Fanatic left early but hopefully they wake-up and improve because teams are just getting better and better. PRX played really well honestly if they had a better coach that wasn't yelling and kept the team calm they might've never dropped to lowers. All players shoot insane on PRX and very aggressive team which is a meta that makes valorant fun to play and watch. No other pro team plays with that aggression like PRX just wish they had a more amiable coach.
Sorry to EDG fans but from the games it's not that your team didn't play bad but other teams just do it better. Practice some more or scrimm against harder opposition.
As for their next few matchups PRX and FUT are in hot waters to whichever team drops to lowers its going to be an uphill battle but gl to both. And NA you're on the hot seat with all these wins and getting cocky is something NA does so I suspect TH and GEN.G might pull the rug under them and knock both NAs to lowers. Gl to all and especially to PRX cause God knows your coach is just going to yell at you tomorrow even when you're winning 11-1.