Flag: Iceland
Registered: December 3, 2021
Last post: April 7, 2022 at 5:49 PM
Posts: 77
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ctrc+c ctrl+v from other post, if i'm to put my money on someone i would definitely pick Liquid over KRU, PRX, XERXIA and NIP.

""Honestly very hard to tell who is the favorite here, if FPX was in i would probably say they were the favorites.
At the top 5 anyone can win honestly, Liquid and DRX are the "dark horses' for me since a lot of people are counting them off, below top 7 i would be very surprised if any of the other teams wins.

1 - G2
2 - OpTic
3 - The Guard
5 - LOUD
7 - DRX
8 - KRU
9 - PRX
10 - NIP
12 - ZETA.""

posted about 2 years ago

for real lol

posted about 2 years ago

yes lmao

posted about 2 years ago

True, i was ScreaM's chair.

posted about 2 years ago

Have seem a lot of people (mostly Brazilians) believing that ''loud 13-0d a top EMEA teams with Aspas dropping 38 kills'', from a commentary made on Plat Chat podcast.
Ofc everyone that watched the entire context knows they were just joking around, and people know that usually scrims don't end on who makes 13 rounds first.

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly very hard to tell who is the favorite here, if FPX was in i would probably say they were the favorites.
At the top 5 anyone can win honestly, Liquid and DRX are the "dark horses' for me since a lot of people are counting them off, below top 7 i would be very surprised if any of the other teams wins.

1 - G2
2 - OpTic
3 - The Guard
5 - LOUD
7 - DRX
8 - KRU
9 - PRX
10 - NIP
12 - ZETA

posted about 2 years ago

Updated DRX, NiP and OpTic.

posted about 2 years ago

As someone who likes to play Split and win most games, i would say it's heavily dependent on comp and players playstyle.
for me the ideal comp for this map is:

Sage (for me Sage is untouchable on this map)
Raze (the best duelist for this map)
Breach (Breach is really strong on this map, he can help the team from far distances and is very useful to take control of mid and A site)
Chamber (this is the only one up to preference for me, you can switch him for Kayo, Skye or even Killjoy/Cypher, depends on what your team is most comfortable with)
Omen or Brimstone (their skills match the map a lot)

posted about 2 years ago

LOUD Sacy and Aspas played at same team with KRU NagZ and Mazino:

posted about 2 years ago

thanks, i added their profiles.

posted about 2 years ago

thanks :)

posted about 2 years ago

True, Aspas is just taking all the stats now lol i would like to see Sacy playing duo with someone else.

posted about 2 years ago

Yes, profiles are private by default. They need to make a login on the site and give permission or get Radiant so their profile becomes public for everyone to see.

posted about 2 years ago

Me too, but i don't think they have too much time to grind ranked, they are probably going to scrim a lot this week. Lets just hope we get to know some scrimbux haha

posted about 2 years ago

thank you! also the HS% on yay... no wonder why he got banned lmao

posted about 2 years ago

These are the ones i have at the moment, I will keep updating them as soon as i find other players profiles.
If you find someone post in comments. (most teams still haven't arrived in Iceland yet)


KRÜ Esports:

Rb: (private)
Zest: (private)
stax: (private)

Marved: (private)
FNS: (private)

FNATIC: (regular account as they are already from EU).

G2: (regular account as they are already from EU).

Team Liquid: (regular account as they are already from EU).

Bezn1: (private)
Jonn: (private)
Bnj: (private)
Xand: (private)
Cauanzin: (private)

The Guard:
Trent: (private)
Sayaplayer: (private)
valyn: (private)
JonahP: (private)
neT: (private)

posted about 2 years ago

I believe he said before he doesn't enjoy playing duelist/entry that much and always wanted to try Sova, he was like the main duelist back in GL days but i think he didin't felt confortable OPing or using jett also. I can imagine that people expecting him to drop 30 kills every game must be a lot of pressure too, but that's just what i think.
He still using Raze on some maps like Split/Fracture, and i personally think he is doing alright with Sova, good player at trading and clutch, just need to mastery the agent skills.

posted about 2 years ago

he and khalil are my favorites for this role, but isn't there a rule that only 2 foreigners are allowed on a team? So I think the only way is to complete the team with a player from BR.

posted about 2 years ago

made a good start of the year, but he's yet to prove himself i think, definitely someone to look at in the near future tho.

posted about 2 years ago

yes i edited now, mb

posted about 2 years ago

Was just randomly thinking about that, wouldn't that team be insane good?

Brazil - Heat (Duelist)
Chile - Keznit (Flex)
Brazil - Mwzera (initiator)
Argentina - Nozwerr - (Sentinel + Viper)
Not sure about who would play Controller tho since there's a big lack of good players. Any thoughts?

not counting LOUD team, they are already a superteam by themselves i would not change any player.

posted about 2 years ago

BR ja tem um super time com a Loud, era o que a gente precisava pra ter chances lá fora. Mas temos potencial pra ter pelo menos mais um time, mwzera e heat muito acima do resto.
É algo meio improvável de acontecer mas no momento acho que a melhor chance seria meio que juntar Keyd + Furia

Todo respeito aos players mas Jhow e V1xen tem que sair, Murizz tem mira mas é super inconsistente, talvez mudar de funçao ou sei lá.

posted about 3 years ago

I was committed to reach Radiant, so i was playing 7-8 games a day, it was harsh lol i can only imagine how stressful a pro routine is.

posted about 3 years ago

I created an alt account with the goal to reach the highest rank i could get in 14 days, with VOICE CHAT COMPLETELY DISABLED and comm using only the ingame tools.
I played exactly 100 ranked games with a 71% win rate of 71W/29L and reach Immortal 3 with 377RR peak. (soloQ only)
what I noticed with this is that i was able to be more focused on my own gameplay and my overall stats increased compared to my main account, i also had much less stressful games and i was able to play for longer without getting tilted.

I'm just a casual player and average immortal player, today i finally played on my main account with voice chat ON, and after going negative in one game two guys called me "bad, fat, depressive, KYS", at this point my willingness to play the rest of the game was 0.
I've never been the "mute all" type of person despite what people are saying ingame, but after that i would highly recommend anyone to instantly mute annoying/toxic teammates as soon as they start talking sh*t if you want a better ranked experience. Is actually crazy that ammount of free toxicity there is.

tl;dr: disable voice chat can help you develop your own gameplay and avoid stress if you just want a chill gameplay.
(not saying you should play voice chat OFF, but that can be an option if you are having a bad ranked experience).

posted about 3 years ago

i don't know much about China in valorant but i bet they have some weird nicknames, china players likes to use the weirdest names on every game lol

posted about 3 years ago

can't agree more, this gun is cringe

posted about 3 years ago

swap Ascent with Split and we good hahah jk
but i kinda like split, actually looking on my match history i have 10/10 wins on split this week

posted about 3 years ago

breeze is the worst map, only people that enjoy it are jett op mains and viper nerds. viper also is just the most annoying agent on this map.

posted about 3 years ago

I agree, I hate to play attack, sometimes i kill about 20 in defense and only 2/3 in attack, and that's when I have a good team because as i play Sova most of the time it's a 3v5 depending on whether your team can entry frag or defend the opposite site. This map is so bad to play on ranked really

posted about 3 years ago

yeah maybe it just varies from different people, i see a lot of people saying they like Ascent lol i really don't know what should i do to enjoy playing Ascent really, you can see how much i'm inconsistent on Ascent if you compare with Bind that is one of my favorites maps

posted about 3 years ago

I understand what u are saying, what i mean is that the utillity usage in this map is overwhelming to deal with. Maybe is just my playstyle, i mostly play Sova, so maybe it is more fun to insta lock jett and dash on site every round.

posted about 3 years ago

i think Fracture is not that bad, after you really learn the map it starts to get better

posted about 3 years ago

i think it is too much based on agent skills/ultimates, every round seems very chaotic and with Astra meta it is so boring, OPing in this map is specially annoying also. Seems hard to get a fair gun fight, is usually people using all utility, a lot of run n' gun and so on.
Is just something that every time i play on this map i think it's super boring and i go negative usually.

posted about 3 years ago

maps tier list based on ranked games, not competitive scene.
after spamming ranked the entire week:

OK: Fracture, Split, Haven, Bind
Bad: Icebox
Trash: Ascent, Breeze

i actually have been enjoying Fracture lately, the Beta maps are still the best ones to date tbh
maps like breeze and ascent makes me want to quit, every game is these maps are so boring

make your own tier list

posted about 3 years ago

This time is for real lol i could name much more it is hard to choose. no order:
Mikasa Ackerman
Saeko Busujima
Chitoge Kirisaki

posted about 3 years ago

gorilla girl >

posted about 3 years ago

It's been a few years since I watched Golden Time, i was just putting my favorites on the same anime as the OP. but i need watch again because i can't remember anything lol

posted about 3 years ago

1- Yotsuba Nakano
2- Shoko Makinohara
3 - Nana Hayashida

posted about 3 years ago

bro it really depends on your hardware and personal preference, you should try it yourself and see what fits you best
but as my own expecience trying many settings over the years this is what i think works better, at least for me:

  • if you are playing at a lower resolution or games that you need better visibility set it to balanced/quality.
  • games that you play at native resolution or high res everything on low/performance.
    at valorant i play on 1920x1080 everything on low/off, remember to turn on NVIDIA reflex low latency.
    also, putting everything on low doesn't always mean you'll get better FPS, i sometimes get a smoother frame rate by increasing some settings.
    u can tell me if you need help with something or have any questions :)
posted about 3 years ago

quit being delusional

posted about 3 years ago

we can make 2/3 good teams atm looking at the best case scenario. the problem is that we don't have many prospects players and looking at ranked leaderboards and upcoming teams i can't see that changing soon. but since val is a new born game this may start to change over the course of next year.

posted about 3 years ago

thanks man, i agree with you. i'm cheering for NV, i want to see some spicy match ups coming now on playoffs.

posted about 3 years ago

basically people overhyping BR an entire year and not accepting the fact that we are not top tier and should get better instead of being blindly biased.

posted about 3 years ago

yeah that's right hahah or sucking "gringo' balls lol

posted about 3 years ago

yes LCQ also exceeded my expectations, I hope that KR and BR can learn from this experience and be better at upcoming events.

posted about 3 years ago

Long text but i was also waiting for a long time to post this

For 1 year i've been talking with friends and seeing other people talk on Social Media about the BR scene.
I always said the we were weak and had no chance of competing against major regions and that the best way to improving was to admit that.
If you look at BR top 100 ranked leaderboards it was always a bunch of tier 3, streamers and random players/kids. The pro teams were all formed by friends, players that nobody knew before and people that constatly underperforms and shoul've not even be there. This was a fact, and yet people choose to overhype everyone based on 1 or 2 players performances.
At reykjavik hype was over the roof, but after the games everyone could see that we were not ready. But it wasn't enough.
At berlin 3, there was less hype but still people believing and saying the we would at least reach the playoffs. We all saw what happened but it wasn't enough.
And now at Champions, there was still people hyping and thinking that we could win against any team that is not EU/NA and overlooking another regions, after 1/2 good games, the hype got insane and people comparing us to EMEA region and saying we could even win the whole Champions before even reaching the playoffs yet lol
Is it enough now to admit our region is "shit"? it is 2021 and people still counting of victories before the game actually happens. If that is not the wake up call BR needed, idk what will make people realize we are bad.
Feels bad for the players that gave it all, but now everyone can actually see that our Valorant competitive is weak and stop that dumb hype every time and maybe we can stop being a joke. BR got humbled today.
If you still thinking we lose because of riot's or whatever the f* excuses you want give, i have a bad notice for you..

I expect to see big rosters changes, and mainly a different posture and mentality, from teams, orgs and community.
Tell me what u think, peace

posted about 3 years ago

duelist: fisker/gtn
duel/flex: frz/johnolsen
ini: ptc/muriz
cont: ade/zombs/v1xen
sent: jhow/chalalala

posted about 3 years ago


many good duelists/initiators options like: Tenz, heat, mazino, sick, stax, mwzera, nzr idk..

posted about 3 years ago

duelist/op: cNed
2nd duelist/flex: Scream
Initiator/Sova: Sacy
Sentinel: nAts
Controller: L1NK

bro there are so many options i can make like 3 teams at least lol

posted about 3 years ago

furia is my least favorite team lol i'm talking about literally everyone that is getting hate, no teams or regions excluded.

posted about 3 years ago
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