Flag: Kiribati
Registered: October 19, 2022
Last post: September 25, 2024 at 12:13 AM
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SEN and NRG should swap out Sacy and Ethan. Roles might not look great at first look but I promise the balance and chemistry of these teams will work out. Good player can always pick up new agents.
Ethan will take over sacy's scan initiators role at SEN and Sacy will take scans at NRG while Crashies moves to flex and IGL. They could make these moves now and both make Champs in split two. No doubt in my mind.

posted 4 months ago



posted 4 months ago

This has to be the funniest slander name ever LMAO. Also, the fact that he's so fat he probably like Icecream a lot

posted 4 months ago

Only if sacy could shoot back and didn't go negative every damn series ahahaha

posted 4 months ago

He had 2 tac pauses. If he can't even enable them to get 2 rounds in a half why is he even sitting on that chair. let tarik do it, he could do a better job. Look at Neilzinho, d00mbros, solo etc, on the money out of tacs every time.

posted 4 months ago

He gets paid to do his fkin job and still can't land a single money. I didn't know SEN were doing charity with their roster where 2 guys can get away with doing fuck all most of the time and showing up once in a blue moon.

posted 4 months ago

kaplan: "I am burnout and overworked guys. I can't spend my time on cooking some pistols round rn , the only rounds of a game where the coach can directly be the architect. But nah I will just take my early vacay you guys go do a 5 men hit. That will surely work! "

posted 4 months ago

kaplan the fraud AHAHAHA. Always has some dumbass strategy or no strategy at all. Even Chet would do a better job. JohnQt saved this mans career, not the other way around.

posted 4 months ago

Get rid of kaplan/drewSpark, Sacy because 2/3 have humiliation kink and idk who

posted 4 months ago

Sacy was worse but we can't talk about the brazilian fraud here.

posted 4 months ago


Keep employing sacy and zellsis and SEN. SEN fans love them

posted 4 months ago

They still would be known for making playoffs and relying on their own performance to make their fate.

posted 4 months ago

They lost already. LOUD is not their TEAM. The fact that people still make this match about them is absolute travesty.

posted 4 months ago

Tired of these people

posted 4 months ago

Kyedae: " How are these people so bad but when they play against you(tenz and his team) they become gods? "

Have you ever thought may be it's you(SEN)? May be it's because your bf's team is so bad that everyone has a field day against them? May be because the strats johnQT took away from M80 have all ran out? May be because the coaches are absolute paycheck stealers that can not cook a good pistol round to save their jobs? May be because half the team are paycheck stealers and crying about burnout since madrid group stage and begging for vacations? May be because your bum team got lucky with a fraudulent tournament?

Jesus! I didn't want to rant but the audacity of these people! Get on my nerves honestly.

posted 4 months ago

Asuna_Yuuki is very arrogant whereas AceGamer30 is just outright stupid

posted 4 months ago

why are you crying on vlr tho? The guy probably is happy that he got a influx of new viewers. twitch chat is just trashy in general, has nothing to do with tenz.

posted 4 months ago

Experience gimmick from paTi is the reason we lost. Same will keep happening to SEN. dw

posted 4 months ago

Sacy doesn't even have a good APR. stop lying to yourself

posted 4 months ago

patitek tax

posted 4 months ago

I am not even saying he is insane or anything but he's still better than sacy. sacy isn't even a top 10 initiator anymore. A lot of people would be an upgrade over him.

posted 4 months ago

That's the thing, I never once mentioned about 'sweeping changes' but people keep bringing it up for no reason. As long as they keep the core of john, zekken, tenz it would still be considered as 'keeping the team' and I don't even mind Zellsis. He is a good player and brings the balance

posted 4 months ago

read the first 2 lines and should be pretty obvious. Idk why people try to argue against it when it's the correct observation. Whether you are in favor of the change or not is a different matter

posted 4 months ago

they lost some close games where sacy was straight ass. against EG sunset he singlehandedly threw so many rounds. they deffo woul have made playoffs with a better player. You can't play 4v5 most rounds, that's a recipe for Ls.
Them winning madrid just proves how good the rest of the 3 guys are and they deserve better. Aight i'm out. I can't change yalls mind it seems, you guys are hellbent to be nice to sacy just bc he WON and would rather ignore the massive flaws he has and how he's pulling the team down.

posted 4 months ago

Achievement-wise, yes you right but quality wise v1c clears and it's not even close.

posted 4 months ago

I was saying this exactly because SEN is a good roster but has potential to be unbeatable, juggernaut type of great with just ONE change. I never said they need a roster overhaul, they have an almost perfect and balanced roster.
People here are just misunderstanding me. It may be hard for vlr and reddit nerds but it's not that hard for coaches to find the weak link who see these players everyday and see them comm and make micro-decisions.

posted 4 months ago

A lot of coaches failed with super teams and no one has ever won b2b internationals. It's not as easy as you make it seem

posted 4 months ago

You guys are sheep. Just glazing Kendrick because other people do the same. kendrick has no flow, you need 2 historians to even understand what he is referring to, he doesn't have rhythm like Drake. Kendrick just waffling bruh. His words don't even rhyme shit sounds like a 14yr old girl reciting in a poem competition. DRAKE WON

posted 4 months ago

I am not saying they should make multiple changes. Just get one guy with hands and they are gucci. Look at teams like LEV and KRU. They could just aim diff SEN and run it down with 5v5 site diffs. Starts are no good if Kingg just 3 pieces you with his fkin vandal. It's an FPS game!

posted 4 months ago

both of them clears sacy, any day of the week

posted 4 months ago

mini is arguably the most accomplished coach in valorant

posted 4 months ago

marved is not the reason why they lost

posted 4 months ago

and SEN is dogshit. Much worse than G2

posted 4 months ago

look at nrg. they got dicked down, lost all the clutches and still got more than 13 rounds

posted 4 months ago

It's so funny seeing SEN fans cope this hard LMAOOO. 13 rounds over 2 maps? It's not possible even if LOUD turns into 2022 champs LOUD. G2 is not Furia/mibr. They are a very decent team and once you start snowballing it's very easy to get 7-8 rounds even if you get destroyed the whole map.

But even if it's close, G2 will edge out just by scrapping and SEN will have only to blame themselves because they could have won a lot cleaner yesterday and easily have a 16-18 rounds buffer which would have been lot more doable for LOUD.

posted 4 months ago

Marved is the reason they won against loud tbf. Otherwise they would have looked like garbango mibr, furia esque team this year.

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

PRX is the only outlier you could name. They literally would hit a 5 man stack and win out. Everyone know how they play but is there any other team that can play like them and be actually good? No. Now think through why that's the case.
Fnatic doesn't have the best players in each role anymore. what are you? stupid? They were the best team last year and won 2 trophies when alfa, leo and derke were considered the best in their role. And Fnatic still might make it to Shanghai.

posted 4 months ago

It's not. G2 getting 13-2 destroyed and a close other map is more realistic. Maps don't flow like that because of the snowball effect.

posted 4 months ago

Bruh SEN is out. Even if loud destroys G2, 13 rnds is just too low of a buffer. G2 needs only 14 rnds over 2 maps

posted 4 months ago

13 rounds buffer is just too low for 2 maps. Even if G2 plays really bad, they can get 14 rounds just by scrapping and G2 aren't even horrible.

posted 4 months ago

A team with aspas and less won over a team with y0y and FNS. What a surprise!

posted 4 months ago

They don't have an IGL and their duelist player can't play raze, they don't have a legacy senti player but sure having a 'good' team is the problem.

posted 4 months ago

That's why SEN will continue to be shit but that's not my or your problem. If you are gonna have an opinion just give a logical argument for it

posted 4 months ago

If they get another guy he's not gonna use his utility at all. He's gonna peek mid and die with his util every round. That's the kind of guy people be wanting to replace sacy! Why do you make such moronic arguments? Have you seen verno, nismos util? They are much better and sacy doesn't even have good APR. Stop spreading this utility monster bullshit.

posted 4 months ago

Blud TenZ and zekken literally had life games. Those are not replicable all the time and when they can't do that SEN loses. How is this not obvious? talkin about mistakes when NRG literally threw aways 11- 8 lead! making 1 change wouldn't fk up their core or synergy. It's just a QOL upgrade.

posted 4 months ago

except sacy has been mostly unreliable for the past year and a half. He had good champs run but he started declining since 22 Reykjavik. even Brazilian LOUD fans would admit this.

posted 4 months ago

SEN was this close from losing against NRG. If they missed out on madrid, would you have said the same thing? success can be deceiving, a good coach or manager can easily recognize what led to that said success.
Imagine Real Madrid wins the UCL with lucas vazquez, that wouldn't mean he contributed heavily on that win and they can't upgrade that position further.

posted 4 months ago

fair but if SEN bombs out they ain't gonna keep kaplan anymore. An org as big as SEn(at least in valo) needs to relevant all the time, Rob Moore has seen what success looks like on his socials interactions. If Kaplan sees that this roster would have better chance with a more consistent player than sacy then it's best for him to ask Rob Moore for a change and if he can't grant it then move one.
zekken and tenz can't perform on todays level all the time, sometimes they will be against way harder opponents so will be much more difficult for them to get impacts. That's why this team needs another gigachad player to provide that depth.

posted 4 months ago

They only won against very bad teams and 100T who were very weak at the start. I am not, I watch the games and the mistakes , whiffs etc linger on in my eyes. I can't help it but I just notice individual mistakes very easily and sacy made a lot of them this split.

posted 4 months ago
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