Flag: Hong Kong
Registered: April 3, 2021
Last post: September 26, 2021 at 9:06 AM
Posts: 4

I mean steel was a controversial signing when he was first signed, he had his scandal back in the days and was seen as a toxic player in the cs community. He was still signed and performed well

posted about 2 years ago

Boi it’s just a temporary sub, I believe once they find a good replacement, Boi will be back to be an analyst and sub

posted about 2 years ago

I know it sounds very random , but I think the only person who’s currently on the free agent market and worthy enough to drop steel, (a top 20 player in NA IMO) right before LCQ would be Sinatra. It might not make sense with hiko as a good sova main on the team, but if you think deeply, what 100t needs now is consistent firepower, which is what Sinatra can offer. And since hiko usually baits and stay back, a sentinel role shouldn’t be a hard transition for him.( or maybe 100t don’t even need to run a sentinel with 2 controller 2 initiater comp)

Idk like I said it’s pretty random, just wanna know what are the odds on this actually happens…

posted about 2 years ago

To be fair from a 100t fan perspective , the pause does ruin sentinal’s momentum, they won 5/6 rounds before the pause and it was stopped. Not saying it’s an excuse but whoever caused the pause should have big responsibility on it.

posted about 3 years ago