Flag: England
Registered: May 23, 2024
Last post: July 7, 2024 at 9:14 AM
Posts: 9

T1 literally peaked during single elim to semi finals, defeating both ts and geng and then goes back to being terrible and carrying it through shanghai. So t1 was actually good during that run.

posted 8 months ago

i feel like PRX GENG DRX are locked, the fourth spot is porlly gonna be either Talon or RRQ. T1 literally peaked during playoffs ffs and goes back to being terrible again.

posted 8 months ago

MiniBoo smirking in the backlines thinking he still got his job.

posted 8 months ago

Lets be fr, PRX DRX GenG clears EU top 4 midass teams.

posted 8 months ago

Do you have any slight clue how does an org or team make a roster decision?

posted 8 months ago

What esports divisions does Secret have in the Philippines besides Valorant? Aside from Valorant, which esports games have a full Filipino or Filipino represented roster? Of course, she’ll be the country manager if she’s the only manager.

And we're talking about replacing or removing players. In the recruitment process, it's either the coach or the manager who emails or contacts the players they want to try out, not the players themselves, though recommendations are allowed. In terms of removing or replacing a player or coach, why would the players or coaches allow a manager who probably knows nothing about competitive Valorant to decide who stays and who leaves? Does that even make any sense to you?

posted 9 months ago

Do you have a clue what the manager does for the team? The team manager does not have any influence on roster or team decisions. It is all up to the management or the players and coaches. Warbirds literally mentioned during his stream that he had a meeting with the management, including the owner, before his departure. Saying it is the wife's decision on what moves they will be making shows how little you know about these types of changes.

posted 9 months ago

It's either via players voting or the organization itself deciding who leaves and who stays. There's no nepotism in that concept.

posted 9 months ago

Literally thought they increased their budget on the team by getting an assistant coach that will help warbirds. But it turns out he’ll just be an assistant coach to gain a bit of xp and waited out Warbirds contract to expire allowing dummy to be the new head coach lol.

posted 9 months ago