Flag: Indonesia
Registered: August 2, 2021
Last post: November 9, 2021 at 2:40 AM
Posts: 3

Nah Wardell and Subroza still one of the best player in NA they just need a right support and team play style to make the reborn as a team. Wardell is willing to take less op and use rifle on attacking. Subroza just need to have a right role with his play style and thats not a smoke IMO

posted about 2 years ago

IMO TSM have to Keep Levi. Levi is a pretty good sova nerd, one of the best in NA on Sova. The only missing link is a decent smoker in TSM, you can't give subroza smoke roles, he will lose the aggresive tendency/TSM will lose smoker (Die fast) because of his aggresive play style. If Hazed play smokes, TSM still have to look for decent Sentinel, but i think is best for hazed play sentinels. But i think i kinda agree with hazed step up for coach role, pretty good experience in Tier 1 FPS game and very often disscussed with Chet

posted about 2 years ago

No wonder it you have Fnatic icon that means you follow EU scene more than NA scene. If you follow the NA scene this would never be a question i guess

posted about 2 years ago