Flag: United States
Registered: December 5, 2021
Last post: January 16, 2023 at 12:15 PM
Posts: 2

You guys have other things to do rather than posting your opinions on streamers.... right? I hope there's no way your life is that boring.

posted about 2 years ago

You said he goes negative every game but against furia he went +7 on k/d with the only other positive person for the series being tenz. He went 44/37 and tenz went 65/49

The reason people think this is a L is because youre trying to measure the impact of a controller player in frags.

Zombs is an anchor/clutch/last in player. His impact comes almost exclusively from util. They have shahz sick and tenz to frag. If zombs is having to frag out theres A LOT wrong there. Any frags zombs gets beyond a 1 for 1 trade is already doing more than hes supposed to.

Hes not first in. Hes not a duelist. His impact should NEVER be measured by frags. He is quite literally paid to anchor sites and catch people off gaurd via lurks and being the last one on site. Thats what makes him so good. How often he catches people offgaurd, anchors well, his util usage is actually insane.

Sorry for the novel. Just wanted to explain from an objective pov.

There are a ton of great controller players but theres a reason sen hasnt dropped zombs yet.

posted about 3 years ago