Flag: Australia
Registered: February 26, 2024
Last post: August 15, 2024 at 11:37 AM
Posts: 10

So you watched the draw but did not understand a single word that was said about the draw. Lev was moved to G2 because they JUST played TE in the group stage and the same reason for FNC being moved to TH. And I know that if the draws were to go as you mentioned, LEV and TE would have to both win their first playoff games to face each other and even then, I feel that its a bit too early to watch the same shit no? Them moving to the lower half of the upper bracket makes it so that they would only face each other in one of the finals, which would then make the game interesting as they would be playing to either go into the grands or play for the trophy. And again, for the 100000000th time I'm explaining it to someone. The first games have nothing at stake except for reaching the grands a game or two quicker, which for a viewer isn't really interesting. NOW, LOOK AT THE BRACKET AND HOW JUICY THESE MATCHES ARE AND ALL BECAUSE OF THE REGIONAL MATCH UPS. We have all 4 different regions playing eliminations games. ISN'T THAT WAYYYYYYYYY MORE EXCITING?

posted 6 months ago

It makes sense to me. Group stage rematches aren’t allowed in upper bracket and it was clearly a random draw as seen on live broadcast so no riot didn't say "this team cant be on this side of the playoff bracket" . Just sucks to have regional match ups and even then most people don't watch every region but most likely do watch every international tournamnets and idk bout you guys but I'd rather not watch the same shit 2 days later. Aside from the fact that the draws were completely fair, to win the whole tournament, whether it be the first game or the grand finals, you gotta be able to beat the best to be the best. I don't understand how people cant seem to grasp this simple concept. Why complain? just because your team may have a "hard route" doesn't mean that its rigged. I say "hard route" as trace beat lev. And on top of that, we're sill in the upper brackets so there are no stakes on these matches. These regional match ups guarantee that in the lower bracket, where its actually fight or die, we will have different regions knocking each other out of the tournament which to me is a million times more interesting. This was the best case scenario.

posted 6 months ago

you are all retarded. SEN CITY UP BABY KEEP HATING!

posted 6 months ago

Ohhh got it. Thanks for clarification.

posted 10 months ago

I just watched a fns clip where he said that all of group alpha will make playoffs if the bottom teams from group omega don’t get a single win. Idk if he was reading chat cos the clip was short and off context. I thought it was top 3 from each group. Someone explain pls.

posted 10 months ago

It’s not. Bros just a salty Navi fan. Just look at his posts, he’s ignorant, delusional, narcissistic and apparently racist. And names himself meowchan that cringe little shit.

posted 11 months ago

Just shut it bruv. You are embarrassing yourself. The fact that you think that every team that made it to Madrid got there by fluke is a JOKE. It tells me that you didn't watch any matches or you're at max silver and have 0 knowledge of how the game is played even at a fundamental level. NRG just got outplayed and outaimed. They had to win that sunset game in which they won both pistols, an eco and that round where they stuck the defuse and despite that SEN brought it to OT and closed it out. Split was as one-sided as one-sided can be and ascent is one of SEN's weaker maps. FNC played shit. They didn't change shit and got hard anti-stratted. SO TELL ME, WHO? WHO? WHO? would've made this masters more than just a 'mid' competition. YOU BRAINDEAD FUCKING IDIOT. I didn't watch pacific so no clue what went wrong with T1 and DRX but as for EMEA and AMERICAS, these four teams deserved it because they played the best valorant in their region. Do me a favour and delete your account.

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

How can I get that sen logo nest to my name?

posted about a year ago

This right here is what you call a fineable statement. Bro is blind, deaf, mute and delusional. Honestly don't know how he typed this.

posted about a year ago