Flag: Kiribati
Registered: October 19, 2022
Last post: September 25, 2024 at 12:13 AM
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"ofc" LMAO

posted 5 months ago

That's not the case for me at least but It gets annoying at some point, I agree.

posted 5 months ago

Bro said ShadoW LMAO

posted 5 months ago

You don't know me. I am very happy for SEN, specially TenZ, zekken and johnqt. zekken didn't win the trophy alone. He also went 3-12 when his team was sending him to die without proper support against C9 last year, same happened with TenZ in past years. It's a team game and when the team plays well the DUELIST player generally looks really good. I want you SEN fans to give everyone their flowers instead of at least 3 zekken posts on r/ValorantCompetitive front page each day showering him with all the superlatives.

posted 5 months ago

No man, I am not gonna ask in a reddit post why my favorite player is goated in ranked games. If I was wondering that I would rather watch their stream to figure it out myself or ask them in their stream chat! There are just too many low quality zekken glazes in both reddit and vlr.
If you only know how to praise your favorite players with superlatives only then that's just low quality imo. There's a reddit comment saying "zekken has the FASTEST reaction time itw" and that comment has like 100 upvotes. Like really? You see him play and that's the first thing that comes to your mind?

posted 5 months ago

I love him, don't get me wrong but this is very annoying and I predicted the same when people were glazing N4RRATE this hard. No one man can do it all in valorant at top level

posted 5 months ago

Bc his team was mid as a whole. Lot of role issues, Dephh being the IGL but people act like 2023 didn't happen and he dropped out of heaven all of a sudden and took SEN to glory as if his teammates, the team culture shift etc, the team being more practiced and more prepared don't matter. It;s just all him woke up one day and chose to do it all.

posted 5 months ago

Some of these glazing posts are getting out hands man. Everyday there are some insane, fanatical posts on reddit wondering how he became the messiah and everyone in the comments jerking each other off "oh, yes he's LIasn-Al-Gaib" ! Like chill tf out. He's definitely good but then again show me a winning team in valorant esports history that didn't have a duelist going +10 almost every series.
He's not the first duelist ever to do it and he sure won't be the last, it's just that his performances are more noticeable because his team is winning and no, I don't know what makes him so good in ranked games redditor! It might just be because he cares about being the rank 1 player and grinds ranked a lot unlike most other top players who don't give 2 shits about comp ranked? Thank You for coming to my TED talk.

posted 5 months ago

good shout

posted 5 months ago

For me it has to be keznit

Who do you guys got?

posted 5 months ago

It's so that you learn how to address non-binary people in real life. Whether you agree with it or not, this is a good and effective way to make this mainstream.

posted 5 months ago

They should be able to. They have all the footage itw, they know what comps SEN are gonna play and SEN are not practicing currently. If they still can't beat SEN then just nuke them out of VCT

posted 5 months ago

His mods are the most arrogant snowflakes. I don't think any of them interact with people in real life

posted 5 months ago

Depends on what you value the most. 1 clutch every series or a consistent player that wouldn't lose 50% of their duels and trades.

posted 5 months ago

Derke too high? You are coping with recency bias brotha

posted 5 months ago

I feel like there's a huge gap between 'I got mine' first row and second row. At least the Jynxzi reference is nice LMAO

posted 5 months ago

lul where was I dishonest? I like a lot of players doesn't have anything to do with being a SEN fan. Why do you have to defend sacys honor everywhere like his little minion? people have their preferences that's all.

posted 6 months ago

What if I am? I don't understand why that would make you whine like a bitch tho

posted 6 months ago

I was literally criticizing his dumb habits! Are you stupid?

posted 6 months ago

I am not even a 'SEN fan'.

posted 6 months ago

Don't get angry at me lil man. I said nothing about his stats, if anything his stats make him look very decent.

posted 6 months ago

He's good no doubt but you can't lie he was fortunate to have aspas and zekken on his team.

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

They will struggle in shanghai and onwards. Their teamwork is unmatched and when other super teams catchup SEN will struggle big time.

posted 6 months ago

zekken has off games against texture not fkin mada. Zekken would never have have off games against a T2 team. Reduxx is young and has time to improve but only verno has that x factor on that team.

posted 6 months ago

Brazilians hate SEN, they only support sacy. Also, SEN needs to win trophies and their fanbase will grow naturally.

posted 6 months ago

People said the same when pANcada was benched. I wouldn't change sacy just for the sake of it tho. Like, I would only change him for a karon/alfajer calibre talent and trent is that guy imo. You have to see things with your own two eyes and make decisions based off of it. Watch their games and you will see where the issue is. Sacy's trades are horrible, 1v1s are horrible, misses flashes often, his util is good obviously but with time and practice with the team any super talented player can build the same synergy.

posted 6 months ago

You are not cooking bro, I have to be honest. You can't find another zellsis anywhere else and TenZ's value is irreplaceable. He can skill diff anyone in the server. He's +16 against Less, skuba and Reduxx are not those guys. Reduxx isn't even the best duelist in Tier 2! He got diffed by mada ffs

posted 6 months ago

You either get ahead of the curve or get swept under. Sacy is their only bottleneck to becoming the greatest team ever, can't lie. They have an IGL that had the best rating in playoffs, the best vibe player that has the best intuition in the game, a support player that has the best APR and second most kills after the Best player itw who is also on their team! Like they shouldn't even have to struggle in these games.

posted 6 months ago

TenZ is only 22 LMAO He has at least 5 years in him. You can't plan that far ahead in esports. There will be lot more insane talents available by that time.

posted 6 months ago

He is just a good player in general but his initiator util is unmatched and has S tier aim if not s+ tier.

posted 6 months ago

Who's we blud? You have the NRG flair! 💀

Nah in all seriousness .......................
I swear they would become the avengers instantly

posted 6 months ago

I mean there's only one man he can replace! He is the initiator.

posted 6 months ago

Nah, verno has great potential but trent is already the final product. On any other team he would be the best initiator hands down

posted 6 months ago

Someone release my initiator GOAT from perma viper jail please. I know that Syykoo was trying to get him as the initiator main for SEN. Blud should have just trusted his instincts instead of being lured by the 'champ winners' tag. What could have been!

posted 6 months ago

less peaked after sacy left and he had issues with sacy

posted 6 months ago

every good player was a T2 player at some point. karon was a nobody, ranked player few months ago, same with alfajer. What's your point? That saadhak and sacy have great talent id? I can give you that.

posted 6 months ago

That is the dumbest take ever. On the contray, Aspas and Less would make any support player look good.

posted 6 months ago
  1. Leo
  2. Cauanzin
  3. Verno
  4. Riens
  5. Crashies

Not current ranking but ranking after stage 2, by the time all the frauds get exposed

posted 6 months ago

If they had Chronicle/Leo/Verno/Cauanzin instead of sacy they would have probably won the tournament without dropping a single map. He's often lost on Breeze, gives away freebies a lot, his trades are horrendous, his aim is mediocre. People talk about his util but his util used to be really bad in his first year at SEN but with time he built the synergy. With time any other player would do the same. You scrim and practice to learn what util you need to throw at what times and also zekken is a vocal player, he prolly asks for a lot of shit to set him up. Even then he often fucks up his flashes which gets his teammates killed. I could go on and on but they won so he must be the BEST, apparently. VLR and redditors are expert at seeing the 'intangibles' when someone wins all of a sudden. so convenient!

posted 6 months ago

Sacy got carried by players like Aspas, less, zekken, tenz etc. If chronicle had that he would be the most decorated player in valorant history.

posted 6 months ago

And that's why 90% of the players don't get much value from it.

posted 6 months ago

Lineup Larry. His aim carried him to a million dollar contract.

posted 6 months ago

it's not upto team's playstyle. If you don't take necessary timings you just lose so it's not like a different playstyle would have made them win. He is the type of player that would rather look like a fool than miss the timing and regret it later. You can't win games by sitting in your spawn the whole time. 'PLAY IT SAFE' crowd doesn't understand that.

posted 6 months ago

you are entitled to have your opinion but playing a support role like Omen requires you to play somewhat safe and that's exactly what he's doing. His intuition of the game was always there but you just get to see it now because of his support utility, on jett it wasn't that obvious.

posted 6 months ago

If you only learned now that tenz is a smart player then I am sorry but you haven't been watching his games closely, you were just following the community narrative. TenZ has always been a smart player but he is very aggressive with his timings. If he sees an opening, if he sees a trade, if he sees the opportunity to make a play he will take it 100% of the time but obviously sometimes things don't go as you envisioned or may be his prev teammates couldn't keep up with that pace and energy but people would always blame him for it.

posted 6 months ago

He is not bad but why would they put him on raze when they already have the best raze in the world?

posted 6 months ago

What does APR mean and how is it calculated?

posted 6 months ago

She deserves better

posted 6 months ago
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