Flag: Spain
Registered: November 4, 2021
Last post: February 25, 2022 at 9:26 AM
Posts: 50

That's why he is, and always will be the GOAT

posted about 3 years ago

And yet when it mattered, Mibr got knocked down to showdown while Navi qualified to the finals xD

posted about 3 years ago

They are, but they had a rough start to 2022 lmao

posted about 3 years ago

Lol, you'd have to be dumb to think he's cheating in actual Tier-1 LAN games now, which are 85% of his career.

FYI - It was declared in multiple team vlogs that TO's format the SSD before every game and reinstall the game with a player's specific settings, such that nothing else runs. They take a player's mouse and keyboard for hardware checks against cheats. There is audio/voice/teamspeak recording, video recording of a player's face as well as recording of a player's screen from the back (recording of PoV), in addition to screen recording and server logs. In addition, admins are physically present behind all teams. Also, TO's have their own proprietary anti-cheat, they don't even use basic anti-cheats like VAC.

Idk what has gotten into you, but cheating in Tier-1 LANs in 2022, is literally impossible.

posted about 3 years ago

Mouz isn't Tier-1 CS lmao. They are a roster of rookie academy players and now with a washed-up veteran.

posted about 3 years ago

I would say it depends on what your goals are:
1) Garmin watches are much more accurate in terms of health metrics and monitoring.
2) Samsung's watch 4 has lots of features but a very inadequate battery life, and inconsistent measurements
3) We have good smartwatches from Fossil and Mobvoi Ticwatch as well, which are great.

I personally use the watch 4 classic and had watch active 2 previously.
Watch active 2 has a few major shortcomings:
1) Samsung's own OS is used. The Google-Samsung collab WearOS3 is not there on watch active 2. So, it wouldn't support google services and apps. Tizen OS is quite outdated.
2) It has 2.6 GB usable storage which is quite low, usually.
3) The metrics aren't accurate
4) A relatively not so smooth experience.

I would recommend you to look at Ticwatch, Fossil watch, as well as Samsung Watch, in case Apple Watches aren't what you want. Amongst Samsung, since you already have watch active 2, don't go for 3. Definjtely not worth it. Go for 4 directly. I am a huge fan of the rotating dial.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeheah boi!!!!

posted about 3 years ago

ScreaM's honestly one of the best players in the world right now. His Reyna is just so impactful. In general too, he's got great mechanics and a good teamplayer.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, TenZ isn't even the best in NA Valorant.

posted about 3 years ago

And got bodied by s1mple on the last map lmfao.
Niko on Nuke - 2.02
s1mple on Mirage - 2.21

At the end:
Niko - 1.25 and s1mple - 1.46


posted about 3 years ago

That's kinda sad. Why would autimatic leave though? It's not like he's amazing at CS anymore. Unless he had some insane offers with good teams, I gues...

posted about 3 years ago

Brehze is not just a random player though. His raw mechanics were insane. When he was a motivated player, he ranked within Top10 in the world (2019). 100T could use him very well. On Vandal-like weapons and practically all pistols, brehze would be amazing.

posted about 3 years ago

s1mple streams Valorant when he plays it once every 3 months xD
It'd be pretty petty if Riot actually prevented players from streaming other games.

posted about 3 years ago

The thing is, Valo Beta version had double the active playerbase than current game. Also, considering Riot's God-Tier marketing and global popularity, it's not unjustified to have such high expectations. Back in 2012 when CS released, esports as a whole was not developed, internet access in developing countries wasn't so good, in addition to Valve being shit and not even caring about the game ever. So, CS debut vs Valo debut doesn't make sense anyway. Not then, not now. The situations have always been different.

In any case, who really cares about viewership? We aren't gonna get a single penny even if there are 5 million viewers. We are the ones paying, both in terms of money and time. If you enjoy, that's all that matters.

posted about 3 years ago

I'm pretty sure this thread was made by an insecure Valorant fanboy.

For God's sake, who really cares about whose viewership is higher? We aren't getting paid either way. The only profiteers are Riot/Valve. So, why do people need to associate to one or the other game developer?

posted about 3 years ago

When s1mple became primary rifler in late 2019 (GuardiaN period): https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/7998/s1mple?startDate=2019-09-20&endDate=2020-01-23

Look at his weapons distribution: https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/individual/7998/s1mple?startDate=2019-09-20&endDate=2020-01-23
Rifle kills - 642, Pistol kills - 155, Sniper kills - 87 (including both AWP and Scout)
Even then, s1mple had 1.28 rating as a rifler. For your info, even Niko didn't have ratings like these. GuardiaN was a 0.9 rated AWPer, and when a team has a bad AWPer, it's really hard in current meta. And it was a new role for s1mple. He still slayed with a 1.28 rating. People who think s1mple isn't the GOAT are either haters or just ignorant. He's a God with every single weapon.

posted about 3 years ago

That aside, BLAST Production HOLLYYY JESUS CHRIST! ABSOLUTELY THE BEST I've ever seen.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, you have a point.

posted about 3 years ago

That's a short-sighted viewpoint, even if that's true. Esports as a whole has globally gained a lot of traction in the last few years. When CS released in 1997 or something, when CSGO released in 2012 or so, esports wasn't really a big thing globally. It has grown exponentially over the past decade (stats back that up).

I can assure you that when the next big esport drops in, it's likely to have a bigger meteoric rise, even compared to Valorant.

posted about 3 years ago

True. It's a popularity award after all. More votes = win. A lot of people have tried Valorant this year, being the newest amazing esport. Guess it makes sense that way. Congrats to Riot for that!

posted about 3 years ago

Read my entire post, not 1/20 of it.

posted about 3 years ago

Bruh, League should have probably won it, objectively speaking.
Literally all the nominees like League, dota, CS are not only bigger and had a hell lot more viewership, they also organized big global world championships, while Valorant hasn't even had champions yet. I am not trying to undermine Valorant, just calling out the reality.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, that's funny, in hindsight. I never thought I'd be agreeing with this, 1 year back lmao.

posted about 3 years ago

I'll tell you some facts about s1mple, and let you judge s1mple vs TenZ yourself.

Facts about s1mple:

1) 4 times Top-1/Top-2 player in the world, IN A ROW (World Record)
2) 8 MVPs in 1 year (World Record)
3) 20 MVPs in total (World Record)
4) 17 Trophies
5) 1 Major + 1 Major MVP
6) 1 Grand Slam
7) 2 times Esports PC Player of the year
8) 1 time Esports Player of the year
9) Legendary CSGO Graffiti
10) Highest Rating in a Major, in all of CSGO history.
11) Highest Rated Player in all of Tier-1 CSGO history.
12) Highest Rated Player in "Big Events", in all of CSGO history.
13) Highest Rated Player in Tier-1 LAN Events, in all of CSGO History.
14) 2nd Highest Rated Player across MAJORS, in all of CSGO history.
15) Tons of statistical world records (too many to list, so just putting a few notable ones here):
• First player in CSGO history to win an MVP/EVP award in literally every event attended in the year, with green stats (+5% above average) in every single stat component/category, in every event.
• Most Aces at a big event in CSGO history.
• Most clutches at a big event in CSGO history.
• In Tier-1 CSGO: Highest Annual Big events rating in CSGO history, Highest playoffs rating in CSGO history, highest annual Impact Rating in CSGO history, Highest annual Damage per round in CSGO history, highest annual LAN Rating in CSGO history.
• Nearly 100 tournaments (almost 6 years in a row) without any negative-rated/below-average event (World Record).
• 1.30+ Annual Rating for 3 years in Tier-1. Nobody else has done it even 2 times. And just 1 other guy has done it 1 time.

Source - HLTV
s1mple is the ONLY player in CSGO history, who has achieved literally everything that can possibly be achieved in CSGO. My Conclusion - GOAT OF CSGO

Now, you compare that to TenZ. And let me know what you think xD :)

posted about 3 years ago

Bruh, Gaules is literally the offical Portuguese stream lol. Go and check TO stream partners on PGL, ESL, BLAST website, etc. He just doesn't have a studio like the English and Russian Streams. Get your facts straight. He's not a watch-party.

Edit: Escharts just updated the stats.
Without independent watch-parties/casters, it was 2.57 million. With watch-parties and co-streams, it is 2.75 million (180K viewers from all watch-parties combined).

posted about 3 years ago

I like both games, and I am hence invested into both. I just find delusionals like you cringy, who somehow feel "associated" or "belonging" to one or the other esport xD

Note: I didn't start the costream argument. Iceland VCT main stream barely reached 200K, while shroud was at 500K. That is the meaning of "getting carried by watch parties". Here, Major had 2.6 million lmao. Shroud was the biggest watch party with 60K viewers, Tarik was 2nd with 20K. Remove all these and it doesn't make a damn difference. VCT got carried by watch parties, Major didn't.

posted about 3 years ago

Bruh, Shroud had 60K viewers, while the Major english channel alone was 600K+. Remove shroud 60K + Tarik 15K +5K/6K streamers from 2.6 million. Major still had 2.4 million+ viewers without counting co-streams xD.

Shroud himself gets 2x to 3x the main stream's viewers in Valorant. He doesn't even get 1/10 of the main stream viewers in CS.

posted about 3 years ago

Lmfao. With Astralis he barely reached 1.2 rating, just following gla1ve's orders. Without Astralis, he's not even top10 and can't win anything (except maybe regional qualifiers lmao)

posted about 3 years ago

That's where strats and anti-strat notes are written, you dumbass xD

posted about 3 years ago

4 Top1/Top2 in a ROW
17 MVPs with 1 Major MVP
14 Trophies
1 Grand Slam
Major Champion
Esports Player of the Year
CSGo Graffiti

Highest Rated Player in All of CSGo History in Big events (Top20 Tier1)
Highest Rated Player in All of CSGo History in LANs (Top20 Tier1)
Highest Rated Player of all Fucking time (Tier1 Top20)

Absolute Fucking GOAT of CSGo

posted about 3 years ago

A video game, by definition, attracts tons of salty toxic kids. You expect millions of people to all act maturely?

posted about 3 years ago

Lol, cuz a trophy won a million years ago shows how good you are today xDD

posted about 3 years ago

That literally doesn't matter. We play both games, but we all know CS is the real FPS, 20 years and with legendary players, legacy, and fanbase. Valorant is great, but just a wannabe. You can't expect anything else when Valorant is not anything original. It's just Overwatch + CS.

posted about 3 years ago

GOAT just outperformed Gambit's entire core single-handedly lmao.

posted about 3 years ago

It's actually been great for the ending of the map, honestly. The beginning was sooo bad, but the latter half was really POG, ngl.

posted about 3 years ago

Well, major is being streamed at 4K 60fps on YouTube, for the 1st time ever. Twitch is only max 1080p 60fps. And so even I was watching it in 4k on youtube lol (about 200K-250K viewers on youtube).

Also by the way, screenshots aren't a proof. Screenshot is easily editable lol.

posted about 3 years ago

Bruh, Valorant's peak is 1.085 million total viewers from VCT stage 2 ( https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/vct-2021-stage-2-masters-reykjavik ). If you saw 1 million on Twitch alone, then there were only 85K viewers on all other platforms combined?

Stop capping.

posted about 3 years ago