Flag: India
Registered: November 4, 2023
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 12:43 AM
Posts: 1052
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wish I was the wall.

posted 1 week ago

Wait is this for real????

posted 1 week ago

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and fellow VLR enthusiasts,

Today marks a truly monumental occasion. I stand before you with immense pride and a hint of digital fatigue, having reached a milestone that some might say was destined to be achieved: 1000 posts on VLR! 🎉

I embarked on this journey in November 2023, with nothing but a keen sense of curiosity and a rather questionable amount of free time. Little did I know that my humble beginnings would lead to this—an epic celebration of persistence and unparalleled verbosity. From my first tentative post to now, I’ve managed to fill VLR with a veritable flood of content, ensuring that every corner of this platform has been touched by my unique brand of wit and insight.

In achieving this feat, I’ve not only exceeded the normal bounds of online interaction but also set a new standard for digital engagement. Move over, historical figures and literary giants; there's a new champion of content creation in town.

But, alas, the journey does not end here. With 1000 posts under my belt, I am resolutely committed to continuing this epic quest. Prepare yourselves for many more posts, as I dive headfirst into the next chapter of my VLR saga. Expect more of my trademark brilliance, as I push the boundaries of what’s possible in the realm of online posting.

Here’s to celebrating this remarkable achievement and to many more milestones ahead. Cheers to redefining what it means to excel in the digital age! 🏆🌟

posted 1 week ago

Even better 😼

posted 1 week ago

Zeta and G2 logo is pretty cool

posted 1 week ago

No, not really. They looked bad only against Pcific. It was their first game; maybe they were nervous and also pcific are insane. After that game, they beat Mouz 2-0 very comfortably. Lost against JL in a close OT game and beat Saw again pretty much easily. I'd say TU, CGN, and Apeks are at the same level, where pcific are a level above these three.

posted 1 week ago

Damn I was not aware of this sub that fucking stinks. Imagine going out of the tournament you've been preparing and playing the entire year by merely one round just because of internet issues and incompetent riot admins... 

posted 1 week ago

No dude I was actually supporting jL throughout the series.. I know they would've qualified if jas didn't dced in the neon ult or the 4v2 round.. All I'm saying is even though riot fucked up by making this tournament online, there's nothing they can do about this situation unless what you're saying about the substitute player thing is within the rules...

posted 1 week ago

Yeah having ascension on lan is ridiculous I agree but I'm saying what can riot do about the JL vs MOUZ situation.. Asking a rematch or a match against TU doesn't make any sense at all

posted 1 week ago

Sign vanity and runi again 😭😭

posted 1 week ago

No but seriously what is riot supposed to do? It's not their fault JL were having internet issues...

posted 1 week ago

So I got really bored and made a champs event with most successful teams throughout the four years using AI..

Group Stage:

Group A:
LOUD (2022)
PRX (2023)
Gen.G (2024)
Sentinels (2021)

Group B:
Fnatic (2023)
Team Liquid (2021)
G2 Esports (2024)
Evil Geniuses (2023)

Group C:
Optic Gaming (2022)
EDG (2024)
Gambit (2021)
Acend (2021)

Group D:
NRG (2023)
DRX (2022)
FPX (2022)
Team Heretics (2024)

Group A:

LOUD (2022) come out on top, with aspas delivering top-tier performances, and their aggression is unmatched.
PRX (2023) secure second place with their chaotic, unpredictable playstyle, sending Gen.G (2024) and Sentinels (2021) home after wild matches.
Gen.G (2024) shows potential but can’t quite match the firepower of LOUD or PRX.
Sentinels (2021), despite their legendary status, fall short against the newer generation of teams.

Group B:

Fnatic (2023) dominate the group with clean, efficient teamwork. Derke is once again a standout performer.
Evil Geniuses (2023) secure second place with a strong showing, but their weaknesses are exposed against Fnatic.
Team Liquid (2021) struggles to find form, falling behind the meta.
G2 Esports (2024) are knocked out after a few close games, but their lack of synergy costs them.

Group C:

Optic Gaming (2022) showcase their dominance, with yay delivering an unstoppable performance, topping the group.
Gambit (2021) take second place, relying on their disciplined play and star performances from nAts.
EDG (2024) fight valiantly but are eliminated by Optic and Gambit.
Acend (2021), despite being former champions, fail to keep up with the evolving meta.

Group D:

DRX (2022) top the group, their methodical play and excellent fundamentals proving too much for the other teams.
NRG (2023) claim second place, adapting well to tough situations, but they fall to DRX.
FPX (2022) fight hard but miss out on qualifying after a brutal game against NRG.
Team Heretics (2024) struggle against the higher-caliber teams and are knocked out.

Upper Quarterfinals:
LOUD (2022) vs. Evil Geniuses (2023) – LOUD win 2-1. In an intense series, aspas leads the charge, but Evil Geniuses put up a strong fight.
Fnatic (2023) vs. PRX (2023) – Fnatic win 2-0, with Derke and Chronicle dominating the chaotic PRX playstyle.
Optic Gaming (2022) vs. NRG (2023) – Optic win 2-1. yay clutches multiple rounds to secure the win against their regional rivals.
DRX (2022) vs. Gambit (2021) – DRX win 2-1. A back-and-forth series with Rb leading DRX to victory in a final, nail-biting map.

Lower Round 1:
Evil Geniuses (2023) vs. PRX (2023) – Evil Geniuses win 2-1 in a wild series. Demon1 pulls off critical multikills to secure the win.
NRG (2023) vs. Gambit (2021) – NRG win 2-0. s0m leads NRG to victory with huge plays, eliminating Gambit from the tournament.

Upper Semifinals:
LOUD (2022) vs. Fnatic (2023) – Fnatic win 2-1. Boaster and his team adapt quickly to LOUD's aggressive play, securing the win after a close series.
Optic Gaming (2022) vs. DRX (2022) – Optic win 2-0. yay is on fire, shutting down DRX's disciplined play with his precise aim.

Lower Round 2:
LOUD (2022) vs. Evil Geniuses (2023) – LOUD win 2-1. A rematch from the quarterfinals sees LOUD once again overcoming Evil Geniuses in a high-stakes series.
DRX (2022) vs. NRG (2023) – DRX win 2-1, with BuZz clutching key rounds to send NRG home.

Upper Final:
Fnatic (2023) vs. Optic Gaming (2022) – Fnatic win 2-1. Derke is unstoppable, leading Fnatic to a thrilling win in the upper final.

Lower Round 3:
DRX (2022) vs. LOUD (2022) – DRX win 2-0. Buzz and mako step up once again to take down the Brazilian powerhouse, securing their spot in the lower final.

Lower Final:
Optic Gaming (2022) vs. DRX (2022) – Optic win 3-1. yay delivers an all-time performance, clutching out multiple rounds to send DRX packing and advance to the grand final.

Grand Final:
Fnatic (2023) vs. Optic Gaming (2022)
Final Score: Fnatic (2023) win 3-2 over Optic Gaming (2022)
This rematch from the upper final lives up to the hype, with both teams giving it their all. Fnatic take the early lead with a dominant showing from Chronicle and Alfajer, but Optic claw their way back, fueled by yay’s unreal performance. However, Boaster's adaptive calling and Derke’s consistency help Fnatic secure the final map and claim the championship.

Tournament Insights:
Champion: Fnatic (2023)
Runner-Up: Optic Gaming (2022)
MVP: Derke (Fnatic, 2023) – His impeccable fragging and consistency throughout the tournament earn him the MVP title.
Top Fragger: yay (Optic, 2022) – yay continues to prove himself as one of the best in the world, topping the ACS charts.
Best IGL: Boaster (Fnatic, 2023) – His leadership and mid-round calling were pivotal in Fnatic’s tournament run.
Biggest Upset: Evil Geniuses (2023) beating PRX (2023) in Lower Round 1 despite being the underdogs.
Most Clutch Player: BuZz (DRX, 2022) – His clutches were key in DRX's playoff run, pulling off miraculous plays under pressure.
Breakout Star: Demon1 (Evil Geniuses, 2023) – A relatively newer player who showed up massively for Evil Geniuses, making waves in the tournament.

posted 1 week ago

Dude, that person has Kyedae in his/her profile picture and s0n all over their feed. Why would anyone take the person seriously who doesn't even have his/her own identity?

posted 1 week ago

Legit looks like the reduce, reuse, recycle logo 😹😹

posted 1 week ago

Although Valorant has a large fan base and potential, Riot consistently makes bad decisions, they screwed up the T2 system, the offseason lasts like fucking four months, and some teams play as few as ten or twelve games a season. The champions group stage and some playoffs games were actually held in an arena where there were like 100-200 ppl in it 😹😹. Now compare this with any CS major, it feels like comparing UCL to major league soccer 😹

posted 1 week ago

Chemical science

posted 1 week ago

No obc

posted 1 week ago

I have a friend iiser pune. iirc he got around 160 marks in IAT

posted 1 week ago

Lmao 😹😹

posted 1 week ago

Oh it's like a mandatory military service thing like Singapore?

posted 1 week ago

Yeah, they probably would've qualified if the pc crash didn't happen on neon ult round. Crazy unfortunate :(

posted 1 week ago

What happened to akai btw?

posted 1 week ago

It's a three way tie though if apk lose so technically it should be like map diff and then round diff.. Bodork tweeted that if dsyre dominates and apk, gonext lose 0-2, dsyre qualifies

posted 1 week ago

Can dsyre qualify for playoffs if they win 2-0 ?

posted 1 week ago

We winnin ascension with this one 🗣🗣🗣

posted 2 weeks ago

Still waiting for kuronami vandal

posted 2 weeks ago

Damn so unexpected 🙀🙀 who would've thought

posted 2 weeks ago

Close game. Loita and comeback drops 100 combined

posted 2 weeks ago

These kind of rosters need insane amount of time to build synergy and ge just does not keep their roster if they fail in one year. Plus if youre having kr players there will be communication issues. You can't make a good roster just by adding good players from each region

posted 2 weeks ago

Famsii should be there no if we are talking about outaiming?

posted 2 weeks ago

That 1v3 from fizzy really changed the map. Still winnable for pcific though

posted 2 weeks ago

Whom did fnc sign? Xeus?

posted 2 weeks ago

Bro i really want to get a tattoo but my mom will legit disown me if I do so T_T

posted 2 weeks ago

Who do you work for? FBI? MI6?

posted 2 weeks ago

This guy benny can only play Phoenix or what?

posted 2 weeks ago

Pcific or joblife is going to win ascension

posted 2 weeks ago

You're playing like 5-10 games per act. You just need to play more and more games. Your stats are good

posted 2 weeks ago

Wtf? the person who created this logo and the management who approved it need to be fired right away.

posted 2 weeks ago

The way mouz lost against tu, this might be a quick 2-0 for pcific

posted 2 weeks ago

Or you can also use wifi while tethering your phone. It kinda works as an Ethernet cable

posted 2 weeks ago

Dude y'all just need an excuse to humiliate this man. I have no idea where this hatred comes from.

posted 2 weeks ago

"I'm 60 years old, my family has long since forgotten my existence, and the world outside my window has changed beyond recognition. The year is 2078, and I’m still sitting here, glued to my chair, watching the mouz vs. SAW match. The score? 600-600, of course. My grandchildren have grown up, had families of their own, and yet this match… this never-ending match… it still hasn’t ended. I remember when overtimes used to be a novelty. Now, they’re my entire existence. I don’t even know what game this is anymore. CS? Chess? Life? I’ve lost track, but I know one thing—this match will outlive us all. GG, WP, everyone."

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Banger game. SAW 2-1 MOUZ

posted 2 weeks ago

They were looking good in split 1 but made some changes in split 2 ( don't know the reason) changed the igl and fell off

posted 2 weeks ago
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