??? :<
Flag: | Malta |
Registered: | May 22, 2023 |
Last post: | March 6, 2025 at 8:34 AM |
Posts: | 1271 |
Worst is he says "I have kids"
And keep yelling at kids lol
Shock cultural is real.
Pior q foi assim, um cara escutou giria de um maluco e achou que ele era negro e começou a chamar ele de n****a e várias merda, só tem gente doentia nesse servidor velho america tá perdida demais slc
btw qual server tu joga? tem varios aqui
Cara tu n tem ideia do que eu já vi, vi um maluco incentivando um cara a fazer crime pq ele so ia pegar 20 anos de prisao de acordo com a lei federal do sei lá oq, cara imitou macaco por 16 rounds seguidos nunca vi tanta loucura, vi uma mina toxica pra caralho com uma criança e agr to jogando com outro cara que se diz ser pai de familia e n para de gritar com uns guri de voz de 12 anos
How can exist so many braindead people? The amount of times that I see some grow up man yelling at some kids is insane wtf is that
People here so mad for some silly things that makes no sense at all
to carry otherwise he noob
know this dude for a long time already he used to sell boosted account in NA to buy his PC and Monitor to be able to go Pro, big perseverance.
I think its complicated since he is at "unknown" spot, since his wife health is not guarantee to be well during all next year, this disease goes from 80 to 8 really fast in some cases, it's hard to tell, so I think safest pick for SEN is Aspas to have a core and moving Tenz to CC or 6th player
I think SEN with LOUD core (Aspas, Sacy, Pancada) can do really great
Zekken is good enough
They just need an IGL, but I think marved would be learning to IGL during pre season.
Aspas has a world-wide clout, they're not losing clout for sure.
his source is deep web
just say ODDIK again....
routine to the greatness
1 meal per day, 2 aerobic per day, 1 gym workout daily, 2 liters of coffee daily, and 6 faps per day
tbh since I know Portuguese I can understand so many latin related languages since some words are similar the way it sounds
Written idk If I can understand that well.
my brain glitched by being able to understand this song.
be a chad, embrace andrew tate ideals.
this is the good one :<
More small tournaments with decent prize pool instead making big prize pool only for the main one
how did u enjoy norway when u spent more time on vlr 😭
None cuz chocolates are horrible not sure how people likes it
For real. I think I've read all of Mark Twain's books.
Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry (i miss those ;_;)
Garden of Peace from Rabbi Shalom (I still have this one on my desk lol had to read it when i was 15, tbh i recommend any man to read it)
The unholy see (weird af)
Inner game of tennis (had to read this shit cuz some random coach at csgo recommended)
Fighter Club
And now some cliches that are on my table: Sell or be sold, Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think, Thinking Fast and Slow, The Weapons of Persuasion, 10 X Sucess and Failures.
Thats end.
lmaoo ya
people fapping to another man imaginary creation
he just like some people, grow up man bearded guy who does cringey things to get an audience $$
I do not think that Tenz would be a preference for some orgs since next year he could be leaving the team since his wife is having health issues, no one knows how far her health can degrade until next year or not degrade, so its kinda unknown.
idk how people can fap to hentai 99% of them created by a fat otaku guy from jp
cara, a galera meteu pau nele falando q ele tava especulando mas ele n tava, ele tem fontes que dizem aspas vai sair da LOUD, oq ele especulou foram os motivos que levaram a Aspas a tomar essa provavel decisão, isso sim foi especulação
Kkkkkkkkkkk q porra eh essa mlk tu fica com mira cansada demais
Issue is if they pick Aspas they prolly not removing sacy or pancada since the safest way is to keep a core.
If they get Aspas then with Kingg it would be possible.
fr, but IGL speaking Spanish and Portuguese would be a problem for Tenz and Zekken I guess