Flag: United States
Registered: May 24, 2021
Last post: September 16, 2023 at 10:46 PM
Posts: 35

S-Tier events are events with the best teams in the world and have significant meaning. Crowds are part of it sure, but they are not the main reason events would be considered S-Tier. S-Tier events in Valorant are Lock In, Masters, and Champions as they are directly part of the Valorant Champions Tour and contribute directly to a team's placing within the VCT. A third-party event hosted by Mr. Beast, Ludwig, or Tarik, would not be considered S-Tier whether or not the have a crowd since they do not directly contribute to the VCT. It would only be at most an A-Tier event. Riot supports 3rd-party events as we are seeing this offseason but they absolutely could do better.

posted about a year ago

I take it back. The whole fucking team is trash including DJ

posted about a year ago

That's nowhere close to the issue with the Giants. There is no proper WR1 and the O-Line is getting absolutely fucked up rn. I do not see a world in which anything is Daniel Jones' fault as he has most of the Giants' yards right now. Get educated.

posted about a year ago

All three americas teams have qualified. Can’t call them a bot region

posted about a year ago

I wouldn't make a lot of sense for 100T to drop Bang unless it was for Marved, even then Bang is top 3 controller NA so it might make more sense for him to keep the chem and stay at 100T. Cryo is would be a great pick up, but I think the dapr pick is a bit far. If 100T replace anyone else it would most likely be stellar since there are a lot of IGL's on the market. FNS will prob want to go with former teammates, so that leaves Cryo's old teammate, Dephh. He would make a lot of sense if they decided to pick him up but, it all depends on if they are confident in stellar becoming the moldable igl they are looking for. So my 100T pick would be:

Will (6th man)

posted about 2 years ago

Anyone from M3C can join any EMEA team. There are no restrictions in the league for interleague nationalities. Only for cross league from EMEA to Pacific or Americas to EMEA, etc. Also each team needs to have at least 6 players signed by Oct 15th I believe, so they will def get picked up by someone. NAVI will likely buy FPX and represent the CIS proper,

posted about 2 years ago

that shits funny

posted about 2 years ago

You ask that as if he still isnt a fantastic player. He was a key player in the OG SEN roster when they won challengers 1 and incorporated some solid spam strats that are used today, Ascent B-Main and Haven Garage for example. Its gonna be hard for him to get on a team with such limited spots but the most likely team he will join is SEN. I can see maybe a sub position for him since he is already on contract with the org, he wont hurt the team core if the allegations get brought back up, and this will limit the media blowback since he isnt starting. Also he said in the past he only wants to play for SEN. Who knows tho? Things could have changed.

posted about 2 years ago

They need 6 players so they will prob keep him as a sub

posted about 2 years ago

Stellar / FNS
Cryo / Yay / TenZ

TenZ contract is up and if he gets a nice contract from 100T he might take it since Kyedae is there

posted about 2 years ago

I know that’s why I said this is how I think it should be.

posted about 2 years ago

What it should be imo. 6-2-2


  • SEN
  • CLOUD9
  • 100T
  • TSM


  • KRU
  • LEV


  • LOUD
posted about 2 years ago

NA Marved - Controller
EU Suygetsu - Sentinel
APAC Forsaken - Duelist
BR Saadhak - IGL/Flex
KR Stax - Initiator

posted about 2 years ago

Take the Optic flair out if you arent a fan. Bro steals their clout cuz they won masters last time and now is has no faith in them at all to perform again, even though they are already top 3 at this masters. Smh fake ass fans

posted about 2 years ago

"we"? you are Brazilian

posted about 2 years ago

I would argue against that. EU has some strong teams in FPX and FNC. Hell even GLD are putting up numbers and M3C are looking like Masters 3 Champions again. So i think EMEA is more than a one team region. And NA usually has more than one good team as well but its been shaky recently.

posted about 2 years ago

Would make so much more sense to keep Will until LCQ, then when franchising comes out and most teams are dropped, to then find his replacement. I think will is a great player and really fits the team chemistry well, but I would argue a OPer would go a long way. Also where is this source lol sounds like a long shot? Nevermind I just gotta look at the name

posted about 2 years ago

dicey clutched a key round against asuna which help get them into OT. It was a crazy game and he dropped 20. Watch ur mouth

posted about 2 years ago

Make a good point. Still tryna figure out how to properly predict how they will pick maps. Breeze is FaZe's best map but would you rather play on their best map or their 2 worst map statistically? The way I picked it was, "How can we keep Babybay off Neon?". Well if he wont play her on Icebox then no issue. We will see how it plays out tho.

posted about 2 years ago

I got 100T to chose Split over Breeze because FaZe hasn't played Split once in Stage 2 so far. So either FaZe is hiding something or they have nothing on that map and I think 100T will call their bluff. Breeze however, is a great map for FaZe. This last map pick is up in the air tho. Honestly any of Fracture, Split, or Breeze could be played they are all good map picks for both teams.

posted about 2 years ago

100T vs. FaZe Match Prediction

FAZE ban Bind; 100T ban Haven; FAZE pick Ascent; 100T pick Icebox; FAZE bans Fracture; 100T bans Breeze; Split remains;

Map 1: Ascent - 100T 8-13 FAZE
Map 2: Icebox - 100T 13-10 FAZE
Map 3: Split - 100T 13-11 FAZE

0-1 so far. Lets see if we go 1-1.

Edit: I have rethought my map pick for 100T, thus changing this whole match lol. It makes so much sense for 100T to play Fracture instead of Icebox. They have looked so shaky on Icebox, and strong on Fracture. They need to shut down Babybay's Neon though, which will be no easy task. SeanG def has something cooked up I bet. Still the similar score line of 100T 13-9 FAZE. This would leave the rest of the map pool looking a little different. I see FAZE banning Split and 100T banning Icebox. This leaves Breeze, thus making it our map 3. This will be a close map since each team is strong here, and FaZe are undefeated on if so far in Stage 2. 100T pulls through though in OT, 100T 15-13.

Map 1: Ascent - 100T 8-13 FAZE
Map 2 :Fracture - 100T 13-9 FAZE
Map 3: Breeze - 100T 15-13 FAZE

posted about 2 years ago

turned out to be a great call man

posted about 2 years ago

What do you mean undeserved? OPTC has been a top team for years now. FNS is the only original member of the former NV team left, so he has been at the lowest point possible for the team and IGL'd his way into winning a major years later. Its absurd to say its undeserved.

posted about 2 years ago

Agreed Nismo looking like NA Group Stage MVP

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Only reason I said Breeze ban is cuz it is GHST's best map, 8-0 so far in VCT, but I agree map 3 could either be Breeze for Fracture.

posted about 2 years ago

100T vs. GHST Match Prediction

GHST ban Bind; 100T ban Ascent; GHST picks Haven; 100T picks Split; GHST bans Icebox; 100T bans Breeze; Fracture remains

Map 1: Haven - GHST 13:6 100T
Map 2: Split - 100T 13:10 GHST
Map 3: Fracture - 100T 15:13 GHST

100T 2-1 I am excited for this great series and to watch 100T battle for 1st!

Never tried this before but I was looking at the stats of both teams and wanted to try to guess the map picks, bans, and the scores. Only thing that sucks is that the map order might not line up because idk how to determine who picks first. :(

Let me know your guys potential map picks and bans below :)

posted about 2 years ago

12 Americas (7 NA / 3 BRA / 2 LATAM)
12 EMEA (7 EU / 3 CIS / 2 TUR)
12 Asias (6 APAC / 3 KR / 2 JP / 1 OCE)

I think 16 teams per region is too big of a jump for Riot, since they said 8-10 teams. So 12 teams per region might be more realistic. This will give the bigger regions a good representation and the smaller countries can get a few extra spots for upcoming teams.

Let me know you guys thoughts!

posted about 2 years ago

Funny how you find this factsonly guy in every thread just spewing hate and opinions instead of facts

posted about 2 years ago

could be wrong but since he is a v1 fan i would assume he means jammyz

posted about 2 years ago

TSM, Akrew, T1, Rise

Cant wait for groups!

posted about 3 years ago

probably cuz it says suspend not kick/fire

posted about 3 years ago

why should they not be prepared for the most important tourney of their career? They will obv prepare for the world championship

posted about 3 years ago