Not GE 💀💀💀
Flag: | Indonesia |
Registered: | December 5, 2021 |
Last post: | June 8, 2023 at 2:32 PM |
Posts: | 1652 |
Not GE 💀💀💀
No to hate Indonesians but I just wanna have some fun tell me the points how to do it
Aside from troll, it was certain that ge would loose against VIT but the team has potential amd with time they will surely improve but I am more sad about the fact that skrossi didnt performed, next time dont hype anything also plz take LF at least in one map 😠and monyet is my king now 👑🤴
Will skrossi be in the vct showmatch? I feel like he will because owner had liked a yt comment saying skrossi vs tenz you heard it first and rossi not keaving brazil yet but could be a troll,whatever leave it
Like the one that will happen on march
You're enough, you're enough, you're enough, you are enough
These little words, somehow they're changing us
You're enough, you're enough, you are enough
Indian Valorant and GE
posted in General Discussion
I am really sorry for all the people out there who are tired of hearing GE wins tournament or overhyping a org or a team (Including Me that's why I am writing this)
Some 12 year old typing crap for no reason Cause I understand the hype being from that region as It's our first time representation of our Country and we are proud of it
But it does not make sense to defame other teams and trash talk on them (LIKE SORRY BUT THERE LITERALLY FAR BETTER TEAMS THAN GE I LEGIT MEAN NO COMPARISON)
and spamming GE fighting is all good to create hype and increase an audience but just disturbing others is bad though
If GE wins or loses we would just be glad that a team made out here and they would comeback in the next tournament for sure
Please ignore these kids who just spam these things and enjoy the game to the fullest
I would like to Apologize on behalf of them. Sorry
It has been a great tournament and would like to see more of this
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Its not about the game its about the feel of seeing an indian player first time on the vct stage
I love it when people say made up things so confidently
Atleast 500 comments before the match come on EU
Thank god tiktok is banned now💀
Are you excited to see how GE will perform?
Damm didnt knew about that,
Freddie mercury indian pride
Well the illusion about to come true thanks to S8ul
FNS identifies as Tanzhanian not indian ;(
This is the first time felt bad for players, looking at prx's faces they did tried their best and thats what matters, well played kings
When 95% of your funds come from a fast food chain 💀
Shut up and ge fighting
Any alternate?
Nah jk ty for this
Will it be streamed on run it back yt?
Doesnt sound that bad tbh but too long
Will Ge Ayrin (and others) ign be converted to GexS8ul Ayrin (and others) ign?
OmG SENpaii HogWaRtS lEgAcY games shouldnt be judged because of politics This game is a W and nobody can take away the hardwork devs had put in it but jk rowling is an big L as far as I know this game had nothing with jkrowling or her views against trans but idk whats the main cause of outrage it was anticipated since its first leak
Bro the views are constantly decreasing.
How people are guessing its marved?💀 I mean sure SA vct will be like a mini franchise but still
And you are acting like a team's fortune teller 🗿
They are in for business no?
Wdym Dude no-scoped t3xture in his first international match along with his shitty teammates (except golu) that stunned skrossi himself in the last round.
Hate milking GE vs DWG KIA