Flag: United States
Registered: July 2, 2021
Last post: February 17, 2022 at 1:04 AM
Posts: 28

gl :)

posted about 3 years ago

no lmao

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

it is an extremely small percentage but it does happen - more cases go unreported though
however, there should be due process; there never should be "they said so it must be true" especially when its about something so severe

posted about 3 years ago

thats not how it works tho? like "alleged" literally means accused/said with no concrete proof, if he were to be a rapist i would agree but there are no conclusions in that way and theres no true evidence thats been provided. he wasn't right for not providing the full evidence as he said he would but theres also nothing to conclude that he IS a rapist?

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

you literally ignored and passed over everything i said except about the fraud/matchfixing?
as i said my point was that hate isnt okay lol please stop picking out one word out of context and addressing nothing else all i commented on that was youre not being objective/unbiased as you say you are along with the fact that hate isnt acceptable for ANY players, not just shahz

posted about 3 years ago

i wasn't the one to introduce the word hate and its pretty realistic to seeing that many players receive death threats and constant abuse over the internet? which is, idk, possibly a shitty thing to do? all i said was hate is a shitty thing to do especially online and anonymously, its cowardly. thats all there is to it

posted about 3 years ago

never said you hated on him; i said you shouldn't be justifying hate by calling it opinion or saying it comes from somewhere:
"Doesnt deserve the hate vlr.gg gives him lol" -> "Opinions are subjective and you can't change that", "also the hate comes from somewhere"

i understand your perspective in the original post and share most of it tbh but dont understand the hate part; just because it happens doesnt mean it should? should he or anyone really be receiving death threats constant vitriol etc over twitter/vlr/etc just over a game lol.
we as viewers are not meant to hold him accountable for what we perceive to have happened, theres a whole ass (bad) system for that but none of us know the whole story for almost all situations with any player and its bullshit for anyone to think they do and then use what they think to send hate

"He's a slimy rat who still committed fraud whether there's actual evidence or not." - isn't really objective/unbiased either lol its your opinion

posted about 3 years ago

shahz is awesome :)

posted about 3 years ago

are you trying to justify hate lol hate aint an opinion its a shitty cowardly thing to do anonymously

posted about 3 years ago

not homemade, the at home kits that are more likely to have inaccurate results than PCR though

posted about 3 years ago

you know fuck all about the team? like who are you to comment when the players are saying rawkus was valuable to expand their plays and miscomms individual decisions/performances were the big issue

posted about 3 years ago

aw understandable. can't give you much advice on that front but my heart goes to to you, always here to listen if you need to vent! <3

posted about 3 years ago

dont worry about it too much if you can. im a 5'8 gal dating someone shorter than me, its not as big of a deal or impression as you think, plenty of other things get noticed first :)

posted about 3 years ago

braindead take

posted about 3 years ago

hi there

posted about 3 years ago

you're fucking dumb lmao think you were watching a different game did you see him on fracture at all

posted about 3 years ago

literally what the fuck is your problem lmao get a grip

posted about 3 years ago

fair enough id drop VS down to A and bring FNC up to B tho!

posted about 3 years ago

thank you for compiling!

posted about 3 years ago

no more shahz jett :')
ready to see the skye tho

posted about 3 years ago

imo the match could go either way easily, TL has been looking great & while there's nothing on SEN recently it seems from what's being said they understand their mistakes in Berlin and have been looking to fix. either way its def the match im most excited for

posted about 3 years ago

super interesting to look at even if i dont follow all of it thank you!!

posted about 3 years ago

naw feels more hyped this time around honestly and we're still a week out from the event. hopefully better for players as well to go along with all the insane things riot's been bringing out (music vid/song, skins, video series, etc.), really looking forwards to it

posted about 3 years ago

copypasta alert

posted about 3 years ago