Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 15, 2022
Last post: August 16, 2023 at 4:38 PM
Posts: 74
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They just wanted to lose because theyre friends so Loud could wipe EMEA out of Groups

posted about a year ago

Just let Liquid and Loud win, after that we can have DRX VS Navi in Lower Bracket ~ Loud get qualified and DRX stomps Liquid too after that

posted about a year ago

MIBR era um time que ninguém esperava nada se não em estar entre os piores times, pessoal apenas subestimou em não estudar eles como deveriam, e agora acabou as táticas e ideias de jogo da MIBR depois da surpresa ( O que ficou manjado agora e o poder de adaptação deles é horrível com o Murizz de IGL, coisa que ele sempre se mostrou ruim ). Apenas trocação de bala tem um limite de até onde se dá pra ir e agora ficou claro a diferença de qualidade em geral.

posted about a year ago

The right way is "Uh !, you're gonna die" ~ Its exacly the same shit as chanting "Uh ! You're gonna lose" but in a more provocative and agressive way, its actually Cultural to chant that, meaning that u gonna Lose.

"Go to your Death" would be - "Vai para sua morte" wich doesnt make any sense here and we would never speak in that way.

In a pejorative way of speaking to trully mean that u gonna kill someone, it would be - "Eu vou te matar", "Vamos te Matar" or "Nós vamos te Matar". We would use the Pronoun wich would be "Eu, Você, Ele, Ela, nós, vos" to afirm.

I hope the Portuguese class clarified something here.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Where's Saadhack in Tier-S? Best IGL itw isnt enough for you ?

posted about 2 years ago

Incrivel que tu foi procurar jogos lá da PQP pra tentar comprovar o teu ponto, lembrando que dois desses são da Sentinels com nem 1 semana de treino direito e outro de sei lá quanto tempo atrás.

O que faz o Pancada ter valor não é numérico e sim em Partida, geralmente nas situações que você mais necessita dele, ele é o jogador que mais se destaca nos momentos de crise e não necessariamente apenas em Clutchs, mas em Kills importantes.

posted about 2 years ago

Its diferent, Coldzera and all of the LG/SK Crew dndt know anything about English when they started and probably dndt never study, u can see how bad was the Fallen Interviews in the Beggining. All the English that they know is from experience, wich can turn into something more problematic. (The problem in MIBR btw with Stewie and Tarik was Cold)

posted about 2 years ago

Ya, he was the "Champions MVP" but not the "FINAL Champions MVP". Thats what u guys need to see, Pancada was Impactfull througt all the Tournament, where Less had some good and normal games and a Insane Finals. Its like some people saying that Aspas was the MVP when he had a bad overall Champions.

The only one that could get the Champions MVP from Pancada was Yay, but he lost the Final Game.

posted about 2 years ago

Nah... I believe they will adapt and evolve alot there, Brazilian Players always has these type of Super Power if u know what I mean... We have "Good Players" but always behind in the MetaWise, so I believe they will probably have a Hard Time in the beggining adapting and getting a little bit better to the final.

But ya... Even if theyre a Punching Bag, theyre actually better than some of the APAC/EU teams, thats why I called them Mid Tier.

posted about 2 years ago

Pelo o que parece, hoje é a Data apenas de confirmação para aqueles que podem vir a ter problema com Visto e tals, eles tem até Fevereiro ainda pra mudar muita coisa.

posted about 2 years ago

Relaxa mein, não precisa se precipitar tambem, Tuyz tem um puta potencial e quem sabe até para ultrapassar, mas é dificil você falar que o cara é melhor que o Pancada que literalmente foi o MVP do Campeonato Mundial (Olhando o Campeonato Inteiro e não a Final) e é no mínimo TOP 3 Controlador do Mundo.

Cauazin é outro caso, em questão de mira talvez ele realmente já seja melhor que o Sacy, mas é inegável que a visão de jogo do cara era surreal, principalmente se você imaginar que ele era quem suplementava as ideias do Saad em varias calls, isso o Cauazin e Tuyz não tem como suprir.

posted about 2 years ago

Just a VivoKeyd 2.0 ~ Better in some aspect and worse in others, nothing too much, just another Mid Tier team.

posted about 2 years ago

WUUUUUUUUUUUUT ? WTF UR SAYING BRO, FRZ IS FREAKING GOOD. But ya, Murizz is pretty much a waste.

posted about 2 years ago

Xand is the best Flex on BR if u dont count Saad. The rest is just the rest unfortunatelly, no one is good.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Being a Reyna one trick ? If they want to get some improvements, the best way possible would be to drop him. (His KillJoy was actually Sick on the Masters btw).

posted about 2 years ago

I think that this line is the same shit as VivoKeyd, maybe a little bit better because they dont have RHZ, but it's not a team to keep an eye on for the TOP 5, just a wharever team that could be better.

Heat - hasnt showed some good adaptability with other Duelists, if he can improve it we can see Heat as one of the better Duelist in the Franchising back.
Murizz - After he stopped playing Reyna and getting more into Flex Role, his overall just got worse and worse... And I dont think he is one of the better IGL's avaiable
Jzz - Has some potential but cmon... There is alot of better names out there and some that we can work on like Liazzi. (if they want him to be the Initiator)
RgLm - Thats a W
Frz - Another W

posted about 2 years ago

Its simple, just get Cauanzin and Nyang to help Saad to manage the Young people. He has enough experience and inteligence to deal with it.

The best Scenario and best team for me is - Aspas/Saad/Cauanzin/Nyang/Less. U could even argue that it would be the Best Team in Potential wise on the world.

posted about 2 years ago

Better than V1xen... Thats how bad he is.

posted about 2 years ago

Please... Just dont get V1xen... there is some interesting and better controllers to have in that position like BNJ/RGL/MNDS and surprisingly Nyang (Would be a good Option for someone Inteligent to help Saad and replace Sacy).

For Initiator is a little bit harder to see, if Cauanzin dndt sign the contract with MIBR he is the better choice, if not... We have MW (Not a Good option to be true, I prefer him to be Duelist) and Denaro ? Or maybe trying to steal NZR from Lev would be a interesting choice.

posted about 2 years ago

They dont have enough money to negotiate if u pay the diference ~ 1 Dolar is equivalent to 5 Real.

Loud earns in "Reais" and not "Dollars", so if other teams offer an absurd amount of Dollars for each player it becomes really tough to keep them because they need to cover and pay the equivalent of 5x our money's value.

10k Dol per/Month here is basically saying ur fuckin Rich in our country.

posted about 2 years ago

Just check FlyNN_vlr twitter...

posted about 2 years ago

Thats not quite true... Brazil has more Talent but alot less infrastructure than NA. With less infrastructure they have even less professional development and mental maturity to do something more than Choke, thats the problem we have with "New Players" and "Ego" here.

posted about 2 years ago

If I'm not wrong, they alreaady dropped all the players from NRG, so... I dont know what u talking about, if its about Optic Core without Yay, its just a speculation that they will get them, nothing has been confirmed.

posted about 2 years ago

If I was NRG, SEN or EG I would try to sneak-in some of the players.

NRG probably has enough money to buy the entire roster, just drop that OPTIC Core shit without Yay and take entire Loud team, if you doubt it comes out even cheaper.

EG idk if they have enough money to buy the roster, but its their oportunity to get sometthing better than scraps.

SEN with Loud Core and Tenz is almost the same as keeping the Loud full power, the unique problem is Language Barrier and probably without Less that doesnt know how to speak english.

posted about 2 years ago

Sacy stole the TOP1 EU Rank in one Month this Champion Season, Aspas in Reyjavik got TOP1 too and u guys still think that are any better ? (They dndt keep the Top1 because they dont need to play in that region anymore) Come to Brazil and we will show u how to trully play Prison Valorant.

posted about 2 years ago

Brazil is actually not that good on LoL, we're past the time to be good at this game, now it's just suffering.

posted about 2 years ago

He didnt win and low KAST, kills isnt everything to win a game.

posted about 2 years ago

Finally he can receive that title Worldwide and be reconized for it ~ MVP of the Grand Finals for sure.

GG Optic, u guys played well and Yay was spot-on, but not enough to defeat The Final Boss this time.

posted about 2 years ago

I said it here. Cya

posted about 2 years ago

Optic Yay estava dormindo uma noite quando ele ouviu um barulho alto ... "Q-Quem está aí?" ele gaguejou em um tom nervoso monótono. Foi Loud Aspas ! Ele se arrastou para fora da cama de yay e sorriu para ele. Sacy então saiu do armário de yay. saadhak invadiu a porta de yay em seu quarto. Less se levantou debaixo da mesa de yay. pancada atravessou o espelho de yay. ''Nós somos o barulho'' todos eles começaram a cantar. Optic yay chorou e gritou para Pujan Methenamine vir e salvá-lo, mas não houve ajuda. Yay já era.

posted about 2 years ago
  • Sobre o Heat eu até concordo, mas o MWzera não é MonoRaze por querer não, ele já demonstrou e falou a vontade de ter variedade e mudanças, tanto que na época da GL em que ele jogou de Jett e queria ser o Main Duelista, ele foi muito bem... É uma pena que no caso o time todo tava em queda e não conseguiam jogar com o meta atual de 1 Duelista (Já que tinha um Jonn no time).

  • Sobre o Liazzi e Tuyz, eu não acho ruim a tentativa da chance, mas não podemos esquecer que o MWzera tambem é bem novo em questão de idade e já tem a experiência que os dois tem, ele é meio que uma afirmação enquanto os outros dois ainda estão na posição de revelações como ótimos jogadores (Tanto que o Cauanzin/Less roubaram a posição de maiores promessas do Brazil do Liazzi a um bom tempo).

  • E sim, a galera pode chorar, reclamar e se espernear que não gosta do cara, mas o Xand é muito bom sim, principalmente quando a gente para e pensa que ele faz isso como um IGL, o que torna ainda melhor a sua contratação.

posted about 2 years ago

Quem acompanhou toda a trajetória da Immortals/MiBR no CSGO sabe os corre que é participar da organização desses caras, eles podem ter se redimido nos últimos tempos e uma galera até ter esquecido dos corre que a galera passou nisso ai, mas sim... O Core da Mibr é ótimo com os três pilares como foi dito, mas cai no que eu comentei... É um time feito com o NZR em volta, se não tiver ele na posição de IGL é quase obrigatório ter o Xand no lugar, isso é apenas uma amostra do quão desfalcada a posição de bons IGL (Nivel Mundial) está no Brazil atualmente.

posted about 2 years ago
  • Cara... Esses furos são absurdos de se imaginar. Eu curti muito esse time da GL e realmente espero que dê certo, pois em questão de Potencial Bruto é possivelmente a melhor line possível no cenário Brasileiro (Retirando Players da Furia/Loud). Para aqueles que estão incrédulos com a opção de ter Xand + MW, a gente tem que observar que provavelmente o Xand e MW não irão ter tantos problemas como é com Jonn na NIP (Já que ele é um dos cara mais inflexíveis possíveis no cenário, fico até feliz quando ele joga de Fade que são os melhores mapas da NIP), temos até a opção de vermos finalmente o Xand como um Full Flex ou o FRZ se juntando nessa mistura (O cara joga de tudo).

Temos que lembrar que ao imaginar um time sem o Xand é literalmente obrigatório a entrada do NZR pra ter alguem bom ali, pois é a necessidade da posição de um IGL... É quase uma situação de "Aceita ou Chora".

  • Agora sobre a Furia sem NZR com o Konan no lugar é um F total até que me prove o contrário, seria a pior jogada da Furia retirar ou deixar o NZR ir embora sem receber alguém no nível dele em troca e ser sincero... Acho muito difícil no momento atual de ter alguém da qualidade como IGL que ele tem, talvez no LATAM tenha algumas outras opções. Na minha opinião a melhor escolha seria na busca de opções por um FLEX de qualidade na troca do Mazino se eles querem dar um upgrade no time, assim deixando o DGzin full Duelista e o QCK full Sentinela/Chamber.

  • O resto é resto.

posted about 2 years ago

whynot ? Who u would put above them ? Just Optic (By History) in my opinion and strongly debatable FPX (Same Palystyle) when they never played agaisnt each other.

posted about 2 years ago

Yea, thats why Loud was a Runner-up in Reyjavik and DRX did never past over top6.

posted about 2 years ago

delusional bronzil fans wont like this.

posted about 2 years ago

That wasnt a Choke, they just got diffed very hard on Attack in every single aspect of the game. Loud Pick btw

posted about 2 years ago

Prove me I'm wrong, the most consistent and aimdiff Controller in the world right now. If Loud wins champions he is the Champion MVP in the League.

posted about 2 years ago

lmao, I replied to the wrong one.

posted about 2 years ago

I dont think so...

Yay - 0.85 KPR Only Chamber (24 Games)

Aspas - 0.89 KPR on Raze , Jett , Chamber, Neon (19 Games)

posted about 2 years ago

Well u can say that for Loud too. They had 3 close games without Less, Sacy and Aspas. It was all on Pancada and Saadhak for those games.

let me say it again.

If Aspas, Less and Sacy plays decent they beat Optic hard 2-0 and Kru hard 2-0. If they're on True Masters level its a quick 2-0 on both. They lost to KRU by 3~4 rounds while Aspas, Less and Sacy had one of the worst games of their career overall.

If Aspas dropped 25 kills on either maps (Like he usually does), Kru wouldn't have even got double digit score.

Just accept it, LOUD Lower Bracket run is real.

posted about 2 years ago

Title Ratio ~ He really deserve that Title, cmon...

posted about 2 years ago

Dont even try... He's just trying to bait with that Fracture map. But ya, Liquid was the only team right now that made Loud go for a run until now. Probably because they were training alot with each other (They said that on Interviews actually) and knew how both teams played and dndt expect such a early match up.

posted about 2 years ago

Lets be true here... Fracture isnt even a map. Who plays that shit ?

posted about 2 years ago

No aspas ?

posted about 2 years ago

No, we cant win... Optic is too good ! They actually won agaisnt FROUD (Loud) in the priveous game and no one want to accept that, just check how much Maps they won ! Its so unfair for Loud to play agaisnt such a Huge Team on the Grand Finals that comes from the Best Region... Loud should just forfeit to keep some respect... What a bad luck. GG Optic 3x0 the best team in the world.

posted about 2 years ago

The last one on the scoreboard is mandatory to give trashtalk on the chat, u guys dndt learn on Ranked that ?

Sheeesh... Disappointed on u guys.

posted about 2 years ago

Its too early to say that. We already had some potentials on doing that, its just that the game is evolving and bringing new things every Master/Champions in the early phase.

SEN (Tenz) had that crisp aim in the early games when no one know shit, Gambit (and EMEA) just revolutionized with their insane strats and gameplay on how to play Val and now we have Loud that has the potential to keep all these points but has still to prove themself agaisnt some other Big Teams

The game just got 1 year of International Presencial and alot of things to come. Just wait and eat your popcorn.

posted about 2 years ago
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