Ezzzzzzzz 4 Geeeeeee
Flag: | Indonesia |
Registered: | December 5, 2021 |
Last post: | June 8, 2023 at 2:32 PM |
Posts: | 1652 |
Ezzzzzzzz 4 Geeeeeee
Really did well in brazil.
Will the spam start again?💀
1) govt recognized esports as career
2) tata investing 90 billion dollars in the next 5 years in semiconductors chip making
3) Companies like riot indie game investing in india
4)Indian org in international level
5)with the population of overa a billion
The effect
1)Change in socitey's behaviour towards esports
2)Availability of pc/laptops/mobiles etc at super cheap cost making most people to get pcs at their home
3) Building up of great infrastructure over a period of time
4) especially since its GE they will take care of indian scene when they will grow bigger with time
5)Huge market
All this concludes india's market will be sooo much bigger in the future if things go right, just that we will be of 30-40 till that happens 💀
Did you created this? 😱😱😱 love you bro thank you soo much for this 🤩
Ge is so strong (top 2) https://valorantsimulator.com/lockin/bR6v7eJZUfYoWpYjJpyM
This and people justify the hate with years old spam like bruhhh
Poor rossi this world is so evil
Ge fighting
Gewin, guys plz do 2k before the match
https://twitter.com/RushindraSinha/status/1615230330700693505?s=20&t=in_d-Il80k_rD4bvHm1O3g what could be it
Franchised teams
Vlr doesnt means whole vct chat bro
Koreah bad, no sea bad, no koreah bad, no phinoy bad, no japhan bad, no indho bad, no malayseaah bad, no vietamin bad, no koreah bad, no sea bad, no honghkongh bad, no indiah bad, no pakistan bad, no singapore bad, no nepal bad, no SA bad, no koreah bad, no sea bad, no japan bad
They had probably started real scrims (including ayrin) from today onwards, so they have almost 2 months to practice for Brazil, will they be able to give a tough competition in brazil considering 3 minds will be behind the team?
Wasn't the plan for korean bootcamp cancelled?
So wronski also arrived in korea???
You dont know nothing about SA I dont have the numbers but remembers creaters like Bhuvan Bam famous in neighbouring SA countires, heard people in Carryminati's live stream and the shout out many times was love from pakistan. Even though I dont watch Indian gaming content creaters but I can say for a fact that the viewers are combination from SA countries sure most of them are indian but not everyone, the lanuage and culture in SA countries are pretty similar
Tbh no I am subbed to pewdiepie and not t series lol I dont even watch music vedios on yt lol
Lol talking about their subs orgin not the creater/coperate's orgin 🤓
As far as I know it was whole world vs India 😂😂😂
Literally South Asian countires 💀
But that award is literally for content creation 💀
Bro is mentally ill leave him
Twada kutta tommy, sada kutta tommy?
Fkkk my fav song noww, these lyrics are soooo good
Translate "Maula" by anuv jain plzzzzzzz for some reason I've been listening to it since this morning and its sooo goooood, I wanna knoww ehat heee iss sayinggg
Lol like the reason he would get hate is because of threads stop justifying the same excuse again and again 💀 not a single comment which was positive about skrossi in this thread (aside from that troll comment) vlr sucks
https://www.twitch.tv/jingggxd/v/1675210429?sr=a&t=9548s watch it from 2:38:20 byee wont reply more on this thread