Flag: United States
Registered: May 24, 2021
Last post: July 8, 2024 at 12:18 AM
Posts: 25

Yes bc c9 loses tie breaker with both even if they beat KRU

posted 8 months ago

I really hope all these players being released as the orgs get out can find other teams to join, as players like poiz and stanni deserve to be playing

posted about 2 years ago

well if they win then they will have 7 map wins whereas BIG and M3C can only get 6 or 5 respectively

posted about 2 years ago

BBL fully out as in the case everyone loses M3C still has tiebreaker over BBL

posted about 2 years ago

big loses

Actually Big need to win for NAVI to qual as M3C still has tiebreaker over them

posted about 2 years ago

Yes for title question but if Big win and M3C lose and Navi win then Navi takes the three-way tie through map wins (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) but if Navi lose then Big gets in

posted about 2 years ago

Personally with how few top tier igls there are currently I would put zander at 1 and move wardell due to wardell mostly being a chamber player and not a ton of flexibility and zanders added impact of igling is so huge

posted about 2 years ago

I've never done a huge amount of shit talking 100T but i really wasn't didn't like the old roster but this new iteration of them with the coaching and everything I really like and I have always been a Derrek supporter so idk if its a bandwagon or just supporting a new 100T that looks very promising

posted about 2 years ago

That's why co streams have been a major asset of Riot to help add some community element to the events, though i do agree there needs to be a lot more LANs and such

posted about 2 years ago

I am not even sure if winner of Masters 2 get a free slot into champs bc on the future plan they gave points to the winner of Masters 2 not a slot into champs

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

The bracket looks really cool, I love how they finally have meaning for seeding and how fourth seed has a massive disadvantage, and depending on the number of slots NA gets, the winners of groups only have to win one or two games to go to Masters, hopefully some close playoffs with these stacked groups!

posted about 2 years ago

For V1 I think Wardell played fine its just that wippie is such an important player for this team that no one could really fill in

posted about 2 years ago

One reason could be due to ping issues and easier for those players in eastern Europe to play in CIS rather than having high ping for EU, although I could be wrong as I am not super familiar with the ping situation in EMEA.

posted about 2 years ago

Guard 2-1 I am so very excited for this game!

posted about 3 years ago

I just heckin love Saya and The Guard from The Guard

posted about 3 years ago

What younger players? Most of this roster has been in the scene a long time or have played for a long time in CS, at this point they should have the responsibility to be accountable for individual mistakes, but at this point I think it is just a deep structural mismanagement.

posted about 3 years ago

unfortunately it very much was not

posted about 3 years ago

I agree, C9 are some serious underdogs never to be taken lightly even when playing the incredible favorites of THE GUARD.

posted about 3 years ago

honestly with the performance keznit had a champs i think he could be pretty high

posted about 3 years ago

Maybe someone like leaf or maybe Heat?

posted about 3 years ago

I love the Valorant Crisis (cartoon one) spectre

posted about 3 years ago

Why can't people just accept that both games have a devoted fan base and neither is on track to "die" anytime soon. You can't ignore the amazing history of CS but at the same time you can't ignore the potential and success of Val considering its very young age.

posted about 3 years ago

In the Turkey challengers 1 it says "Oxygen had knocked down SuperMassive Blaze, who were then forced to rise from the ashes. They did so, eliminating OtherSide and SuperMassive Blaze in Bo3 matches" But Blaze knocked out FireFlux in the lowers.

posted about 3 years ago