa's raze is as good as tenz's jett that's impossible but lets continue
koalanoob is known for his op (tenz too) he can't rifle for shit (tenz can)
Leaf doesn't play jett anymore ?
zekken never played jett
cryo maybe

demon1 (what is blud wafflin bout)
reduxx is literally 15 he can't compete are you dumb ?
bdog is a flex player more than an actual jett player
corey is better on raze than jett
oxy as stated before can't be since he plays in t2
n4rrate didn't even qualify for mid season face off are you dumb ?

in conclusion you stated more raze or flex players than actual jett mains
you named a 15 year old
you named someone who didn't even pass tier 2 play-offs
you named a tier 2 player that hasn't won ANYTHING yet
you named his teamate that doesn't play jett CAUSE they have Tenz
you didn't even name yay LMAO.
only person in here that might be arguable (cause I feel bad from this shit tierlist) might be cryo but very debatable

I mostly think it's my fault from thinking that you were actually gonna try to name 10 DUELIST players that are better / as mechanically leveled as tenz in NA x)

posted about a year ago

a fluke from example is fnatic's win against LOUD shouldn't of happened lets be honest.

posted about a year ago

Congrats on your win tonight, no need to have such ego's and bring race to this

posted about a year ago

nono go on 10 duelist in tier 1 NA that are better or equally as well suited as Tenz

posted about a year ago

saw some threads of people starting to compare both players

please pinpoint 10 players that easily match tenz's mechanical ability in NA

posted about a year ago

you guys can't compare these two

One has won the first biggest tournamnet

the other hasn't won anything

plus tenz plays in tier 1 and oxy is in tier 2 (soon to be in t1 imo)

its too early to start talking about things like this and even in the future this statement is still unsure. but we will see Oxy sure does have potential to be the great (maybe not the greatest)

posted about a year ago

-8/8 bro hltv first then why would tenz retire not even george had speculations of this

at this point you could've baited Tarik's return to pro or stewie2k's csgo comeback or even S1mple career debut in valorant.

posted about a year ago

not baiting just wanted to tell you about an interesting ascent comp

they played it agaisnt TSM so i hopped they play it against G2


posted about a year ago

as you want just wanted to tell you guys what is a cool comp on ascent

posted about a year ago

Watch M80 against G2

M80's ascent comp is very interesting you might learn some things on how to take / retake mid on defense and how well they play retake

The comp is normally : Jett - Breach - Kay/o - Fade - Astra

they decide to not use a sentinel and fight strong mid every round having their breach start deep ct (stun in hand) and he is always the first rotater

posted about a year ago

high elo is 300rr plus in immortal 3 that's considered high elo and actual good players and often seen in 500rr plus immortal games

posted about a year ago

cope more bum

also shit wasn't hard when every you literally linked greedee with everything possible on the internet

good luck in collegiate esport bum

posted about a year ago

yeah go ahead and log off the app for me thanks

ain't no way you put breeze instead of fracture ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

posted about a year ago

true but what would you swap out then ?

posted about a year ago

breeze in ranked bro is a shit hole you either get 0 smokes or get a real smoker

if you get a good smoker you win breeze if you don't you lost plus the op abuse on that map since NO ONE can use abilities to clear shit you just get fucked

posted about a year ago

good system but too little VALORANT maps to start doing this but hopefully soon enough this will happen

posted about a year ago

Funnily enough I did win 360rr peak in NA i have 550ish RR peak in EU that's tough continue practicing in collegiate esport you'll make it lil bro !


posted about a year ago

kick pearl/ icebox/ breeze out and gimme ascent and i agree

posted about a year ago

rank ?

posted about a year ago
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