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Flag: | France |
Registered: | December 8, 2021 |
Last post: | September 1, 2024 at 4:57 AM |
Posts: | 446 |
Why tf he got a furry profile picture, was gonna say 'lost my respect' but after thinking about it its already been lost from Dream and all their weird straight/zestfest
just talked to him he asked me 'who tf is that guy' and went back to instalocking cypher sorry i'll try again l8
ENVY was dogshit in 2021 what are you on? the only reason they got into grand finals was because they only fought against another NA dogshit team🤣🤣 also every NA team were getting clowned on by EMEA in champions 2021, thats why you dont talk about 2021🤣🤣
copium copium LMAO🤣🥱🤡 go ask riot to nerf EMEA like they did in masters reykjavik 2022, its the only way for your dogshit region to win anything ever again🤣🤣🤣'
if you hate a team who doesn't know you, doesn't even have any contact with you, I think you should seek help 🗿
bjor imo is criminally underrated he could've been one of the best hope he can prove himself one day
guys its not bjor or trick
First time i've ever hated a player this much and I truly im happy that this dog is losing both splits this hard hope you stay perma benched or just fucking stop valorant you pathetic bum
im not a tenz fan dumbass my only goat is s0m
I'm ready for the amount of hate I'm gonna get in this thread but it is what it is.
Yes maybe after 5 matches he'll drop 50 against a team and the dickriders will come bandwagoning "Look he's the best player in the world, @RobMoore extend his fuckig contract" please STFU, at this point even SkBotssi (in pajamas) is more consistent than T0nZ. If "he's not feeling well" then fucking quit and let someone else play, you're literally wasting a spot on a prestigious franchised league and making millions. Even zt0l plays better than this guy tbh. He can't even dominate in ranked anymore. Even SicK can make more kills than him in his current mental state fr.
TL;DR for clowns: T0nZ is washed; no one's forcing him to play; he's a burden on t1 val; he should retire.
instead of this type of stun take inspiration of overwatch and make you unmovable for 1 seconds or 1.5 sec so with a breach stun you are forced out of the LOS and when close such as a neon stun you get punished by a stun
if this happens make neon have 1 stun or 2 stuns but 0 bounce
I'm ready for the amount of hate I'm gonna get in this thread but it is what it is.
Yes maybe after 5 matches he'll drop 50 against a team and the dickriders will come bandwagoning "Look he's the best player in the world, @RobMoore extend his fuckig contract" please STFU, at this point even SkBotssi (in pajamas) is more consistent than T0nZ. If "he's not feeling well" then fucking quit and let someone else play, you're literally wasting a spot on a prestigious franchised league and making millions. Even zt0l plays better than this guy tbh. He can't even dominate in ranked anymore. Even SicK can make more kills than him in his current mental state fr.
TL;DR for clowns: T0nZ is washed; no one's forcing him to play; he's a burden on t1 val; he should retire.
dumbass take never speak again ty !!!!!!!!!!!!!
uoy veri stronk
you've got 10 posts solely on those threads LMAOOOO you clearly do you bum
another fucking loser from the tournament user tough times you bum
you've literally been commenting on my shit bro i don't like you
happy birthday as a gift NRG will win 2day
oh I get it you lost your tournament final and you just realised no one likes you on tough times hope you get better and get actual friends :D
get off my dick no ? idk whats your problem you literally spend HOURS on end on just imagine how sad you are you bum
2.2k posts registered 13 January
18.33 posts per day on average for 120 days
It is crazy that you have posted 2200 posts in 120 days just shows how much a fucking nerd you are idk post some shit on instagram / snapchat, no instead lil bro speaks his heart out of AHAHHAAHHAHA what a joke you are /srs
me vs me
em vs me
mE vs Em
me vs mE
you vs me
me vs uoy
blud vs poop
2.2k posts registered 13 January
18.33 posts per day on average for 120 days
It is crazy that you have posted 2200 posts in 120 days just shows how much a fucking nerd you are idk post some shit on instagram / snapchat, no instead lil bro speaks his heart out of AHAHHAAHHAHA what a joke you are /srs
'blud' is from india LMAOOo
VLR user tournament round 1 part 4 vs VLR user tournament round 1 part 3
VLR user tournament round 1 part 1 vs VLR user tournament round 1 part 2
VLR user tournament round 1 part 3 vs VLR user tournament round 1 part 1
VLR user tournament round 1 part 2 vs VLR user tournament round 1 part 4
hf hf :DDD
or yknow that's why he is on the fucking twitch stream ? r u dumb or sum ?
maybe but isn't the time when people are literally force spamming his phone to talk to him (rob moores, shahz, smooya)
that's why his on his stream saying 'it's not that deep guys' kinda making fun of the situation even talking about his shit sova performance not once saying something positive x)
sick is talking w shahz lets hope shahz can make him think right and help him in any way possible.
ight your right man ! just hope he doens't do anything stupid
True, but I have a feeling that if dasnerth was streaming it'd be a different story and he be all over sick saying that his here for him
nah but he can just ask him not to listen to all the dono's asking him to end himself ( he has talked about how he almost died twice so he clearly cares about theses dono) and just tell him that if he needs help after stream he can call him idk just show support cause I know damn well you would like to hear this if you just lost your wife and is doing drugs and alcohol
i think he does but he might not your right about this
yeah streaming is better than not knowing where he is rn
bro is acting like Sick is normal and isn't saying anything actual bum.
continue barking for girls ^-^
he is top rad if you have any friends that are in top rank (top 500 probs) and idk about his servers
yep we are working together to try and make him understand what's happening.
writing this and just heard a dono saying 'no one can stop you apart from a bullet in your head or something' he answered saying yeah man ik what you mean
go on goat streamsnipe him become goat
idk man you seemed like the type but im wrong
true but for a SECOND he could listen man idk its honestly just sad whats happening
sick just waffled about not having eaten in 4 days and discussing on how he almost died twice, im scared for his health.
icl was expecting you to be a edgy loser but you are a good human man <3
Problem is considering how he is right now he will probably only listen to the negative parts of what the community saying and with donations saying 'you should die on stream' or just saying 'grown adult doesn't need help'