Flag: Bangladesh
Registered: October 26, 2024
Last post: March 18, 2025 at 8:06 PM
Posts: 4

And this is THE bloody world cup, a true international trophy. If anyone see other sports, they would know there are nothing wrong about the format. These retard people need to see the world first and stop living in a bubble.

posted 8 hours ago

Brother, don't be sorry for these retard people. You, I and many more, just happy to see our favorite team play as much as possible. We will watch this, cherish this and if our favorite team win, we will celebrate like this is 100x better than winning champs. Let the haters cry.

posted 8 hours ago

As a fan, I'm more cautious than excited to see how these things gonna work. In various interviews, Boaster and Elma said that Milan is exceptional as he sees the game differently than them especially movement wisely. I don't know bro, it's not CS where movements are important. It will be really great though if Milan comes out to be a top coach, let's see what happens.

posted 4 weeks ago

Lol bro, the sack was not about good or bad. It was about Elma not adapting the new playstyles and meta. In the previous year, this was not understood by many people. After 10.00 update, the game changes a lot. Still Elma remained same and then people understand these problems of him. Therefore, he got sacked. This is the best decision fnatic ever take. And you are calling fnatic, a fraud org?
Bro, you either are a pure hater or you support sentinals. This is the best org in Europe without any doubts. Remember they didn't kick Hiro, they released him, so that he can build his career as he has a lot of potential and deserve to be a starter.

posted 1 month ago