Flag: Georgia
Registered: September 23, 2022
Last post: October 1, 2022 at 4:26 PM
Posts: 38

my friend, i doubt you are the arbiter of cool. you have the taste of a Costco hotdog.

posted about a year ago

the point isnt that csgo is better, but that valorant can learn. or, maybe it can't. maybe you are hopeless. back on your knees, the boot needs cleaned and im sure you can work the same wonders your mother can with her tongue

posted about a year ago

Who is RiotAgainstRiot? For the blind, He is the vision. For the hungry, He is the chef. For the thirsty, He is the water. If RiotAgainstRiot thinks, I agree. If RiotAgainstRiot speaks, I’m listening. If RiotAgainstRiot has one fan, it is me. If RiotAgainstRiot has no fans, I don’t exist.

posted about a year ago

lmao skrossi fan detected

tier 4 EU csgo teams have full salaries. this isn't by chance, it's by design.

if you type any harder, you'll break your keyboard!

posted about a year ago

omg 4 orgs for challengers, very healthy esports scene

in eu teams ranked 180 in the world have full salaries

posted about a year ago

NiKo's comment on the highlight clips should be universally understood: the shots look harder and thus more satisfying in CSGO, Valorant is like playing softball...

posted about a year ago

LOL this aged well from an Acend member

this video is just licking the boot: the fact still stands, Rito only allows ONE team to make it to the big leagues per year, and that team will likely just be from LATM. this year alone we saw MANYYYY teams make it into the top tier from out of nowhere while the top teams stagnated... Ghost, Knights, The Guard, etc etc etc

you guys only think this is good because you don't know there is an alternative: look at CSGO, even tier 4 teams have salaries...

posted about a year ago

"they are not obligated" LMAOOOO

"waste of the employee's time" SHILLLLL HARDER LMAOOOO

yes, defend your master. you are such a good slave. they will promote you to slave driver soon. stay a sheep.

devs answering questions about making skins are little treats to distract you from the total opaqueness of their esports development team. this is the same rito that expected us to believe that playoff brackets for the first few Masters' tournaments were determined by those 'random' ball drawings?

posted about a year ago


首先,我想说我喜欢 VLR.GG,并且作为一个普通的读者已经喜欢这个网站一年多了。但是,我真的很担心 Riot 已经渗透到论坛中。这里,我不是指管理员,也不是指 VLR 员工中的任何人。我说的是用户。我不敢相信这些用户中的一些人缺乏任何关键能力来提高他们反对 Riot 的声音并且只是鹦鹉学舌他们的霸主。还记得当数十名用户庆祝特许经营公告时,没有任何对显然对球员和球迷造成毁灭性打击的事情进行批评吗?有多少用户愿意跪下舔公司的靴子,真是令人震惊。世界上到处都是这样没有头脑的羊,但我不认为这些只是旅鼠。我认为他们是我们社区论坛上的 Riot 员工。

作为一个社区,我们有责任批评 Riot。玩家不能,或者至少似乎不愿批评 Riot。玩家可能害怕公开反对 Riot,因为他们害怕被列入黑名单,就好像他们是生活在极权主义政权下的持不同政见者一样。我们需要使用这些论坛来产生关键的对话,迫使 Riot 在必要时实施变革。在接下来的几周内,一大群职业玩家和社区的其他幕后成员将创建一个组织,以匿名但集体公开反对 Riot。为什么需要这个?坦率地说,Riot 是由一个裙带关系的企业精英经营的,他们不了解游戏的高水平游戏,也不积极寻求社区的批评意见。这就是批准 ares buff 并让 CoD 玩家为我们的 FPS 排名系统制作 MMR 算法而不是雇用管理员(并支付他们的医疗保健费用)的同一个 Riot。作为一个社区,我们集体缺乏发言权导致了我们目前处于这种可怕的情况,多年磨练的玩家现在没有工作,或者根据新时代的指导方针再等几年才能玩。这些只是冰山一角。让我们避免再次像守望先锋那样的泰坦尼克号崩溃,并推动 Riot 避免已经成为英雄联盟电子竞技的失败。这场游戏的命运不仅仅掌握在那些显然与他们像暴君一样统治的社区之外的企业精英手中。我们不应该让这家拥有精美图形的皮肤养殖公司分散我们对他们可怕问题的注意力(没有演示系统?)。游戏的命运掌握在我们手中,VLR 的论坛就是我们的麦克风(除了 Twitter 和诸如此类的东西,我们将在未来几周内动员起来)。

我们拥有比我们想象的更多的力量。也许你们中的一些人知道最近对 Madden 的抵制。我们可以为 Valorant 做同样的事情,我们将在接下来的几周内帮助集体组织,让我们的声音不仅被听到,而且被感受到(在他们的钱包里)。 Riot,如果你在听,请多听。我们需要你倾听并停止像暴君一样行事。我们爱你的游戏,我们不爱你。不要把我们对游戏的热情混为我们对你的热情。我们是一个社区,我们将确保您知道权力不会继续完全掌握在您手中。这不是威胁,而是承诺。希望您认为这对电子竞技的长寿有益。把 Riot 的 Plat 员工放在一边,研磨机是来帮忙的。

更新:我在帖子中添加了来自 #28 的精彩评论:

“我不认为那些用户是 Riot 的人。问题是,这个游戏/社区有这么多年轻人。他们没有考虑特许经营的后果。他们只是对游戏过于狂热。

你不能在你的团队中只有 5 个好人,让每个人都感到惊讶。特许球队将只与其他特许球队比赛。
这也会影响收视率。不是在开始时,也可能是在最初的 1-2 年。但从长远来看。它只会变得无聊,因为它总是一样的。


最后 Riot 将摧毁他们的游戏并帮助像 CS:GO 这样的游戏。因为那些组织将在那里投资,而不是在 Valorant。”

posted about a year ago

sure, they had a long, hard conversation amongst their bronze staff. this is the problem: you assume because they have an enormous wad of cash that they are making good decisions. they paid money for csgo devs to make a copy/pasta of their game, then they passed it off to cod players who have 0 tactical fps experience and have no idea how to learn from the success of csgo. they have csgo derangement syndrome: imposter syndrome.

have fun shilling tho

posted about a year ago

the problem is that franchising almost encourages players to accept offers outside challengers. if you're a star and get an offer midseason to go the big leagues, you dont take the gamble of whether your team will win the end of year qualifying tournament, you take the certainty of the franchise spot.

posted about a year ago

I cannot speak for your region, and I am sorry that Valve has done this. In any case, franchising is not relevant to this matter. Nonetheless, I appreciate your comments. We are building a dialogue, a discourse, A CONVERSATION INSTEAD OF A SILENCE, A HOPE!

Hey! sorry to interrupt the game but I’m conducting a poll: do you think brim’s thick thighs are a competitive disadvantage, as most assume — a bigger, thicker target for opponents —or, HEAR ME OUT, could they in fact be an advantage as they tend to attract the enemy’s gaze and thus distract them from the head?

posted about a year ago

Orgs invest far more in CSGO, the players have larger buyouts and bigger salaries, and far more than EU or SA orgs are in the esport. More prize money is available for CSGO, more events, more open qualifiers, more direct lines for an individual to become pro through FPL. My point is not to quit Val and play CSGO, but for Val to learn from CSGO instead of just stealing its game.

LoL is beta game compared to Dota. Its viewership is dying. Whatever 'success' it has is not due to franchising, but to just the masses of noobs who watch Tyler1 and will blindly watch whatever they are fed. As more people can afford better pcs to play better games, less people are playing that shit. Riot likes being a half-assed Chinese intellectual theft copy.

Before Valorant, tons of NA orgs were in CSGO (GenG, NRG, eUnited, 100T, Envy, OpTic, Cloud9, etc etc etc etc). Covid delivered a big hit, but we can expect a renaissance with Source 2 this Christmas.

posted about a year ago

CSGO has a far higher skill ceiling and was far less accessible and popular in Asia

EU has dominance because of the historical prevalence of lan cafes and a preference for FPS over Asia's love of the moba genre

NA cs will be back with Source 2 and I foresee a mass exodus of non-franchised talent

posted about a year ago

Forgive me for my personal insult. I am upset at the stupidity of esports, this new field run by people who have no idea what they are doing. You were collateral damage, and I apologize for that.

As for your argument about poaching, it does not pass the smell test. The stars of great Challenger teams will get poached and orgs wont hesitate to do it. SEN took TenZ and won Masters a few weeks later. OpTic took Marved and had immediate success. There are countless examples like this....

FPX would certainly want to stay together as 5 were it not for franchising. Same for OpTic.

I appreciate your thoughtful arguments, let's continue to have a civil discourse. I only ask that you offer more criticism and double guess your apparent reflex to defend Rito.

posted about a year ago

'Stability' is offered by Putin as well my friend. Dictators love to say they bring 'stability' to the chaos they create. CSGO has no franchising and yet there is far more money and stability in that game. Before COVID and Valulrant, you could 'climb' easily outside the EU region for CSGO... ESL and Blast have recently made great changes inspired by the community to offer more opportunities to climb. You can climb through open qualifiers, through ESEA's league, through FPL and ECL... Think outside the box, my cucked friend. Stop defending your masters, BECOME THE MASTER. Or stay a peasant, and continued to be farmed.

posted about a year ago

So mid season any good player in Ascension will get poached and the results of the first half of the year will be rendered null.

'FPX' was going disband? I'm sorry, but you are on copium my friend. The problem is not whether or not the org keeps them, the problem is that they are not allowed to compete as 5 at the highest level where they clearly belong AS 5. The #1 NA and EU teams, and arguably two of the top 3 teams in the world, are having their rosters torn apart because of Riot. Period. Period. Period.

None of this is an argument 'for' franchising. No reason has been given for franchising. Nothing. We are expected to simply open our mouths wide and swallow this nasty load of bs. Why? Because they hired a bunch of CSGO devs to make a good game and then a bunch of CoD players to manage its esports scene. Please, do not be afraid of freedom. Your life is not worth living without it. Think freely, criticize openly, encourage dialogue, try to imagine ways we can improve the system rather than getting on your knees and licking the boot (unless that is your kink, in which case ok, just let us know in advance youre into that kind of thing and we will relegate your opinion accordingly).

posted about a year ago

Sorry, didn't see that part. But also, 'at least smh' is the wrong mental here my friend. riot only lives off our money, we can influence their decision making. We need not simply eat the scraps they feed us. They need not feast while we famine. EAT THE RICH

posted about a year ago

bro it is our responsibility to help others care, to get them involved, our else riot will govern the same way your country's tyrant does

posted about a year ago

You clearly did not read what I wrote. There are MANY Rito cucks on this forum. I did not say everyone is. This idea that they are 'listening' is madness. Where is the conversation? When did they listen to our criticism outside the catastrophic failure of the ares? When did they invite community conversation regarding the purpose of franchising and the benefits it offers that would outweigh throwing out two years of roster building and fan support for orgs and teams like OpTic and FPX?

posted about a year ago

They are not listening to their community. The community did not ask for franchising and they did not discuss it with the community.

posted about a year ago

I am advocating for articulate discourse in which users explain their discontent and criticism rather than merely typing 'omegalul rito suq gaben is my g0d'. Please forgive my rather petty personal critique earlier, I appreciate your feedback and hope building a critical community includes self-critique as well. Imagine if the game were run by the community rather than a shadowy corporate empire.

posted about a year ago

I agree, with one exception: we do this collectively. Please, help me to condense it into a pasta worthy of feeding to the hungry masses deprived of a voice. This forum is our town center. Let us work together, comrade!

posted about a year ago

You call it dumb, yet do not offer any argument. Please, elaborate. Or, is that beyond your capacity? Please, my friend, embrace a democratic attitude where you are called upon to articulate yourself instead of barking like a dog.

'high chance to work'? 1 team 'ascends' a year. 1. that one team will likely have their talent poached beforehand, or may just have been lucky to win the final qualifying tournament and not represent the overall talent of the league. this year alone we saw at least half a dozen teams come from the lower ranks into the highest tier of competition. the #1 team from EU and NA have been forced to disband strictly because Riot wants a franchising model for which it has provided no argument as to its worth other than that it may end up meaning more money for Riot's wallet (at the expense of longer term profits for the company and the fall that awaits it if it does not support a healthy and robust ecosystem outside franchising). you are clearly not a rito employee, but merely another uncritical being. Kim Jong Un would love a citizen as obedient as you.

posted about a year ago

This is what we need, one voice, a united front.

posted about a year ago


First of all, I want to say that I love VLR.GG and have enjoyed this site as a casual reader for over a year. However, I am genuinely concerned that Riot has infiltrated the forums. By this, I do not mean the admins nor do I mean anyone on the VLR staff. I am talking about the users. I cannot believe some of these users lack any critical capacity to raise their voice against Riot and merely parrot their overlords. Remember when dozens of users were celebrating the Franchising announcement without any critical pushback of what was obviously going to be devastating for players and fans? It's truly shocking how many users appear willing to get on their knees and lick the corporate boot. The world is full of such mindless sheep, but I do not think these are mere lemmings. I think they are Riot employees on our community forum.

We have a responsibility as a community to be critical of Riot. The players cannot, or at least seem hesitant to, critique Riot. The players are likely terrified of speaking out against Riot for fear of being blacklisted as though they were dissenters living under a totalitarian regime. We need to use these forums to generate critical conversations that pressure Riot to implement changes when necessary. In the coming weeks, a large group of pro players and other behind-the-scenes members of the community will be creating an organization to anonymously yet collectively offer public pushback against Riot. Why is this needed? Frankly, Riot is run by a nepotistic corporate elite who do not understand the game at a high level of play and do not actively seek out critical input from the community. This is the same Riot that approved the ares buff and who have left a CoD player to make an MMR algorithm for our FPS ranked system instead of hiring admins (and paying for their healthcare). Our collective lack of voice as a community led to this horrific situation we are currently in where players who grinded for years are now left without a job or left waiting another few years to play according to the new age guidelines. These are but the tip of the iceberg. Let's avoid another Titanic collapse like that of Overwatch, and push Riot to avoid the failure that has become League of Legend's esports. The fate of this game is not just in the hands of a corporate elite who are apparently aloof from the community they rule like tyrants. We should not let this skin farming company with fancy graphics distract us from their horrible problems (no demo system?). The fate of the game is in our hands, and VLR's forum is our microphone (in addition to Twitter and whatnot, which we will be mobilizing in the coming weeks).

We have more power than we think. Maybe some of you are aware of the recent boycotts for Madden. We can do the same for Valorant, and we will help to collectively organize in the coming weeks to make our voice not only heard but felt (in their wallets). Riot, if you're listening, please listen more. We need you to listen and stop acting like tyrants. We love your game, we do not love you. Do not confuse our enthusiasm for the game for our enthusiasm for you. We are a community, and we will make sure you know that power will not continue to rest solely in your hands. This is not a threat, but a promise. Hopefully you see this as beneficial for the longevity of the esport. Move aside Riot's Plat staff, the grinders are here to help.

UPDATE: I've included this wonderful comment from #28 here on the post:

"I don't think that those Users are Riot people. The problem is, that this game/community has so many young people. They don't think about the consequences that franchising has. They are just fanboying the game too much.

The fact is, that franchising will hurt the game a lot. Just look at Overwatch. The game is great but there is no real chance to get into the pro scene.
You can't just have 5 good people in your team and surprise everyone. Franchise team will just play against other franchise teams.
This will also affect viewership. Not at the beginning or maybe in the first 1-2 years. But in a long term. It will just get boring because it's always the same.
And with less viewers = less people will play game or start new with it.

It also means that no new Orgs will invest in the game and their team. It's just useless. They will focus on other games.

At the end Riot will destroy their game and help games like CS:GO. Because those Orgs will invest there and not in Valorant."

TLDR: Do you think brim’s thick thighs are a competitive disadvantage, as most assume — a bigger, thicker target for opponents —or, HEAR ME OUT, could they in fact be an advantage as they tend to attract the enemy’s gaze and thus distract them from the head?

posted about a year ago