Flag: India
Registered: November 4, 2023
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 11:43 AM
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Clearly shows you know nothing about your beloved guild. Yeah he didn't played really well in masters but he was playing his flex role precisely in league stage as well as in masters. All you saw is him not fragging out

posted 6 months ago

Marteen, Jemkin, Polvi

posted 7 months ago

I'll go with pacific you guys continue with americas and EMEA
PRX- Monarchy
DRX- Stalwart
T1- Frontrunner
RRQ- Emerging
Zeta- resurgence
Secret- Persistent
GenG- Unpredictable
Bleed- Resurrect
Talon- Underwhelming
DFM- Doomed

posted 7 months ago

I don't think it has anything to do with scrim results it's just that blazeking's isn't in Korea atm so they had to make a decision

posted 7 months ago

RRQ is the new PRX

posted 7 months ago

They signed bazzi 3days before tf they doin over there dude. Lightning fast must be sweating rn

posted 7 months ago

RRQ vs GenG x4, RRQ group C winner x26, Easy money

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

swap bleed and RRQ

posted 7 months ago

Hungeryman coming with a big ass para in 3..2..1

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

How do I block specific users on this website? I do not want to see their comments or discussions.

posted 7 months ago

So do I but rating them above champs runner-ups and Loud is delusional

posted 7 months ago

No FNS, no s0m, new igl, new season. They didn't even played in off-season

posted 7 months ago

I truly want to know why they are rated S-tier above loud and prx by everyone. They do, in fact, have world champions Demon1 and Ethan, but last season Sentinels also had Sacy and Pancada, which didn't assist at all. Not only that, but they were under less pressure than they are this season since nobody was expecting anything from them, unlike now when everyone's expecting them to win titles and blow it even before the season began.

posted 7 months ago

I agree. watched him at Ascension last year, he has excellent shooting, game sense, and map awareness. I also saw some of his videos and streams with Polvi; he's such a lively dude. Idk why, but I have a hunch GE might beat Zeta in kickoff.

posted 7 months ago

I think it's because they performed really well at the end of last season, and I think Jemkin over Ejay is definitely a big upgrade. That's why everybody's rating them very high.

posted 7 months ago
Do y'all agree with this list?
I personally think

posted 7 months ago

I agree, the management is a bunch of absolute clowns but let this team play first. Who knows, they might do something that the earlier team couldn't do.

posted 7 months ago

I'm pretty sure you lost some around $1k because I've seen your comments on every thread related to GE and not in a good way.

posted 7 months ago

As the seeding is higher for the teams who qualified for the champs( for example, KRU finished 10th in the league stage but qualified for the champs but was the first Americas team to get eliminated in the champs, so they'll be given the 4th seed most likely), and the remaining seeding is most probably based on play-offs first, then league play, the most likely groups and match-ups are:

for pacific: Group A: DRX, T1, Zeta, and GenG
Group B: TS, RRQ, GES, and Talon
Group C: DFM, Bleed, PRX
Group-stage matchups are:
DRX vs. T1, Zeta vs. GenG
TS vs. RRQ, GES vs. Talon
DFm vs. BLEED, PRX vs. TBD

For Americas:
Group A: LOUD, NRG, KRU, C9
Group B: LEV, FUR, SEN, 100T
Group C: MIBR, G2, EG
Group Stage match-ups:
LOUD vs. NRG, KRU vs. C9
LEV vs. FUR, SEN vs. 100T
MIBR vs. G2, EG vs. TBD

Group A: FUT, GIANTS, NAVI, and Liquid
Group B: VIT, BBL, Heretics, and KOI
Group C: KC, Gentlemen, FNC
Group stage match-ups are:
FUT vs. Giants, NAVI vs. Liquid
VIT vs. BBL, Heretics vs. KOI
KC vs. Gentle mates, FNC vs. TBD

posted 7 months ago

He did play Sentinel on certain maps, but he also played Kayo on Ascent, and we didn't see a few maps, so I assumed Sayf was on the Flex role because Cender will struggle to play Flex while being IGL.

posted 8 months ago

Thanks my G

posted 8 months ago

havoc has some heavy fragging skills. I don't think this team's lacking in fragging power atm

posted 8 months ago

I will for sure

posted 8 months ago

appreciate it fam!

posted 8 months ago

My pleasure CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer 🫡

posted 8 months ago

FUT: Played really well considering Gais was not with the team. Mr. Falin is definitely in the top 3 igl ITW imo; his calls in the pressure round were top notch, plus his fragging is pretty solid. I feel like Qraxs should play different agents than Kayo; Kayo isn't viable on every map. The team looks solid overall and definitely has the potential to qualify for masters.

VIT: Legit thought they'd win 3-0. Pretty solid tournament with a new and young squad. runner is super talented, and kicks also looking pretty good. Sayf adapted to the Flex role really well. With some time together, this team is looking pretty good. Def top 5 EMEA imo.

FUR: This team needs some rework, or it'll be the same story again but worse than last season. MW is one of the best players; there is no doubt about it, but the team looked very MW-oriented. All rounds they won; almost every round MW had multiple kills. Still, I feel like Konan is not THAT IGL guy. I heard about Khalil being sick, so it's understandable that he was having a rough game. If they keep the same roster, I believe they will finish in the bottom three

Global: Global played decently with a stand-in. Benkai is the most experienced player on that team, so they'll only get better with him, imo. Polvi looked pretty decent; he wasn't connecting many AWP shots, but it was his first time on LAN, and he has the potential, so I'll say at least they won't finish in the bottom 3 this time. Somewhere between 5-7 (at the end of the season).

GenG: GenG played horrible against TR, but against FUT, they played really decent. I am so excited to see T3xture in the upcoming season; he is looking pretty decent. Meteor is playing well on Sentinel. I still believe there are better KR players than Lakia RN, but that's just my opinion. I don't believe they'll finish in the top five next season unless they make some changes to their roster.

TR: Surprisingly, they played pretty decent. went toe to toe against Geng and Fut. I'm still trying to comprehend how they were winning on the opponent's map pick and getting stomped on their own map pick every time. The whole team is super flexible with their roles. Deathmaker and Disrupt are definitely top-tier players, imo. With some coaching and proper time, they can definitely give that ascension spot a shot.

Event: I think this event will be remembered as 'THE TECH-PAUSE EVENT' with the amount of tech pauses and delays that were happening. The first two days were miserable, but they did a decent job on the last two days. Stage was fire, and the trophy was good. really loved it when they gave medals to vit players. The crowd was amazing, and despite not having their home team in the finals, the arena was packed. Really happy to see my g cNed getting love from the crowd.

Lots of people are complaining about poor organization. You guys need to realize that eSports is very new in India compared to the rest of the world. They're doing everything they can to help valorant grow in India. Overall, it was a pretty decent off-season event. Hopefully, with time and more offline events, we'll see a no-tech pause event in India next year. xD

posted 8 months ago

I think riot should hire these organizers so they'll know what not to do in an event. Seriously everything's been abysmal in this event

posted 8 months ago

Brazilian supporters are wild, man! I used to believe that it was only South-East Asian and Indian supporters that resent their team after a loss. Furia tweeted about today's loss, and despite it being an off-season event, folks aren't holding back in their comments, and honestly they didn't even played that terrible.

posted 8 months ago

mwzera will be highest rated player in this tourney and Americas league

posted 9 months ago

Owner can't afford or he would've already done than. He has a weird Korean fetish

posted 9 months ago

k1ng can't comm in Eng. main reason he's out of T1

posted 9 months ago

Russ+ 4 Indian players would've worked better than current team ngl.

posted 9 months ago

6man roster can work no

posted 9 months ago

I think DRX should get him. He's the best replacement for RB Imo.
Buzz, stax, mako, k1ng, foxy
looks like a Korean superteam ngl.

posted 9 months ago

reply him on twitter lil bro. Why making thread of it

posted 9 months ago

18x is wild💀💀

posted 9 months ago

Legacy of getting benched despite being igl of the team?

posted 9 months ago

I tried so hard staying awake but it's past 3am now. Caffeine alone can't hold me anymore

posted 9 months ago

By upvoting this thread

posted 9 months ago

Can we sign a petition to not let India host more events, please?

posted 9 months ago

1) ardiis
2) shao
3) suygetsu
idk what you're talking about mate

posted 9 months ago

Mate I'm not trying to despise your country or production. I'm just saying that every event in India had same issues with delays and tech time outs so why don't you just hire good management. idk why you got so corny

posted 9 months ago

superpower by 2030

posted 9 months ago

wtf man. why don't you hire people from korea or japan if you already knew it's gonna be like this ffs

posted 9 months ago

dead tenz aim? tenz 1v5 any indian team deep asleep

posted 9 months ago
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