Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: February 6, 2023
Last post: December 29, 2024 at 9:10 PM
Posts: 17

That's alright

posted 2 months ago

Based off how strong teams are is still the best way to rank these

posted 2 months ago

Please rank all the teams in the forms above. Only 1 team per number.
1 is the best and 12 is the worst.
Please don't troll.
I'll post results the day before kickoff starts.
If you don't know a region then just submit them as 1,2,3,4, 5 ect in order and I'll remove that response for that region manually


posted 2 months ago

They can, if you go by the simple logic. Th barely beat GENG and Sen smoked GENG by showing insane improvement. (Ik it doesn't come down to it but it's the most basic). It'll defo be a close game and could go either way but I'm more confident sen will win cuz of more experience.

posted 6 months ago


This is the only right pickem

posted 6 months ago

Nah disagree, call me a sen fanboy but when a team gets outclassed by geng first and then come back to complete smoke them is crazy. U lot gonna say "GENG were playing bad" when sen smoke them but when GENG smoked sen, u lot say "GENG played good". Anyways, my point is that sen are now arguably one of the favourites to win the tournament.

Like fns said, if sen beat DRX then they have an easier next matchup so they'll be able to make upper finals at least if nothing goes wrong.

posted 6 months ago

Hey Everyone, I've made a google forms where everyone can rank the teams from each region. This is my first time doing this so please let me know anything that I can improve. Thank you. Results will be posted near the start of Stage 2. All responses welcome. Feel Free to share around.


posted 9 months ago

Acoustic ah post

posted 10 months ago

Ain't no way a clueless TenZ hater still exists

posted 11 months ago

Bro is an NPC. TenZ literally got a Crazy 3k against Nrg to win get them to madrid. he got an ace first round in Madrid. Ik vlr users are stupid but danmm

posted 11 months ago

London (toxic french)
Paris ( toxic french)
Madrid (toxic baguette)
Frankfurt (toxic french)
Every eu server (toxic french)

posted 11 months ago

Bro forgot Nrg didn't make Madrid

posted 11 months ago

Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Tenz... honey, my pookie bear. The way you strike fear into your enemies eyes. Your silky smooth shots around the site, and that gorgeous Operator. I would do anything for you. I wish it were possible to freeze time so I would never have to watch you retire. You have given me so much joy, and heartbreak over the years. Then allas, you did, my sweet king wins again and I rejoiced. 2023 was a hard year for us baby, but in 2024 you made history happen. You came back and I couldn't believe it. I was crying, bawling even, as I exclaim these words, "I HECKIN LOVE TENZ!" Not only have you changed the game of VALORANT and the world forever, but you've eternally changed my world. And now you're getting older, but still the goat, my goat. I love you pookie bear, my glorious king, Tenz

posted 11 months ago

Ah yes fluke cuz Sen won. idc if u say that you would've made the forum even if geng won. It doesn't matter. by saying it's a fluke and that it should've been double elim discredits the entirety of Sen. Like what more do u want them to do. they beat 100t Lev nrg loud TH KC Loud again PRX and went into an IMPOSSIBLE finals game and won it with their best maps gone. single elim means that teams have to bring their A game or they get punished and clearly Sen played better.

And if u ask why Madrid wasn't single elim? Every single masters playoff is double elim. simple. stop trying to be sly and discredit this tournament run by Sen.

posted 11 months ago

Bro looks crazy on the new role. Dare I say, best omen in the world? Bro brought a new style to the character.

posted 11 months ago

yes i agree that pancada is better on smokes but we don't know how scrims are like. It's much easier for TenZ to communicate than it is for pancada. And it's not even like tenz played that badly. He was insane first map on split and he won sen multiple rounds that they shouldn't have which Ik no other smokes player would be able to do. Yes he wasn't as great map 2. But that doesn't mean u blame him, the entire team wasn't prepared for that comp, if it was any other team playing that comp for the first time, I guarantee 90% of teams would lose to it.

posted about a year ago

You're absolutely a based TenZ hater. he played well in 2021. 2022 sen was living in the past with the meta and TenZ didn't get as much support from the team. 2023 sen was an entire mess. 2024, TenZ switches to omen, plays really well in the AfreecaTV league then owns loud First map but doesn't do as well and u just disregard him, ur no objective, you're a clear brainless, and have no idea what ur on about. yes pancada is better on smokes but his english isn't like tenz where he can EASILY communicate with the team and fits well. idc u can call me a TenZ glazer but ur using the fact that he doesn't drop 300 ACS every map to say he's bad.

posted about a year ago