Flag: Brazil
Registered: January 19, 2021
Last post: October 11, 2023 at 8:42 AM
Posts: 36


basta procurar meu man, colocar na barra de pesquisa do próprio site MEG.

posted about a year ago

he and alfajer are the best players without flying in the game.
they could play in every not flying position.

posted about a year ago

the level of competitiveness of valorant this year is also much bigger than last year.
i'm not saying they're bad, not even close, but if pancada e sacy were just too good by themselves, they would be on champions playing with 2 master's winner and zekken in their team.
For me, saadhak is the key in both teams, a lot of times using simple defaults on the map, adapting little things like going on contact, exectutions timings, reading enemy's setups...
i may be wrong cauze a lot of teams plays so agressive (mostly pacific/china region), but in general teams that have the better reading of the opponents has "upper hand" and saadhak's readings put LOUD in that position a lot of times.

posted about a year ago

engraçado que ta geral convivendo de boa no ambiente do GameChangers até agora, você quer que as minas tretem mas elas tão tudo susse entre elas... é você mesmo que tá incomodado, não percebe? kkkkk
teu preconceito te cega, doidão.
presta atenção.

posted about a year ago

que lacrador irmao, você só é burro mesmo... cenário inclusivo não é cenário feminino, inclusão é minoria. claramente você não consegue entender isso, então infelizmente esta é a parte da conversa que a sua falta de sensibilidade e tua burrice separa nois. grande abraço boy

posted about a year ago

mano, olha o que você ta falando...
se você conversar 1 dia, durante 1 HORA, só 1 HORA com uma pessoa trans, você não estaria falando essa bosta que você ta falando.
problema é que você nunca saiu de casa e conversou com pessoas reais e fica julgando e criando narrativa da vida dos outros pra tentar ter algum senso de razão, ridículo.

posted about a year ago

training in asia was bad
so they gave up masters to go home early and practice more to champions

posted about a year ago

i've seen a lot of pros locking in 300fps, some 350.
I think pros got into the idea that fps higher than 300/350 dont change the feeling of the game. BUT if you left it uncapped, the feeling of the fps dropping from 800 to ,idk, 650, 500, 400 can be felt in the game. So they capped at 300/350 to not have that dropping feeling even when youre with a super pc.

When you have a really good pc but your fps still goes under 250, i think locking wont change anything.
When you have a excellent good and your fps doesnt drop down 300, it's interesting to test it locked in 300.

Personally i like the feeling of extremely high and smooth fps some inside places in VAL delives, so i left it uncapped, but after you feel the drop even with your fps higher than 350/400, you'll see this happens a lot of times.

posted about a year ago

it's riot and tencent decision how many slots are given to each region.
if players want to protest, they have to protest against them, there's no reason to be disrespectful with other players from other places.
you wanna see players saying "we don't want this Champions slot for our region cause we dont deserve" ?

posted about a year ago

grilled feta cheese is amazing.

posted about a year ago

it's almost a disrespect to the other players on the list, which ALL of them had proven themselves in international events, more than once.

posted about a year ago

2 year in valorant, 1 international event only getting the spot with LCQ b4 franchise
how u put a player in a best international tier list without playing international events, i really dont know.

posted about a year ago

all american teams will be the best teams
LATAM and Brazil only lost to other LATAM and Brazil teams.

posted about a year ago

10/ 18 /3 -8

posted about a year ago

expect from xenophobic person :D 0 reasons 0 logic just saying by the hate.

by thrash person.

posted about a year ago

tarik 1 time major winner 5 YEARS AGO in ANOTHER GAME.
paNcada 1 time major winner 1 YEAR AGO in VALORANT.

the comment literally wad made by a bot.

posted about a year ago

this is called humbleness

posted about a year ago

zombs not even in tier 3 NA? LUL

posted about 2 years ago

i didnt know.

posted about 2 years ago

where he's going to play next year?
or LOUD just retired him from competitive last champions?

posted about 2 years ago

drill br

posted about 2 years ago

hj teve 3 md3 com 3 mapas, 2 com ot no ultimo mapa. se nao tao curtindo agr n tem como ficar melhor.

posted about 2 years ago

why do Americans obsess over TenZ when players like yay have been insane since literally master 1 last year

posted about 2 years ago

Concordo, mas eles não foram chamados porque são overrated ou horríveis.
Não chamaram justamente porque não encaixava, esse é meu ponto.

posted about 2 years ago

Basta abrir a aba de stats do Champions e ver o ACS do heat. Basta abrir o youtube e ver que tem vários vídeos de orgs gringas querendo ele. Depois BASTA PENSAR o quanto ele vale, sendo que estão oferecendo buyout em dollar/euro.
Espero ter ajudado ;)

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

heat foi caro e mw mais ainda. você não monta um time do zero procurando uma org pagando buyout de jogador que custa tanto quanto eles custaram.
Mais triste que o seu nick é o fato de tu ser horrível e ainda falar mal de players que já deram na cara de gringo campeão de champions.

posted about 2 years ago

someone knows why they didn't attempt to the press conference?

posted about 2 years ago

ZETA winning? LUL
not going with NiP is ok but not going with KR either is insane.

posted about 2 years ago

"so cringe" using "lmao"


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


dream brasileirinho, dream!

posted about 3 years ago