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Registered: June 6, 2023
Last post: December 13, 2024 at 6:39 AM
Posts: 84
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Thank god

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Single handedly tried to lose the round (while typing mada went mental)

posted 2 months ago

Yh idk bro I think he thought Ethan was gonna hold the angle maybe? I'm just trying to think of excuses for him atp

posted 2 months ago

W stripper

posted 2 months ago

Which rounds? They had an advantage in almost every round on defense, also blg had a much slower CT sided comp which is why they struggled second half. Impressive considering the 0-7 start and losing second pistol but overall I agree this shouldn't be impressive

posted 2 months ago

What does this even mean bro, only the ascended teams are tier 2 in ur opinion but by being ascended they are now tier 1. So in Ur opinion tier 2 doesn't exist or what

posted 2 months ago

Not just by the stats (100% KAST + 5-1 FK) but also by watching he just seems so disciplined which is crazy considering most at his mechanical level tend to be much more loose. I feel like if he plays this role and allows mada to be that x factor I genuinely feel like nrg could be title contenders this year.

posted 3 months ago

My name and d.p. are two of my favourite shows of all time let alone my favourite kdramas. If you haven't given either of these a watch I would 100% recommend

posted 6 months ago

Die for you by joji is such a beautiful song

posted 6 months ago

100% deserved, that man has lost way too much money for our entertainment lol

posted 7 months ago

If a certain amount of teams finish with the same record is their placement decided by head to head or map or round differential

posted 7 months ago

Not really, his brim and Astra were never anything special. He just did the bare minimum util usage that any1 in pro play is capable of then fragged out, what made his Astra and brim good weren't that he was good at the roles but that his mechanics were insane and he was given space to use them

posted 8 months ago

Damn, feels bad for those teams then, just looking at the Americas region then it's gonna be pretty much impossible for furia, mibr, NRG, loud or eg to even have a chance of making champs even if they win out their games

posted 8 months ago

So theoretically if, say, mibr somehow went on a run and won all 5 of their games, they most likely don't make it to playoffs still due to Americas already having like 4-5 teams at or over 6 points?

posted 8 months ago

As far as I can tell, 6 teams qualify for split 2 playoffs for each region, is this based off the top 3 teams from each group like split 1 where the top team gets an automatic by on the first round or is it based on total circuit points across both splits?

posted 8 months ago

I mean it fundamentally does, more variables to account for = harder decision making

posted 8 months ago

Literally none of the above except maybe for the fact that forsaken struggled in a few maps. They lost to 100t purely because of poor decision making in key moments that ended up with them throwing so many rounds, especially on icebox. If you watch the icebox map back you will realize they should've won that game 13-8 no doubt about it

posted 8 months ago

Although I see the angle you are coming from, a lot of cs sore executes look very and I mean very similar and understandably so as there are far less variables in the game. Although there are some basic util combos in valorant that are proven to be very effective, no valo game looks the same and that shows that pros have to be far more creative and make more on the fly decision making to be effective with their util.

posted 8 months ago

Mechanically it's not a question, cs has the higher skill ceiling, but as an overall esport it's very much debatable. As many pros have said it's much harder to be dominant in valorant than cs and that's because there are so many more variables in Val which makes the game much harder to master on a strategic level.

posted 8 months ago

Nvm just remembered I've deranked from immo 3 to asc 2 this episode and I've never felt more depressed. Stupid suggestion.

posted 8 months ago

How about valorant

posted 8 months ago

I'm ngl s0m is probably a better on the op than demon 1 even though it will probably be Vic on duelist for the most part anyways

posted 8 months ago

There is no way that s0m isn't on smokes I'm ngl. I know Ethan has played omen on quite a few maps before but with s0m coming in mid split he's going to be put on his most comfortable role which 3/4 of his tm8s were used to last year. He might flex to duelist if they play Jett raze on like split or something but other than that he will be primary smokes.

posted 8 months ago

Here's how it will go:
S0m: primary smokes
FNS: sentinel/viper on double smoke maps
Victor: primary duelist
Crashies: primary initiator
Ethan: secondary initiator/flex

posted 8 months ago

Bait used to be believable...

posted 8 months ago

Nobody matches fns' jett, it's truly a masterpiece

posted 8 months ago

s0m was predominantly a jett player in the pre franchise era also playing raze on certain maps like bind and occasionally playing flex roles of kayo and omen on icebox/breeze when the chamber meta came around. Not really that important tho as he's for sure on smokes as this was their system last year and they wouldn't try him out on duelist given the little time they have. Hope this helped xD

posted 8 months ago

I have no idea wtf u talking about, just cause I have mannerisms doesn't change the validity of my opinion nor what I look like. Btw I'm 17 almost 18 5'8 with dirty blonde curly hair and 64kg considering u seem so interested, u donkey.

posted 9 months ago

Brother ur actually too far gone for me to try make ur thick brain understand. The game is a 5v5 shooter which means that the role of each player has an impact on every other player. Even if the sub does well it can have a negative impact on others performances. Also don't start the stereotype game as u Americans lose that any day of the week. Btw I'm literally an Americas fan (specifically s0m and fns) when it comes to valorant, I don't care for TH I'm just speaking facts u imbecile

posted 9 months ago

I mean pretty much every1 on this website just dogs on other regions for no reason. Can't we all just judge stuff objectively and stop being brainless morons

posted 9 months ago

He didn't say that bro, actually read what someone says and think about it before speaking ur clearly not very intelligent mind. The fact is that TH had one day of practice before this masters event and regardless of the sub situation that's hard on any team let alone when u have to switch around roles for the sub to come in (keep in mind that patitek and woot have never played in the same team u donkey, even tho patitek was playing earlier this year woot wasn't in yet and this the role are different)

posted 9 months ago

Lmaoooo my bad

posted 9 months ago

Brother he's agreeing with me...

posted 9 months ago

S0m will be on smokes and that's that. At the end of the day it would take too much time for s0m to adapt to the duelist role after a year of smokes and they don't have much time at all. Undoubtedly he's capable of it but u have also got to remember that he has already meshed with 3 of these players as a controller and as such will stay on that role for the time being.

posted 9 months ago

Extracurricular and rugal are both somewhat more intense if that's what u prefer

posted 9 months ago

This format is confirmed 100%. It's honestly not too bad and don't u want the most in form teams to go to champs? It's meant to be the best of the best in the world at the time not those who were the best at an earlier point. Also assuming some of the top teams stay on top then league points might very well be very important for that last team and gives a team like sen a very strong chance of going to champs.

posted 9 months ago

If you liked my name then something like rugal or d.p. are also really good. The ending to s1 of is no joke the first and only time I've ever full on started crying watching TV.

posted 9 months ago

Vagabond, my name and the glory would be the top 3 from this list imo but itaewon class is a good starter too

posted 9 months ago

My Name on Netflix, it's kind of a badass revenge story and is well produced. I watch a ton so if u want any more recommendations I have all my wasted time to ur disposal

posted 9 months ago

The idea is that the most in form teams go to champs and people aren't out of the fight till it's over whilst also giving a spot to the team which may have had the limelight earlier on in the season i.e. sen rn

posted 9 months ago

No, you guys are wrong about the qualification system. The top 3 teams from split 2 playoffs go to champs then the next team with the highest league points outside of those 3 qualifies as the 4th team. Essentially all is still to play for.

posted 9 months ago

How? Top 3 controller last year and arguably best na player aside from demon1.

posted 9 months ago

I swear this guy's music hits different

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Nobody here has probably heard of it but the Nevernight series is the best I have ever read, would probably say it's for 15+ tho at least, idk ur age

posted 9 months ago

I think it might just be

posted 9 months ago

Don't let simp4s0m see this post, you just insulted his meaning of life

posted 9 months ago

The question wasn't whether to remove marved bro, s0m was never a smokes player just picked it up for last years nrg roster. As the OP said he would be a flex player.

posted 9 months ago
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