Flag: India
Registered: November 4, 2023
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 12:43 AM
Posts: 1052
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Thinking cuck's valorant

posted 4 weeks ago

Why Are Cigarettes So Expensive Here?

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

Fnc 80 : Sen 20
Drx 50 : th 50
Edg 60 : lev 40

posted 1 month ago

Stop bumping your useless opinion cheesehead

posted 1 month ago

Lev lost to Trace???

posted 1 month ago

Baits the entire team, kills 2 in a 1v3, lose the round, braindead people start praising him. And people wonder why they call him a baiter kekw

posted 1 month ago

Fnc vs sen certified banger let's go

posted 1 month ago

Dude I watched season 1 in one night and haven't watched the season2 yet and it's been like a year now.
Thanks for reminding I gotta watch the season 2

posted 1 month ago

The game will be a lot closer than people think. Both teams have similar veto, and Edg is looking sharp and coordinated in the last few games. If we get sunset and haven in veto today, Edg might win today.

posted 1 month ago

Sorry mate your pickems are bout to be ruined tomorrow.

posted 1 month ago

Toyota rav4

posted 1 month ago

For ruining my playoffs pickems

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

I mean if you think she's into you just ask her out on a coffee date or a dinner date. You don't need rizz for asking out on a date mate

posted 1 month ago

G2 ruined my playoffs pickems
I had them going straight to the finals

posted 1 month ago

Baits 2 ppl and misses last shot. Actually throwing kekw

posted 1 month ago

Wrong link mate

posted 1 month ago

So many whiffs wtf

posted 1 month ago

I've got faith in TE.

posted 1 month ago

Omfg 🤯🤯
So funny mate 🤣🤣😜😜😝😝

posted 1 month ago

Deja vu
Save your tears
Sicko mode
Lucid dreams
My top 10

posted 1 month ago

Looks like someone's obsessed with femboys

posted 1 month ago

So it's just more breaks in between and no extra games?

posted 1 month ago

Promotion and relegation maybe and yeah money too

posted 1 month ago

Sup crocodilemaniac

posted 1 month ago

If she plays val ask her if she's interested in playing with you

posted 1 month ago

G2 have really wide map pool so technically they should have an advantage in a bo5 but they usually chokes in bo5 ( against 100t, th, lev) so I'd say it's 60-40 in favor of TH

posted 1 month ago

G2 or TH should be winning imo

posted 1 month ago

It's not only this champs, he drops stinkers almost every main event

posted 1 month ago

oh I can be your friend ukie <3

posted 1 month ago

-jingg +monyet would be a great move ngl. Monyet can play other agents than raze like neon, jett and controllers. I think this team is great and surely nothing will go wrong CLUELESS

posted 1 month ago

don't you have irl friends?

posted 1 month ago

I was at the park today, just chilling with a book and some snacks, when out of nowhere, a massive bear came lumbering out of the woods! Everyone freaked out—people were running, kids were crying, and one guy even tried to hide behind a tree that was way too skinny. But me? I knew it was time for drastic measures.

I slowly reached into my backpack, pulled out my tablet, and started playing Jinggg's VCT highlights on full volume. The bear, curious, wandered over and watched the screen intently. At first, it looked like it was really into it, like maybe it was analyzing the plays. But then, after a few seconds of watching Jinggg completely miss his shots and fumble his strategies, the bear just sat down, let out a big sigh, and scratched its head in confusion.

You could almost see the thought bubble over its head: “Is this supposed to be impressive?” The bear looked so disappointed, like it was rethinking all its life decisions. Then, as if to make a point, it rolled over and fell asleep right there in the middle of the park, snoring louder than a chainsaw.

Meanwhile, everyone who had been running for their lives started peeking out from behind benches and bushes, realizing the danger was over. The park ranger came over, gave me a thumbs up, and said, “You really saved the day… somehow.”

So yeah, that’s how Jinggg’s VCT highlights turned a rampaging bear into a snoring teddy bear. Never thought bad gameplay could be a survival tactic, but here we are!

posted 1 month ago

c*m starts emoting on you kekw shitality

posted 1 month ago

It's definitely 50-50

posted 1 month ago

Nope, only G2 and sen

posted 1 month ago

Hmm understandable

posted 1 month ago

Trace was not there in kickoff

posted 1 month ago

Because of nzr?
Still having aspas on your team means you have fans from every region

posted 1 month ago

Are you dumb?
First they had massive fan base from chile and Argentina and now Brazil supports them too coz of aspas

posted 1 month ago

Stfu itsmedio

posted 1 month ago

W bait review
I review your review of a review 6/8

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Did prx chose all 3 maps in veto? Like how can you let them play sunset( their best map) and lotus and bind? Brain dead coach

posted 1 month ago

No I legit don't know what is 4chan

posted 1 month ago
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