Flag: Chile
Registered: March 2, 2023
Last post: March 22, 2025 at 3:16 AM
Posts: 56
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bro watched a ton of speedruns and read guides... souls community on the verge of losing its soul with all the "guide tryhards"

posted 2 days ago

Still supporting bc kingg , but c'mon fdiez...

posted 2 weeks ago

this roster is actually rly good
they finally parted ways with wkn, who somewhat assembled this roster, but mosdef couldn't handle it

posted 2 weeks ago

Sure, a content creator influenced the meta of the pro-scene. Delusional

posted 1 month ago


posted 6 months ago

Bro, that keznit hate only exists in br crowd's mind, players know it's bs. He has a great relationship with most of them. And he had issues with Less for way different reasons you may think (basically some ego fight in ranked).
I doubt saadhak would leave BR though, he has expressed many times that BR gave him the life he wanted (job, wife, family, friends, etc..) it would be surprising if he leaves the br org sphere.

posted 7 months ago

at last
fraud coach pushed by spaniard streamers

posted 9 months ago

common trembolonaRage L

posted 10 months ago

Not trying to hate, but watching NA challengers and then this, it looks like they're playing in slo-mo

posted 11 months ago

For me, the real problem is with the fraud coach
Can't understand how LEV went for the worst coach they could find. CASE and KOI were/are dogshit teams... the signing of goked doesn't make sense at all

posted 11 months ago

9z golpea la mesa y demuestra su jerarquía y porque son los dominadores absolutos del T2 latam
NT gigantesco a los chicos de la academia. Se vieron poco finos hoy en su map pick. Ojalá muestren su nivel y que pueden ser un aire fresco de nuevos talentos en LAS

posted about a year ago

Clasificación fácil para XSoul, creo que están al nivel de AK
Ojalá se de el versus 9z para ver su verdadero nivel, a ver si le sale un verdadero oponente a la violeta

posted about a year ago

GL bro! cinematography is a beautiful art! I want to direct (that's my dream job) and I'm kind of a cinematography nerd too
Any cinematographers that inspire you?
Wish you the best!

posted about a year ago

kingg, mazino, shy and taco also duo'd with nzr from time to time, but u could tell that he wasn't one of "the boys"
hope he does well, but I think he won't be missed

posted about a year ago

Mine is:


Coach: Happy

what's yours?

posted about a year ago

City of Glass (Paul Auster)
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
The Glass Bead Game
Crime and Punishment
100 years of Solitude

just realized there's another book called city of glass kekw

posted about a year ago

rare vlr cinephile W

posted about a year ago
  1. Stalker
  2. Ran
  3. Pulp Fiction
  4. Taxi Driver
  5. Dazed & Confused
posted about a year ago

Not from BR but love their culture (music, architecture, cinema, etc..)

Baden Powell (choro), Tom Jobim & Joao Gilberto (bossa) are my favourites

If u like thrash metal, Sepultura is a must! Cavalera brothers are metal legends, if u like their early stuff (Arise, Chaos AD, Roots) check out Cavalera Conspiracy

If u like psy-rock, Os Mutantes are legends in the genre. Very Velvet Underground-like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WYGgoMRYm0
I don't know much about BR rap, but MC Cabelinho is cool af https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgdQsLH7sDw

posted about a year ago


duelist: kezn1t
initiator: mazino
controller: conir
flex/igl: kingg
sentinel: romi

sub (duelist): bstrdd

posted about a year ago

Mwzera and dgzin are a step lower.both are crazy good tho
Best south american duelist is aspas. No discussion there imo

posted about a year ago

Both are insanly good, but Keznit is way more consistent and creative imho

posted about a year ago

Onur actually wanted Melser to stop playing and join the coaching staff, but melser wanted to continue his career as a player

posted about a year ago

Cloud9 will have many decent rosters in the next few years, but will never win a LAN

posted about a year ago

david clears!
vamos mono ctm!

posted about a year ago

Lev's academy is strong af. Can't wait to see miradaninja and erde playing t2

posted about a year ago

Darker (smokes) is the current latam wunderkind. Fusion became a rly strong team with kam1 (coach).
We'll prolly see him in Kru or Lev next transfer window
-melser +darker

9z looks really strong. David (smokes) and Rubkkoide (init) are they stars imho. Both would be great acquisitions for kru imho.
-melser + David
-klaus + rubkkoide

Rubkkoide would be great for Lev too (-nzr)

All Knights is becoming a strong team too, they got adverso (ex-lev), cebando and tinchoff. They would be great in kru
-nagz +adverso
-axeddy +tinchoff
-melser +cebando

EDIT: Also, adverso is a really experienced player with a lot of attitude. Kru chokes a lot, they need someone who wakes them up when they're down. Adverso is the man

Americas ascension is gonna be nuts

posted about a year ago

mCe effect imho
regular season = lots of surprises, then they're an open book and easily counterstrat'd

posted about a year ago

s-tier chokers kekw. couldn't have say it better

posted about a year ago

tienen razon, solo jugo un par de mapas. no se porque lo recordaba mas como sova :/

posted about a year ago

klaus used to play sova when kru were at their prime, js

posted about a year ago

bro's def on his way out
haven't had a single good match since tl got rktd by ts at lock//in

posted about a year ago

He's overrated af imho
Great Writer - Atlanta is one of the greatest tv shows ever
Decent Director . Hiro Murai directed most of Atlanta - including most of the best episodes (bro is the real cinematic talent behind the show and no one besides some film nerds like me knows who he is). The 'Rich wigga poor wigga' one was awesome tho
Mid Musician - 1 good album - 'Awaken, My Love!' is awesome, other stuff is just meh
Mid/Bad actor - William H. Macy got robbed at the emmys that year. 'Shameless' didn't get much attention. Glover other stuff beside Atlanta is just bad or meh (from an acting perspective)
Guy's a bit delusional also, thinks he's too good (in a kanye west way). Talkin about "decoding the algorithm" and sht kekw

posted about 2 years ago

why are you getting downfragged lol, so many fanboys in this forum

posted about 2 years ago

'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time' and 'Dark Souls'
Two very similar games with different approaches

posted about 2 years ago

He's maybe the most versatile agent. There are so many tactics with gekko we haven't seen as much yet, that is hard to tell.
I mean, fake wingman plants, wingman cleanup lineups, moshpit combos (harbor, fade, kj, breach, astra), dizzy lineups to spot n recover, moshpit kj's ult denial
I don't think he'll be a chamber/kj case and it'll take some time to catch up, but I think he'll be a good kayo/skye alternative for more control-ish/slower comps

posted about 2 years ago

why everyone's so desperate to cancel ardiis lol
bro's funny af

posted about 2 years ago

bait tierlist to farm interactions from a mr.nobody scene-wise, desperate for attention
ppl defending this nonsense are the same ppl that thought xset would trash lev or that loud was an underdog at champions 2022
we could have another lock//in next week and these ppl would put sentinels or 100T 1st at them pick'ems

posted about 2 years ago

the only fate anime that's worth it imho
the blood mage intro is still the most badass thing I've seen in modern anime

posted about 2 years ago

9z con 1/10 de la pasta que ha metido el kun a Kru haría maravillas. Si Kru sigue por este camino, feliz de que 9z tome su lugar
Con esas respuestas del director deportivo (q con su llegada coincide el inicio de la decadencia de kru), no veo que vayan a rectificarse

posted about 2 years ago

Clown Org, with clown sporting director. Guy answers all the nagzet critics calling him "the most consistent player in the roster", cuz "he has the best numbers in training". Brooooo
Mf can't read real game statistics and destroying Kru from the inside. They're going directly to the bottom... with that attitude, hope they get kicked out of franchises next year

posted about 2 years ago

Q triste lo de infinity, tienen equipazo. Cambian de coach y pueden ponerse como top2 de latam ez. Igual van seguro a playoffs (ebro y furious es pelea de mancos)

posted about 2 years ago

Nats all the way. He's having a rly bad luck streak with all the CIS-riot conflict, and now joining a broken TL (soulcas+ duelist-jamppi)

posted about 2 years ago

they made massive changes. kam1kaze's style (new head coach) is way different from what they were doing. I hope they find their way, cuz at the moment it's not working at all :(

posted about 2 years ago

Not rly, at least not from latam. Latam t2 teams are at a rly low level rn and I don't see how this will improve with t2 na teams scrimming with t1 americas teams. Even Krü would have a hard time beating some t2 na teams and they would trash any t2 latam team.

posted about 2 years ago

rly sad for the val scene as a whole, she was taking the game to a next level (that yoru on pearl was sick)
guess this is the beginning of liquids supremacy

posted about 2 years ago

can't decide, love them all equally (yes, even ds2)
if they decide to go the fp-rpg route again, I'm gonna die

posted about 2 years ago

FNS > Saadhak > Boaster > Ange1

posted about 2 years ago
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