Flag: India
Registered: September 8, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 6:15 AM
Posts: 53

Lol this is me

posted 10 months ago

It's ok adding a gun atleast changes something in this stale game

posted about a year ago

I think it's better if u do this on Twitter

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I think last year's roster was better lol

posted about a year ago

if u die then how will u see it ?

posted about a year ago

They consider Bangladeshia also as Indians lmao . Call it Akhand Bharat

posted about a year ago

Where lol

posted about a year ago

All the self-proclaimed reporters/leakers aren't leaking anything to the reactions becoz they said it's too surprising/funny So my guess is he going to C9(L9)

posted about a year ago

he wont get it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ya why does cHInA have 2 slots and emea only 4 , riot sobraindead only for viewership so ssadddd

posted about a year ago

just tell me ur pissed cause drx lose lmao

posted about a year ago

why is he called keith ?

posted about a year ago

frame rate of monitor/desktop maybe the reason , i think in india most people play with 60fps

posted about a year ago

omg didnt expect blg to be this good

posted about a year ago

Personally i want faker to win after many years due to his determination

posted about a year ago

ya maybe but me

posted about a year ago

ya who elso got some sense
in this fking shithole of forum

posted about a year ago

Whole vlr npcs in the post

posted about a year ago

#ge fighting if they win they for sure make playoffs

posted about a year ago

If yes then whats the probability ?

posted about a year ago

i play on euw , heard matchmaking takes a lot of time in singapore
jee ke liye padlo

posted about a year ago

If sen wins I will stop wasting time by playing this game

posted about a year ago

are u a fake flagger ?

posted about a year ago

ya pls if u can

posted about a year ago

Skrossi not awping on sova or kj and breaking economy

posted about a year ago

*South Indians above 40 years+++

posted about 2 years ago

nah the teams that won today are same even before franchising

posted about 2 years ago

For others who are saying cricket is not fun they hadn't played it . If u play cricket and understand the complexity of the game u will find it interesting and fun

posted about 2 years ago

Maths I got 3 advanced 1st paper

posted about 2 years ago

Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together, I notice she meows randomly in middle of conversations like she does in valorant and she told me she wants to bark at random strangers especially children weird but I dont mind cause I was fine with it in valorant. We went to Canada's wonderland after (better than Disney world imo and never been there) that's when I started getting comfortable with her hanging my hand on her shoulder whenever Im tired. she asked me to hold hands, at first I said no but we did hold hands eventually. At night we went to jollibe for her first time, she liked it. Then night ended. Should I go for another date, if so any tips?Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together, I notice she meows randomly in middle of conversations like she does in valorant and she told me she wants to bark at random strangers especially children weird but I dont mind cause I was fine with it in valorant. We went to Canada's wonderland after (better than Disney world imo and never been there) that's when I started getting comfortable with her hanging my hand on her shoulder whenever Im tired. she asked me to hold hands, at first I said no but we did hold hands eventually. At night we went to jollibe for her first time, she liked it. Then night ended. Should I go for another date, if so any tips?Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together, I notice she meows randomly in middle of conversations like she does in valorant and she told me she wants to bark at random strangers especially children weird but I dont mind cause I was fine with it in valorant. We went to Canada's wonderland after (better than Disney world imo and never been there) that's when I started getting comfortable with her hanging my hand on her shoulder whenever Im tired. she asked me to hold hands, at first I said no but we did hold hands eventually. At night we went to jollibe for her first time, she liked it. Then night ended. Should I go for another date, if so any tips?Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together, I notice she meows randomly in middle of conversations like she does in valorant and she told me she wants to bark at random strangers especially children weird but I dont mind cause I was fine with it in valorant. We went to Canada's wonderland after (better than Disney world imo and never been there) that's when I started getting comfortable with her hanging my hand on her shoulder whenever Im tired. she asked me to hold hands, at first I said no but we did hold hands eventually. At night we went to jollibe for her first time, she liked it. Then night ended. Should I go for another date, if so any tips?Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together, I notice she meows randomly in middle of conversations like she does in valorant and she told me she wants to bark at random strangers especially children weird but I dont mind cause I was fine with it in valorant. We went to Canada's wonderland after (better than Disney world imo and never been there) that's when I started getting comfortable with her hanging my hand on her shoulder whenever Im tired. she asked me to hold hands, at first I said no but we did hold hands eventually. At night we went to jollibe for her first time, she liked it. Then night ended. Should I go for another date, if so any tips?Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together, I notice she meows randomly in middle of conversations like she does in valorant and she told me she wants to bark at random strangers especially children weird but I dont mind cause I was fine with it in valorant. We went to Canada's wonderland after (better than Disney world imo and never been there) that's when I started getting comfortable with her hanging my hand on her shoulder whenever Im tired. she asked me to hold hands, at first I said no but we did hold hands eventually. At night we went to jollibe for her first time, she liked it. Then night ended. Should I go for another date, if so any tips?Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together, I notice she meows randomly in middle of conversations like she does in valorant and she told me she wants to bark at random strangers especially children weird but I dont mind cause I was fine with it in valorant. We went to Canada's wonderland after (better than Disney world imo and never been there) that's when I started getting comfortable with her hanging my hand on her shoulder whenever Im tired. she asked me to hold hands, at first I said no but we did hold hands eventually. At night we went to jollibe for her first time, she liked it. Then night ended. Should I go for another date, if so any tips?Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together, I notice she meows randomly in middle of conversations like she does in valorant and she told me she wants to bark at random strangers especially children weird but I dont mind cause I was fine with it in valorant. We went to Canada's wonderland after (better than Disney world imo and never been there) that's when I started getting comfortable with her hanging my hand on her shoulder whenever Im tired. she asked me to hold hands, at first I said no but we did hold hands eventually. At night we went to jollibe for her first time, she liked it. Then night ended. Should I go for another date, if so any tips?Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together, I notice she meows randomly in middle of conversations like she does in valorant and she told me she wants to bark at random strangers especially children weird but I dont mind cause I was fine with it in valorant. We went to Canada's wonderland after (better than Disney world imo and never been there) that's when I started getting comfortable with her hanging my hand on her shoulder whenever Im tired. she asked me to hold hands, at first I said no but we did hold hands eventually. At night we went to jollibe for her first time, she liked it. Then night ended. Should I go for another date, if so any tips?Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together, I notice she meows randomly in middle of conversations like she does in valorant and she told me she wants to bark at random strangers especially children weird but I dont mind cause I was fine with it in valorant. We went to Canada's wonderland after (better than Disney world imo and never been there) that's when I started getting comfortable with her hanging my hand on her shoulder whenever Im tired. she asked me to hold hands, at first I said no but we did hold hands eventually. At night we went to jollibe for her first time, she liked it. Then night ended. Should I go for another date, if so any tips?Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together,

posted about 2 years ago

Chamber meta is very boring in game hold angle for half the game

posted about 2 years ago

Name : cashvxm
Registered 10th june 2022
All posts on enigma match looks like someone has a lot of free time. And I am intrigued if this is a fake flagger.

posted about 2 years ago

i think the delays maybe due to today being first day of tournament , from tomorow hopefully this will be fixed

posted about 2 years ago

Ya once I was in bronze 3 and really want to go to silver but my rank was fluctuating . Then i created a new account and was placed in silver 2 lol πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

posted about 3 years ago

What’s your rank tho then we can feel the intensity of badluck

posted about 3 years ago

Twitch bleed esports
Link is above in this link page in streams section

posted about 3 years ago

They will give sea +sa +oce 2 slots so most likely 2 sea teams will qualify

posted about 3 years ago

my aim sucks anyway with any crosshair , all i do is rng close range (Precise gunplay ) .

posted about 3 years ago

when is tsm match ?

posted about 3 years ago

I dont think anyone who plays computer games lack food to satisfy hunger

posted about 3 years ago

In his bootcamp

posted about 3 years ago

Nth carried by Tenn even though he plays sentinel and sova

posted about 3 years ago

Damn Nth are feeling themselves this tourney

posted about 3 years ago

Did he ask for Upvote or Downvote u sure mate ?

posted about 3 years ago