Flag: Tuvalu
Registered: November 22, 2020
Last post: April 17, 2021 at 7:41 PM
Posts: 269
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wow he won a first strike tournament... you do realize hes the weakest player in the team? if youd take out hiko from 100T they could do nothing without him! and what makes you think they are good when they won the first major tournament? its not like this game has the best gamers and i guess you also feel it, many teams dont take this game as serious as csgo. right now we only have retired and for the csgo pro scene uninteresting players in valorant. for the pros its just fun or better said a chance to be a twitch streamer since theres no real challenge and 100T was the only team in NA FS who trained together (boot camp) while other teams was enjoying free time and some lost their family members. you cant tell this tournament was taken serious. its to early to call a team good since this games pro scene havent even started yet. but it makes no sense to talk about this if you have steel wallpapers on your phone... hes still trash and takes the game to serious, thats all. if i say hes trash, i dont mean hes silver. he just knows a few tricks from cs and thats it. i could write a book about this guy. i know him from cs and he was never someone special.same like mOE and the funny thing is mOE is better than this tryhard and he doesnt play this game every single day.

posted about 4 years ago

"Mel is learning from steel" lmao! you know steel is the guy who got carried to radiant, right? he struggled really hard when he didnt get the carrie! they wiped the ground with that guy when he solo q'd and he lost like tons of matches in a row until they boosted him to radiant... the rank that almost never drops since win lose win lose enough to keep it... steel is a joke and i dont know what someone could learn from a guy like this...

posted about 4 years ago

and i hope you know the last few years get_right was nothing but an empty csgo player who just played for money obv. like many other csgo players (shox, rpk, nbk) rn... they all just play like its matchmaking whenever i watch a stream. i see no pressure or something on any side. its just about bets, skins. cs is dead af but people dont wanna believe it somehow and valorants big problem is that it doesnt use its full potencial. i mean game is out almost 1 year now and we had only 1 major. no org wanna sign people and pay em for doing nothing. in csgo you have at least a major each month if im not wrong in valorant people have to watch headset giveaway or charity tournaments haha

posted about 4 years ago

he will suck as much as he sucked in csgo in his last few years... whoever sucks in csgo comes to valorant...

posted about 4 years ago

this was about time since player1 was holding the whole team back!

posted about 4 years ago

from what i saw from ex6 he wasnt that good

posted about 4 years ago

they will regret it but we'll see...

posted about 4 years ago

if you think they didnt play serious, i feel bad for you! you know for the org the only thing that matters is a WIN! If you think like "Uh we won first strike, we dont need this really" the org will ask you to leave and troll somewhere else! this people get paid to perform their best and not to chill while they get paid. you can trust me theres no team that is like "uh we so good, we can afford to lose a small cup". for me valorant pro scene havent even started yet. it looks like we only got the sorted out trash players from other games for Valorant scene. And its funny enough that a EU Team full of nonames dominate EU with a known troll cheater in their roster.

posted about 4 years ago

but you think cheaters could perform like online on LAN? Heretics looks sus af! theres a reason why a known cheater plays sova. "Oh, my recon dart revealed you! so it wasnt WH!" "Uh, my Drone just spottet you! No WH Bro!"

posted about 4 years ago

he might join now Immortals or C9 White

posted about 4 years ago

In a 5v5 Team vs Team its not that hard after being able to read your enemies since they follow a gameplan and dont play brainless like in comeptitive. once you get one, you know someone will come and try to avenge him and so you can get in position and just kill em all

posted about 4 years ago
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