Flag: India
Registered: June 21, 2021
Last post: September 3, 2023 at 5:25 PM
Posts: 30

I said something bad abt tenz and the whole tenz army was at my back😭😭, well i hid in the depths of the underworld and i returned

posted about a year ago

I gave it my all and u won rightfully 😭😭

posted about a year ago

Hit me up - https://play.chess.com/Jfwjr

posted about a year ago


posted about 3 years ago

Not 90%. Anyone who has sense wouldn't say that

posted about 3 years ago

Jamppis ace vs sen

posted about 3 years ago

Thats his first interview in Champs lmao

posted about 3 years ago

This isn't anime

posted about 3 years ago

The prize pool is not the main source for val players income. The salary which they get from the org is way more.

posted about 3 years ago

its was more like, hey scream, "can you roast NA so we can have some drama"

posted about 3 years ago

its the best time to make this change and liquid are adding only 1 guy unlike TH

posted about 3 years ago

they were 1 round apart against both gambit and navi so does that mean navi= gambit, no their navi match was a fluke and imagine a wrld where jamppi just didnt choke and hit his only one op shot which he had to against nats. no way you can say liquid did shit

posted about 3 years ago

are you specifically mentioning g2 is better than liquid and against international teams g2 is weak and liquid stronk bcoz if g2 are better then they are deserving more and so a way to know.. ur just contradicting urself it seems

posted about 3 years ago

Gydom galva best team in emea according to your stats

posted about 3 years ago

there's no way to know, and u proceed to say g2's team is better

posted about 3 years ago

A wise man once said you shouldn't care anything before the word "but"

posted about 3 years ago

No imo and the bright side is that they have always come back stronger from their loses :)

posted about 3 years ago

i need you to read what i wrote and the topic of this thread

posted about 3 years ago

g2 players had 1 month prac time in g2( when fnatic were in iceland) not a week and g2 obviously had been prac with keloqz trying him out and later signed in g2.
just like tsm and cloud 9, new roster team's either flop or top their performance well in the first tourney and later cant keep up with the same performance unless they stick to the roster for a long time

posted about 3 years ago

G2 fanbois upvoting this copium thread lol

posted about 3 years ago

G2 won against a weakened fnatic after iceland when they had only 2 weeks to prac and a new map and also had to change their stuff as eu team's had vods on it and we all know how their bind ended up after that. also g2 was on their honeymoon period after their roster shuffle so its unfair to judge if g2 is really better

posted about 3 years ago

1 bind comp bad= shitty comp's nt kid
If the kay/o comp worked out in prac's why wouldn't they try again in officials and btw they came off clear at the end winning challengers 2 + sliggy himself said he prepared another comp if it didn't work out.
About the agent pool, no one spoke a word in vlr when they had a 7 win streak on bind playing the same exact comp and only when they lost ppl apparently started seeing the fault, I get the critique on their bind comp but its still justifiable to sliggy when they were winning bind consistently

posted about 3 years ago

gambit.. (cis)

posted about 3 years ago

umm no, as we are talking abt specifically on op jamppi never misses his first ct side kill which i remember in matches against fpx and fnatic in iceland qualifiers. he's an inconsistent jett player especially on t side but isnt what we are talking about

posted about 3 years ago

i dont think he has the fragging capacity in him anymore as he doesnt look extraordinary aim wise (judging from watching his streams). he could take passive agents and stomp teams with his vivid experience in cs. sure he needs to grind the game but legends like him will always have a place in t1 teams. imo him joining TL would be great and take the place of an igl taking off krytpix from their roster.

posted about 3 years ago

everyone says sliggy is a top tier coach and now they have an anaylst too. they'll be fine with coming up strats but the problem is if TL might be thrown off guard as they are inconsistent in adapting to mid rounds then its an L. i guess its an experience problem or they need an igl. anyways they now have time to prac and shouldn't come up with any excuses like they did against v1 and stage 3.

posted about 3 years ago

if you are judging by their fpx match then trash and looked off in their mid rounds when they had the lead, what if scream got the same value in every round just like he did in first strike. dont doubt him bro he'll be top fragging every match in qualifiers and berlin

posted about 3 years ago

average reddit user taking the easy narrative

posted about 3 years ago