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Registered: | June 17, 2022 |
Last post: | March 10, 2025 at 5:53 PM |
Posts: | 681 |
map 1 was really crazy ill give fpx and drx that
ik, I remember a Nadeshot clip of him talking about acquiring TenZ and he said post Iceland his contract was way more than 2 mill, and TenZ is realistically bigger than ever now and has a comic ig? What ur buying Yay for is a nontoxic brand friendly player, who also happens to be the best in the world, guarantees you a top 3 NA team, and is never gonna have a bad game. Orgs buy egotistical shithead 16 year olds who dont work with people or socialize right for their fortnite teams for tons of money, I dont doubt Yay whos basically an Org's dream is worth as much as post Iceland TenZ. Hes even decently clouted when he does stream, he draws in roughly 10k? 2.5 mill seems pretty light to me colossal personal brand or not
if TenZ was like 1.2 mill in like 2021 pre Iceland yea; I have no doubt Yay is bare minimum 2.5mill. If his socials were larger i would say easy 3 mill but a contract for him is basically just to have winning clout, not off the server clout
Zekken best entry NA
LMFAO, FRAUDS. a 17 year old > SHITMEA
absolutely. nobody expected FPX to beat FNC because historically is dosnt happen either. then FPX somehow won vs FNC and everyone was thrown a curveball having to deal with a cringe anti strat team instead of fun matches against a good team. PRX should have won, everyone knows that. glad they are being outed rn vs the SET. Zekken dif, a 17 year old > ur region
Guys, optic IS the NA super team LMFAO
Nobody in NA is better than any of them in their roles
I want OpTic, the yay gap is real and yall better fear it. Wouldn't be mad if PRX takes it tho, they are my 2
anyone malding about XSET is just mad a 17 year old is in EU rn shitting over their entire ranked leaderboard with a 80%wr
I got this reddit post on my recommended feed and wanted to talk about it, specifically the top 10 players OAT list this VAMP stat generated below.
Player VAMP
nats (Berlin) 101.4
Shao (Copenhagen) 94.0
Marved (Reykjavik '22) 93.1
yay (Berlin) 88.1
TenZ (Iceland) 84.3
MaKo (Reykjavik '22) 83.5
SugarZ3ro (Reykjavik '22) 82.0
Sacy (Champions '21) 78.1
Derke (Champions '21) 75.0
Jinggg (Copenhagen) 68.6
Personally when I saw this I was really blown away with how good of a list this is. I cant really point out anything I'd disagree with personally so here's the question ig, are these the best players OAT; i think id agree.
Im not really all up on that nats train personally and i think id prolly change up that top 4 slightly (yay 1, marved 2, nats 3, shao 4) but whats yalls top 10
i thought people on this site actually watched competitive valorant 💀
how do people come to conclusions like these 😭😭😭😭😭
id consider the gpro pretty small, love this mouse
true. no bias. only objective Zekken facts
XSET is underrated. Zekken is gonna go off this LAN i can feel it. NA as a whole is making it out of groups fs, all 3. OpTic win champs
Its prolly yay, but man does NRG tex really just blow my mind every time i see him with an OP in hand
theres literally published audio, and a 14 page google doc. even if you wanna ignore a literal audio recording because she "dropped charges" (was bullied, doxed, and swatted by his rabid fan base if 14 year olds), hes still objectively abusive and manipulative and PERSONALLY admits to that.
not saying you knew any of this, but now you do. yes, sinatraa is a rapist, idgaf
I love everything about Sentinels. I became a fan when they kicked off Sinatraa and picked up TenZ, I was a day 1 TenZ fan since beta; the fact that he was replacing a rapist and SEN actually took action is what initially got me on their side as an Org, otherwise id still just be a day 1 TenZer. The first half of the year was disappointing to see them playing kinda rough but besides those 6 months, I love SEN because they were
Shroud is my GOAT, and signing him for this LCQ and being the 3rd best team at LCQ last month just really locked them in as my fav team OAT, knocking off ~2016 CS C9
scream isnt a top 10 player at champs
put the best ones u fine here, personally like #CC6000 quite a bit rn
swim, team USA bb. basketball is my fav team sport
try fade, shes basically entry support. throw prowler and back up w guns. shes decently easy and at least imo she dosnt require lineups, just intelligent util. if not fade, skye is basically the same in a lot of ways just not as valuable.
if you want to time sink into Kay/0, Judgement makes good videos and just watching them gives you a feel on how to play him, but if you feel shaky entrying, i wouldnt play Kay/0 as after he throws a knife, his job is basically to flash out of a smoke and find someone
Masters Reykjavik 2022
other nuances; if you think when jett was meta, sova was good because intel AND because his drone tags her and forces her off her op angle. when sova tags a chamber he falls tp's into spawn rather than how jett just moves back into another site angle, tag intel on jett is valuable. whereas tag intel on a chamber is basically worthless
its really only that the meta is so execute heavy rn. buff astra and nerf chamber so other sentinels are normal again and shes pretty meh compared to Sova. meta just leans into her vs sova rn
how do you even have a 68% hs%??????
VLR users when pros arnt burning themselves out before a tournament by scrimming for 10 hours a day for 2 weeks straight
Sen definitely above NRG but I’d put them above FAZE too. After that C9 and NRG seem pretty close but I can see either or.
I think Trent deserves his redemption story on the international stage. I also just wanna see everyone else on Guard show off what they can do. Saya LAN highlights sounds sweet
Yeah fr. Makes me sad that they won’t play for quite a bit again. Some organizer in NA fr needs to pick up on this dead space and make a tier 1 invitational with the T1 NA teams who arnt in Europe for Champions
dropping Dapr would be the org's worst decision ever possible
oh no i agree. this "gap" that some people thinks exists just dosnt. they are close, its all very comparable
holy shit. an actual conversation.
internationals is a whole different conversation, im more talking regions in the long run.
NA is hyper competitive rn, personally I dont see the same in EU, its pretty stagnant to me but to each their own. If you WERE to combine the current LCQ's i think more NA teams than not would fall between Liquid and the top. comparing #1's in the regions ofc comes down at the internationals, but personally I think internationals in the scene's current state dont really matter for longer than 2 months and arnt worth more than opinion pieces. esp cuz eventually our CCP overlords will eventually take over the scene in rankings and finance; and teams/spectators will look back at these games in 5 years and wonder how players this shit won an international
this is what i mostly wanted to get at with this post
nothing else to do. sitting here in a office chair getting paid 16$ a hour to supervise a triathlon practice team swim, and watch this boring ass NAVI vs G2 game. might as well spread some truth