Flag: India
Registered: November 15, 2021
Last post: February 4, 2025 at 2:09 AM
Posts: 69
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posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

*3 months..He will be able to reapply in Feb.

posted 2 months ago

But zeta has only 2 of the OG core players, whereas NS core has been since close to 6 months. I don't think experience of only 2 players will matter that much as at the end the team with better chemistry will win.

posted 2 months ago

I think you did NS bad..they are insane man. They cant get 1st rounded.(Not biased)

posted 2 months ago

Termi isnt evven coaching rn.He is in vacation

posted 3 months ago

The last 2 kills were a no scope flick and still right clicked the guy instead of panicking and left clicking he right clicked his ass.That was insane.. My man had primary,secondary and knife kill in a span of 3 seconds

posted 3 months ago

That shit was so funny.. He got aura ngl

posted 3 months ago

Is he? He was good in patches but lacked the consistency. Maybe he could have done better than hoax or deecee, but would it have been a major change in results? Idts

posted 3 months ago

I don't wanna brag how much I watch Valo(india and intl) just to prove a point, but think why the change was made. Techno the best player on smokes in this team was made to play flex on every map, because they were maybe having issues. They have a 6 man roster and they are trying trying to balance the roster. + u saying maka was the best player when he is literally not the best in the roster in split 3 in terms of stats or anything. That's why I said it wouldn't have changed anything.

posted 3 months ago

ohh yes, definitely makaveli is their aspas.. Bhai it was a like for like change,, maybe a lil bit downgrade but nothing that will change everything

posted 3 months ago

they will play 2 vct apac and 2 vct cn teams rest are tier 2

posted 3 months ago

Thanks for your concern

posted 3 months ago
Man never seen G2 gozen breakdown like this, hope they win the next champs

posted 3 months ago

Thanks Bro

posted 3 months ago

Bro PatrickWho/PatrickWatson is Yokam only. Maybe you are talking about the 6th player

posted 4 months ago

Watch gxr now bro

posted 4 months ago

"Venka and Techno peaked at split 2" is a very important thing you are undermining. They outperformed the imports in their own squad into single handedly carrying in some of the maps, and why am I focusing on split 2 because that tournament mattered the most. You can also add rossi into this argument because he also had good stats in split 2, but his consistent underperformance in international stage is hurting his own team. Rawfiul,karam1l are good shout agreed but based on recent performances(sample size of 20+) games, venka and techno undoubtedly outperformed the names mentioned. There is a reason why young players have a very good potential, that's why I am emphasizing on this 2 names. Rawfiul can be insane if he leaves that team and joins a more structured team.

posted 4 months ago

Bro 90% of the stats you have shown is against SA players only. So only Indian players will come on the top.. Split1, split2, these are the tourneys where it mattered. I cant go on saying C9 will be insane team only because they won in Redbull NA champs. They have to perform good where it matters the most

posted 4 months ago

The reason I am giving these two names because they are young in age and have outgrinded everyone else(especially techno). Now going by the names you provided

  1. Deathmaker- For me would have been the best player of India only if his work ethic wasn't shit. He is a Saturday party culture lover and see his no of ranked games played. i know he has raw talent and will outfrag everyone but in game knowledge increases only by playing. So in short fragging prowess is off charts but in game knowledge is shit. I know he had some wrist issues, but this scene is unforgiving, so it sucks but it is what it is
  2. Rawfiul - For me he is an insane player trapped in a wrong team, or I would say he is under an wrong leadership.
    The leader makes his team believe that they can outfrag anyone but take this team outside of SA, and we all know the result.
  3. Hoax - He is good but of all the names mentioned here he is dead last. He is decent igl and decent flex.
  4. Karam1l - Insane potential but he is in a team for max 1 month before hopping to another. If he gets into a stable org he will do insane, but I have heard he has comms issues(I might be wrong)
    But please dont show me split 3 stats, OG team didn't have the actual roster playing,neither was RVNT playing . It was just a off season tourney, so stats from this tourney dont matter
posted 4 months ago

Venka and Techno
Ok leave Gentlem8, what about Koi(spanish),KC(French), Giantx(spanish), Heretics(spanish), Vitality(French).

posted 4 months ago

There is potential among the 10 players agreed, but I like to name this 2 players because they perform consistently in challengers and they grind hard in ranked, and leaving this 2 everyone else has only countable days where they perform insane and hope everyone to remember that 1 insane performance.
Indian representative gave chances to Indians in both the seasons but did they perform good? One more funny fact you wanna know Gentlem8 literally won ascension with all french roster but still decided to bring foreign players and not continue with the all french team since they finished last in the prev season and this year it is their make or break season. If an all indian team guarentees we wont win anything, why will someone wanna try that in 1st place? only to prove their patriotism?

posted 4 months ago

GE isn't a superstar org with huge amount of funding to rope in star players and then we expect them to go far and beyond, so they tried out the heretics approach of taking cracked tier-2 pros unknown to most of the public but trust me the scouters are hyped about the signings. They are cracked but dont have the exposure, so one can only hope them to click, but if they click, trust me we might do something good in pacific stage. Coming to your 1st topic, it is true if we keep on having the loser mentality the scene will die, that's where I have an issue with GE. For me they should have created the academy pipeline 2 years ago.. Because in india the orgs are so shit, that they take a cracked individual who has no experience and they expect him to perform or they get kicked out. For ex - RGE. So I hope the academy pipeline thing works wonders for GE and they execute it to its true potential, and many other orgs follow the same footstep.

posted 4 months ago

They touched the ping topic(about how dos9 reached top 4-5 radiant) in their video. While I hard agree on the ping topic, do you think except the best 2 indian pros, anyone else would have given miraculous stats while playing in singapore server?

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

figure of speech bro.. I wont go and riot infront of their office

posted 4 months ago

I know most of might think they are criticising Indian players which means they dont want indian players, but no one is proving the theory wrong also.. Trust me once Techno or Venka will top the charts in challengers or ascension, I will literally riot if they dont get into GE.

posted 4 months ago

I dont think you know the most part of tryouts that was happening..It was open to all, + why do you think they were rejected? Techno went till last stages of tryouts whereas many pros(outside of India) were out.. You ask yourself who are the deserving ones from our country and the no wil be either one or two. For me the best deserving was techno but as far as i want to have him in the roster there is literally Sultan who was top in stats in both challengers and ascension. Leave him he was an import, they have papichulo who literally carried NAOS. Now do you want him to go on a home quota and tick off the deserving ones?

posted 4 months ago

what is indian? btw most of us like to speak hinglish(hindi+english) it is common fo us

posted 4 months ago

Naah for me you are a generational hater..

posted 4 months ago

So b/w kr1stal and papichulo, who it is?

posted 4 months ago

Who is the okayish player.. Btw props to you for being a generational hater of GE.

posted 4 months ago

2 nd screenshot 4 October ka hai, and it is already known there are no indians in the lineup..

posted 4 months ago
  1. Agreed, but I guess with ample amount of time it is possible to create a good team. But it is in the hands of coach because he has to tame the players. So the coach will make or break the team.
  2. Talents are currently upcoming in here although not at a pace like Japan, korea etc but a few handful are there. They need proper guidance to do good.
posted 4 months ago

I agree, but atleast we can know if they are shit or good. If they perform super well, we can argue the player have a potential. By super well I mean top 4 atleast.. If we get minimum 2 insane players trust me the academy team will be called a success.

posted 4 months ago

Let see first before talking shit..+ the academy team will participate in VCL SA.. judge them during that time, not now

posted 4 months ago

But with the Academy team they are cooking, if it succeeds trust me that will be a boon to our country. Talent pipelines are very important to grow good players. So I guess you can support India in that way.

posted 4 months ago

But I think since the bundle sales for GE were low(just guessing) and India is a huge mkt, riot may have warned GE about this. So doesn't matter Indian or non indian, if they perform insanely good this time, they might go the heretics way. They didnt have much local support earlier compared to other spanish orgs, but after the performancxe their fandom increased

posted 4 months ago

For the initial season i guess thy tried to go in huge with big names but once it flopped, they went to the budget roster+ regular performance from indians in ascension didnt help the cause either. it was like have a chance maybe with intl or guarenteed bottom of the table finish with full Indian roster. And I dont think we would have rallied behind GE if they would have gone last place with all indian roster

posted 4 months ago

both very nation proud countries with the exception that indo has very good players to pick up from, whereas India has none

posted 4 months ago

Short term decision yeah, but it is to save their own asses or they might have the bleed treatment if the rumored 2025 reinspection of GE will it's their make or break season

posted 4 months ago

Yup agreed, that roster could have been so good, but the issue was that roster was never gonna do well in a stipulated time + there was visa issues in the initial season making it difficult to have an ingame chemistry + texture comms were an issue coz of english+ 7 man roster and rotating it every now and then.. It was doomed to fail+ ge didnt have the budget to hold that roster for a long time.

posted 4 months ago

Well you are underestimating the craze of Valorant there was in India during the franchise season and it would have been stupid of Riot to not make an Indian team.

posted 4 months ago
  • if they have a successful academy team, that would be more beneficial to valo ecosystem in India, rather than haing an Indian player in T1.
posted 4 months ago

GE isn't an Indian team, but they are an Indian org. As you said its their make or break season.. so they should go all out and get the best possible roster rather than having the Indian quota sytem having a permanent Indian player regardless if there are better players over him.. Criticize them if they perform poorly after that, but tbh this is the best roster cooking they have done since the franchise inception.

posted 4 months ago
  1. India watches english watchparty more than hindi, so we can't find a correct viewership amount, but its huge. For South Asia challengers peak was 13 k which is decent keeping in mind we had a 33 k concurrent watching during early stage of valorant matches, so yeah craze has dropped but still sizeable amount of ppl watch
  2. Between you two
    3.Don't know the context
  3. Binks,tbone. (Views while watching champs final) vs Bleed)
    tbone has significantly less no, but go through binks channel and watch all the viewershiphs.

Sorry I replied 2 times.

posted 4 months ago
  1. India watches english watchparty more than hindi, so we can't find a correct viewership amount, but its huge. For South Asia challengers peak was 13 k which is decent keeping in mind we had a 33 k concurrent watching during early stage of valorant matches, so yeah craze has dropped but still sizeable amount of ppl watch
  2. Between you two
    3.Don't know the context
  3. Binks,tbone.
posted 4 months ago

An org never dictates the playerbase bro.. The ratio between casual players and players who follow esports is like 6:1.,and I am not speculating this. Earlier yesterday Anna said Val has hit 35m playerbase, and now compare it with the most watched final or take the most watch tourney of Val.. Its more than 6:1 . So yeah Indian playerbase is huge not bcoz of GE agreed, but that shouldn't be the case too. People play the game bcoz they like the game not bcoz their fav esports team is playing the game.

posted 4 months ago

Why tf will they do it earlier, when literally there is no operational issues, payment issues? The performance issue is there but they are trying good this year. If you want to demote because of their performance, then DFM, BBL, KOI ,Giants all will be demoted or if you want them to demote beccause they dont have representation from the region they represent then heretics, KOI, Giants , KC , Vitality, they will also need to get demoted.

posted 4 months ago
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