Flag: Japan
Registered: April 16, 2024
Last post: April 16, 2024 at 12:44 PM
Posts: 2

I think they tried Yay's chamber in scrims and it was not going well. Please do not blame coach.
He asked to play viper at first (sScary stream & crazyguy stream both confirmed) so no one forced him to play anything I think. If he chose to play duelist, it is his job to play raze. He got tons of time to practice before joining Bleed and even after joining Bleed.
Just drop him, if Bleed can get Monyet it will be insane.
Opposite to him is Deryeon, the man willing to learn and play any agent for Bleed since 2021.

posted 10 months ago

crazyguy never go back to Bleed. Bleed also will not kick yay & sScary because they contract is huge.
some leak on X that DSG gonna win ascension so they prob changed the roster
Some Viet said they saw crazyguy with nephh & juicy in a scrim lobby alr
Imagine DSG:
Crazyguy (IGL)
Nephh (flex)
Juicy (duelist)
Egoist (sentinels)
Monyet (smoke)

This squad easily win ascension and destroy current Bl00d.

posted 10 months ago