Flag: Malta
Registered: May 22, 2023
Last post: March 6, 2025 at 8:34 AM
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u go work!

posted about a year ago

go sleep guys .-.

posted about a year ago

not happening as far I know lol.

posted about a year ago

get good.

posted about a year ago

is holy water

posted about a year ago

Oreo 🤢

posted about a year ago

bro, I know the one who created this lol one of them used to be in some TikTok Palace Group 1-2 years ago

posted about a year ago

They think everyone that works in that scene are like Andrew Tate using Loverboy method to "force" someone to do it.

posted about a year ago

bro ur name is pinto.......

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Zekken, Aspas, Sacy Pancada, Kingg

If true, gg.

posted about a year ago

They're in the Matrix.

posted about a year ago

If you compare to the other duelist in league, like Aspas, Demon1, Leaf, they all go Demon mode carrying or being mid but rarely bottomfrag as duelist.
If you compare to Demon1 or Aspas both goes to Demon mode carrying 50-60% of matches, 30-20% they just play mid, but never bottomfragging.
Keznit is the goat as well, he almost carry his team every single match. When he is not carrying he is not throwing, he is at least playing mid.

So yeah, he played bad.
But SEN fucked up too, changing coach, IGL, he injured, etc.

posted about a year ago

Nah, but they had a better teamplay when zekken played duelist, but I think they tried to make him play more freely as always which costed them a lot.

I think SEN last 3 games they played way way better, just unlucky that they lost.

posted about a year ago

If you watch his games, a lot times he just played poorly and seems like he had no teamplay with his teammates.

Of 12 games, he bottomfragged 3 games, and 3 games being mid. so he is like 50-50. remember that he is playing duelist role, star role. he MUST make a difference for his team otherwise is gg

posted about a year ago

just see some of his games, he bottom fragged a lot on duelist.

besides of 3 more games which he did 1.0 and 0.9 KDA.

zekken is just more consistent
also tenz difference should he his awp but somehow his awp is weak

posted about a year ago

Do not play games, get bored and u'll fall asleep

posted about a year ago

mas aquela é a main house deles qdo tem trampo, n é onde ele mora com a naxy eu acho

posted about a year ago

pq pancada e sacy falaram isso diversas vezes que o aspas ia morar no mesmo apartamento q o pancada
alguma fonte n tá batendo

posted about a year ago

wtf num era pra ele morar perto do pancada?
ele ate comentou isso
ou tá os 3 morando perto

posted about a year ago

Nah. I think Aspas is still close w Sacy and pAncada, if I remember correctly in LA, Aspas lives in same place as pAncada.

posted about a year ago

I think they're just going to a safe road which is having a team core, not sure why they didn't last year (seems like Aspas rejected their offer last year to stay in LOUD)

posted about a year ago

pq ele tem bagagem o problema q ele n vai passar disso pq é o peak dele, ele já foi pra tanto internacional e várias merdas e n deve passar disso mais fora a idade dele, talvez se ele fosse pra uma role mais de sup ai sim.

posted about a year ago

tão nada, pq eles vão falar que estão logo quando crashies saiu putaço por ter perdido o masters kkkkkkkk
se eles falarem essa coisa afeta o psicologico do time e do ardiis né man eles tem champs ainda
victor, crashies e fns tem uma panela lascada entre eles, no vlog do lock in tu percebia o quanto eles cochichavam um com o outro

posted about a year ago

acho q nem é hate, mas pq xand jogava com ego alto igual o heat tempo atrás, hj em dia falaram que ele tá mudado, mas demorou pra mudar, perdeu oportunidade de ouro de ter feito isso enquanto jogava campeonato internacional agr dificilmente vai entrar no tier 1 fora que já tá batendo nos 30 anos igual shion

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

vdd, tem q ter barba kkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

tem q ser careca pra ter o swag

posted about a year ago

yeah i think we should just do ban speedrun

posted about a year ago

whats their dc

posted about a year ago

Vandal is shit cuz no recoil, and shit because in this game you need to break a lot utility making vandal accuracy shit.

Phantom is the best weapon until they at least buff vandal to have first shot accuracy just like guardian

AK way better
Deagle way better cuz no -145

posted about a year ago

I can give mine but my pw is sus.

posted about a year ago

Not sure if M80 players are going to be picked up tbh, maybe only 1 at the most.

So yeah, makes sense.

I do not think prize money is the main issue, but I think they should have several small, medium and large tournaments with different prize pools and not just the main one.

posted about a year ago

Dude, you're comparing a market where every org is losing money compared to NBA where has profit to do it.
There are club subscriptions, clothing, and various things that clubs sell during this period, this doesn't happen in esports at all.
Apart from several sponsorships they have, tier 2 doesn't have money for that. Tier 1 is the only one that can do it.

Apart from the fact that people in these sports are club members, in e-sports people love a player and not a club, people do not support a specific club (a specific team), only at Tier 1 it happen. Like SEN, 100T, LOUD, etc.

posted about a year ago

imagine paying for 6 months someone who do not work
e-sports is not charity bro

posted about a year ago

mas é especulação msm
só q com info que tenho falando com um pessoal close
até pq isso muda a todo momento, do nada o cara pode querer ficar se a LOUD jogar bem por exemplo.
mas ele ficando na LOUD ele só vai ter loss, n faz sentido ele ficar tb.

posted about a year ago

vocal is completely different than being a mute, buddy.

vocal = initiator or IGL

posted about a year ago

cara, aspas sair da LOUD faz tempo isso desde ano passado quando eu em uma alt leakei isso aq no forum e até diss que a SEN iria pegar Sacy e Pancada, leakei isso durante o champions (SEN_Brasil)
Aspas ou Saad + Less eram pra ter ido pra 100T só que a LOUD conseguiu segurar os dois.

Aspas n deve ficar no BR se pá, principalmente quando ele tá com uma fama enorme na gringa e ele curte trocar ideia em inglês.

posted about a year ago

nem, mazin disse isso na live dele.
MIBR n vai comprar Aspas, Sacy e Pancada pq n tem grana pra fazer isso comparada a SEN ou 100T

Fora que nenhum desses 3 jogadores vai querer ir pra MIBR solo
eh so usar dois neuronios que chega nessa conclusao
Aspas n vai solo pra MIBR pra ser afundado
Sacy e Pancada tao com contrato ate 2024, so a SEN sendo burra de deixar eles irem quebrando o contrato pra terem que jogar contra eles na franquia.

posted about a year ago

tf bro he basically do a lot stream talking english
duelist do not need to be vocal at all lol

posted about a year ago

just get ban

posted about a year ago

issue is that orgs would prefer clout.

posted about a year ago

aspas gf is mom already lol

posted about a year ago

But aspas is definitely not staying in LOUD and NA orgs would pay more.
MIBR has no money to compete against top NA orgs
FURIA (mazin said that he wants to compete with same roster, probably only few changes, and dgzin still good)

posted about a year ago

welcome to the asylum.

posted about a year ago

Let's 1v1 in politics?

Winner should be banned first

posted about a year ago

Something weird here.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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