Flag: Tuvalu
Registered: November 22, 2020
Last post: April 17, 2021 at 7:41 PM
Posts: 269
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Instead some Abilities should be blocked/banned in the 1st Round imo! Like Turret, Drone, Wall of Sage. they are just to much for Pistols imo!

posted about 3 years ago

Sage is in the TOP 3 for me and shes really unfair at some point but this game isnt designed to be really fair when it comes to abilities and they don't wanna make every single agent comfortable for the enemies just because they hate her/him. her utiltiy is good and balanced imo. But the Ult is to strong i have to admit. I feel like the guy you Res shouldnt be able to use his own abilities anymore or he should be revived with maybe 1HP? Hahaha!

The Ult is the only thing i feel needs/could get a nerf. 100HP, having all abilities you havent used still + an Ult from the Revived guy that might turn ties easily is a bit to much but im fine with that.

posted about 3 years ago

hazed was inconsistent af and he never played an agent "perfectly". cutler is the next one who will be dropped if this doesn't fix their problems and im pretty sure brax will do nothing to this team. it will be the same, just slightly better. this TSM current roster is to wild to win something. they get easily lost and cant find back to the game once they lose the path. they need someone who can do this and it normally should be cutler but cant tell if he tried to do that before. and it was just rumours that brax left T1 because they fired AZK... im pretty sure they fired both at once so the stories about "we both or none" are just fake tales. i don't even know what you guys saw in brax! hahaha hes just another experienced gamer and nothing else! this game is just full of kiddie fanboys who fall in love with players who have cringe nicknames lmao! feel free to dislike kiddies!

posted about 3 years ago

psalm deserves better! i hope we will see him joining a better Team soon!

posted about 3 years ago

why is wardell not playing? Kappa

posted about 3 years ago

its not troll! this guys change the world with this posts!

posted about 3 years ago

you kindergarden kids really think Valorant Players would get over 10K Dollar a month? you guys must be on drugs! the Valorant scene is full of nobodies and it doesnt even look good, entertaining. ok, lemme get on your level guys. i bet they all get half a million + playboy girls for private fun! also i bet many teams let their wives cook for their pro gamers so they feel really like home and well!


i swear guys... this X-team fix and this topic make this site look like a Valorant Troll site! keep doing this stuff!

posted about 3 years ago

whatever you guys drink... i bet they get something about 1.500 - 2.000 Doller/€ in VAL. This Game rn is nothing! CS had a lot of BIG LAN Events, a lot of Viewers and they made a lot of Money with it! While VAL is a Game that havent seen a BIG LAN or BIG Tournament with an insane Prize Pool. Its not like the VAL Pros have a choice between VAL and CSGO... None of the VAL Players are interesting/good enough for the CSGO scene and they know it! As if they get 10K plus Money lmao! For what? Playing a Tournament Game every 3-4 Months? For now VAL is just a copy of csgo and the future of this Game is just unclear imo. It might not even top Overwatch or PUBG in the end! Dont be stupid guys! If they would get all this Money you guys imagine, they would drive Lambos, ferraris and some even Bugattis! to get more money you have to deserve it and make yourself a big name like tenz did for example. but i guess people who comment here are under 15 yo lmao! go ask whos dad is the strongest instead guys!

posted about 3 years ago

BIG rn is so bad that they wont see a LAN for a long time and that would make sense for him to switch to BIG Hahahaha!

posted about 3 years ago

hes not dodging right? LMAO! dude hes still not showing up and he decides himself when he will play! this guys owe the community a better statement! i cant imagine myself a single real life problem that would make me end my gaming career so i will have to do find other ways to earn money anyway. tell me what he will do now when he doesnt get money? will he search a job and quit the job right after he start by saying "hey sir, you know what. i quit my job! i have real life problems!". pro gaming is a job... you dont quit it for lame reasons since everyone has to work to earn money or not? and this guy is throwing away his source of money like hes rich and doesnt care...

posted about 3 years ago

"Firstly, the report is false, niesoW is not retiring, he is taking an extended break right now to focus on real life and his family situation." - Dude, this is LAN dodging! He has his excuse to dodge any LAN he want and after LAN he be like "Imma fine for now, let's play Online guys Kappa!" and if LAN Event is nearby he will again be like "Man my real life sux, i need a break again, cya Kappa!".

Hes dodging LAN and whoever this tanziq guy is defend it like he has the biggest counter... Hes just confirming niesow not playing the upcoming LAN Event and he will be back when Online Games matter again! Hahaha

Retiring or pausing until LAN Events are over is the same. who cares about your personal definition man...

posted about 3 years ago

of course they wouldnt find shit on his PC since you can have cheats on your phone, USB Stick. Google radar Hack designed for Smartphone. There was people on CSGO LANs who charged their Smartphones at their PC laying in front of em! Youre busy at LAN, playing BIG GAMES and you know what? Your Smartphone must be near you... :) A good hack for private use at Home is on a stick! You stick it in and it does what you paid for! Riot can do whatever they want but they wont find a good cheat that way.

posted about 3 years ago

there was a player in CSS that played for one of the best teams called mTw and that guy cheated really like theres no tomorrow and you know what? that guy missed his flight to a LAN TWICE! FUCKING TWICE! He couldn't show up! thats german Pro Gamer for you bro...

posted about 3 years ago

@clocksky888 for billions of people pro gamer is a dream job and niesow be like "No, imma go work like real man and make myself dirty!"

what ever "family issius" he had, this issius will grow much bigger now since he gets less money for his family.

posted about 3 years ago

officially he has family issius and he cant play but people saw him playing other games for hours when he paused playing VAL for Heretics. that guy is strange. i can imagine myself riot caught him cheating but they cant announce the community they have a european first strike winner champion team that won with a cheater. how would that look like for Val? thats just a theory but for me its possible that it actually happened like this. for me it was funny enough to let the sus guy play sova... perfect agent to abuse wallhack!

posted about 3 years ago

dude, in valorant cheating is easy when you have a good hack! i dont believe what niesow say about his real life. now imagine you have a wallhack/radar hack. he than calls his Raze "hey can you grenade this spot" or he just reveal the right spot its enough. nobody would use aimbots in this game. so forget busting people with Video material in this game. Especially not when you have communication. dont be so naive to think nobody hacks in this game. this is just annother game people will cheat on... theres no game thats free from cheaters. riot couldnt even proof nisay cheating. they just felt he cheated and thats why he got a 1 year Ban instead of lifetime!

posted about 3 years ago

You expect him to follow enemies behind walls? LMAO!

posted about 3 years ago

dude this site is only about "is cned best?" "is cned best jett?" "guys who is best jett? i sink its cned!"

the same shit over and over again! grow up lil iron fanboys!

posted about 3 years ago

get a life guys! who cares if hes the best or not? go to sleep dude! hes good but best? who cares? just wait for masters stage 2 to see him play against the others first.

posted about 3 years ago

says the guy who comment everything he see. typical murican moron!

posted about 3 years ago

get a focking life!

posted about 3 years ago

wtf you stalking me? do you also take notice when i poop you moron?

posted about 3 years ago

i bet he cheating

posted about 3 years ago

this game is a momentum game imo. every team has their momentum where they shine bright and look like they are unbeatable but in reality they all will go through exactly this sooner or later. I have seen this now a few times and i doubt theres a really dominant team in this game except Vision Strikers and Team Heretics. but we will have to wait and see i guess.

posted about 3 years ago

faze very dominant guys! be careful out there guys! faze might dominate you...

posted about 3 years ago

5:13 lose to SEN... i see the dominance... whatever they smoke! hahahaha!

posted about 3 years ago

dude, they wont let hi go! he is the heart of the team! if you take him out, this team couldnt even win against dignitas! its obv 100T doesnt care about the outcome of this match. they look like they havent played the game for days and just started VAL for this match...

posted about 3 years ago

i call this matchfixing since ascent is 100T fav map!

posted about 3 years ago

yea, time to let him go...

posted about 3 years ago

ec1s davidp nooky rAx and stewie2k

posted about 3 years ago

because you think so! in csgo you need wallhack or aimbot but in VAL you need only a soft radar hack since if you know where someone stays, you can force him away with your abilities and get on site and we all know abilities win games after plant. easy af to cheat in this game. nobody would use wallhacks or aimbot in this game trust me! a soft radar hack is enough and i doubt you have never faced those players who control the whole map like theey play also for you on your own PC... whoever thinks this game is almost cheaterfree, lives obv in disneyland!

posted about 3 years ago

i bet that guy whoever it is will be unbanned because riots anti cheat doesnt even work and cant proof anything. they have banned nisay (#1 EU player from turkey) and couldnt even tell the community what cheat he used. this people might be cheaters but when you cant proof it, dont act like your anti cheat system is working! just tell the community we are just acting like our anti cheat is working. we dont even have a replay system like in csgo to analize players and yet we can ban people we have no information about what tools they have used. cheat coders arent stupid! even the legendary word.exe couldnt be detected from any anti cheat tool! you should just let this people go on LAN and catch them while playing instead of like this! now they can think about fairy tales to tell you as excuse. "oh my cat downloaded this one hack when i was sleeping and i didnt know it was on..." and riot be like: "oh np! my cat does that too sometimes KEKW" i unban you 1 sec!

posted about 3 years ago

dude they dont even play the game anymore! they would like to play csgo if they could but they are banned lmao!

posted about 3 years ago

played over 7 years css, csgo and can tell the game is just boring and i can tell many people just stick to it because they cant play other games beside this trash or they own to much skins or wanna make money with skins and stuff. Valorant is by far the better game to go atm! for me csgo looks like a trash game designed before 20 years somehow when i watch some random streams. i cant even tell people who play enjoy csgo since they play with eye cancer resolutions like stretched af just because they can hit better like this. if i play a game, i play it because i like the graphic and mechanics and not just to hit a target. every game i play is an adventure for me and csgo is just full of this ego players who just wanna show off with retarded settings they use to make things easy af. i personally cant use trash resolutions just to be able to hit a target. i would rather just quit the game. i was LEM supreme in csgo just sayin before someone says i was to bad lmao! and pro gamers follow only the money, if VAL orgs pay suddenly more than csgo orgs people will move to VAL anyway. right now we only have uninteresting and sorted out csgo pros in VAL. and i think a game cant survive when its attractive only in a single region. VAL is a game that offers you billions of strat usage while csgo looks always the same and ive never seen a game like VAL before that makes almost every region in existence interesting to watch. in csgo it didnt matter you play against chinese or americans since it was all about the same shit. who has more luck and confidence using the copy pasta strats while in VAL every single region has their own style of playing the game. a clash of different regions is 1 Billion times more interesting in VAL than csgo and people wanna see exactly this! watching csgo or playing is like watching football. 22 retards who follow a ball and this for whole 90 minutes lmao!

posted about 3 years ago

dont use aimlab or something! its bullshit! do it only when you struggle to hit targets. if you play aimlab or something you will be good at hitting targets but not headshots and in this game you have to finish your enemies quick. pro gamers and iron silver followers use aimlab because the pros who get paid by this tools say so. its important to practise and train your arm/wrist, keys (deathmatch, unranked) and study yourself what you can do best or not! its important to find out what kind of player you are first like youre a duelist or more defensive/supporter player. you will have to play hundreds of hour before you realize you get better. dont rush it to much. i can tell the most impostant thing in this game is movement and to be able perfectly use your keys and abilities. think about what keybinds you wanna use from the beginning since its confusing later switching buttons. master your movement, jigglepeek/jumppeek and your keys and if you have a good crosshairplacement you will be good in a few months imo. i WOuld recommend playing sage, raze, omen, phoenix, killjoy for the start. dont play ranked before you feel like you can decide matches with your skills since you could get really low ranked and it sucks to level up your rank when you are at the very bottom since it will take a lot of time leveling up. trust me when it comes to this! you will regret playing ranked without knowing the game and the rank system will frustrate you a lot! watch some streams and try yourself some tricks and stuff.

posted about 3 years ago

tenz 19:15 and everybody WOWoWOWOWWOWOWOW!

ethan 28:17 on omen and nobody cares

posted about 3 years ago

another thing i have to add is, if they wanne see more of the other agents like viper, yoru and stuff just hard nerf jett, reyna, killjoy, sage, breach, skye, phoenix. anotherwise it doesnt matter what buffs are coming to viper since nobody wants to stay on the side for whole 2 minutes and just defend it with smokes like a fishflake. people wanna move, shoot and walk

posted about 3 years ago

agents like viper or yoru are strong already and i would also say OP on their own! the reason why almost nobody use them is just that People dont need that abilities for their strats. teams need agents who can clear sides fast or hold a side long enough to seal the deal. also agents like viper are not only annoying for the enemy team they are also annoying for the own mates in matchmaking since the viper wall is something both sides can use for their advantage. a potential buff i would recommend is that viper should be able to get back her wall to place it again later. if you play for viper after plant strats you cant lose and thats something i consider as really unfair since if they get the plant and they damn smoke set on spike, you literally cant defuse the spike since the smokes + poisen kills you in an instant. i personally hate viper as enemy or mate since you would ask her to down or the wall every few seconds and thats to much communication imo for matchmaking.

posted about 3 years ago

turkish Valorant is going to be like turkish football. a lot of fans but bad players that doesnt deserve this much fans. :D

posted about 3 years ago

riot said in an interwiev valorant will have 7 maps and max 20 agents in the end (to be beginner friendly).

posted about 3 years ago

"I don't know why I shot, I think I misclicked" imagine youre pro in a 1v1 situation you misclick and reveal yourself. i still dont believe the anti cheat of this game is half good as csgos VAC. i dont believe the fairy tales that valorant is "almost" free of cheaters.

posted about 3 years ago

whoever say he will be sold or SEN will try to buy him is a sheep! guys, this is Valorant! NOT Football! Its obv he doesnt want to play for c9 and if c9 wants to keep him or try to sell, he will just stick to his streaming and he will get free money from c9. if c9 wants to burn money, they can try to sell him hahaha! anotherwise he will just enjoy his stream and stay away from pro scene... for him its a win win situation.

posted about 3 years ago

wheres niesow? did they cuaght him cheating and had no balls to share this with the community because it would look cringe if FS winners actually officially cheated?

posted about 3 years ago
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