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Registered: June 17, 2022
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 11:20 PM
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TenZ is only a chamber when riot forces every roster to have one, so hopefully when they actually fix the agent he will get to play his actual pool. even if, TenZ is still better at chamber than dicey, tex, and bdog; making him still top 3 NA chambers. Dapr is not an initiator, and as a 3 week prep role swap he was still better than dephh, fluyuh, eeiu, and xeppa. hes more comparable to ayrin than anyone you listed and hes still a better anchor than him

posted about a year ago

no. literally nobody is saying that

posted about a year ago

no. you got baited by a random on twitter. 🤷

unless you somehow managed to fall for "What a marvelous afternoon, only 22 degrees zelsius."

posted about a year ago

bro cant even get their roles right

posted about a year ago

SEN literally just signed their coaches. they havnt renewed TenZ or Shaz or anyone yet because they just finalized who their coaches are. this isnt some weird way of them telling you no TenZ no Shaz next season, they just havnt had any staff to actually decide who plays and whos a good fit yet. yk, because they just got signed today

posted about a year ago

with the exception of Shaz; TenZ, Dapr, and SicK are top 3 NA players in their respective roles

posted about a year ago

Dapr and SicK <3

posted about a year ago

hes really good on chamber but chamber doesn't really facilitate a playstyle where tenz can be the monster he is. not because chamber isnt also a monstrous agent, but tenz just dosnt play in the suits that make chamber strong

posted about a year ago
  1. TenZ stay, I just hope chamber gets meta rotated out so he can really shine again

  2. I want Shaz to stay, but if hes not main IGL then Id want him as 6th. putting him on exclusively content creation would be a blunder. I would be down to see if a double igl model would benefit SEN tho, though Ive heard that Dapr tends to already provide that typa role when calls are dry

  3. Bring back SicK please :) (but not on smokes istg)

posted about a year ago

Tex keeps his cool and is very patient, and dosnt miss shots he needs to land. He's a really aggressive and powerful anchor. Giving that up in general would be a poor idea but especially in the context of the players and coaches he will be playing with

posted about a year ago

Tex is insane and looks like a extremely good option to round out how FNS is gonna be calling plays and what Chet is gonna be preping with FNS. idk why they drop him. what a blunder

posted about a year ago

I thought BCJ was XSET IGL

posted about a year ago

TenZ is probably not retiring whereas I think Shaz has mentioned retiring after Sentinels before and is likely deciding in collaboration with SEN staff whether to continue on the main roster and renew, or retire/be 6th man. Shaz wouldn't likely F/A himself to get on another roster cuz Sentinels is basically his personally made dream team

posted about a year ago

depends on what you think hes inconsistent at ig. he almost always gets his team onto site and gets 1 before he dies, which is exactly his job and hes great at it. hes a demon at taking space, and his teammates roles and playstyles revolve around that space he takes and endlessly pressuring their opponents with it. by the way most optic rounds go Id say hes pretty consistent in hitting that goal, thus they win lots.

posted about a year ago

stop downplaying these players. The only player as good as them in NA is Zekken, and the only comparable players internationally are maybe Sacy vs Crashies and kiNgg vs Victor. stop overlooking this power duo. no, trent is not better. neither is Asuna or whoever people compare Victor to. these two as a package deal are probably the best offer the american league is ever gonna see for the next few years. give them their flowers

EDIT: also just wanted to add on that Vic is also def the most important pioneer in val history as of now

posted about a year ago

im not a gym guy or a vegetarian but I am an athlete and as a swimmer getting in calories so you could function was big. you should try peanut butter, loads of cals and loads of protein. peanut butter was key to keeping me functional during my swim season

posted about a year ago

Love: SicK, Zekken, Dapr, Crashies and Vic, and Shroudy Rowdy if you count him lmfao

Hate: Wardell, Scream, all of FPX

posted about a year ago

Tex is better than all of A

posted about a year ago

I agree. I love his fade, I like Shaz on sova more personally cuz it feels to me like he has more agency in their picks and executes when he plays Sova; but putting Dapr in a Crashies sorta roll wouldnt be awful for him.

posted about a year ago

the Dapr slander here is crazy. what are yall on, hes still one of the best players in NA, SicK was and will be too after some catch-up. I really do hope SicK comes back and we get that SicK Shaz Dapr core back, but idk how I feel about SicK on smokes, cuz I'd ideally want TenZ and Zellsis too and I think Zellsis smokes is a waste. I wouldnt be against a Dapr smokes change cuz hes a tier 1 anchor, but idrk how that would play out, we would have to see.

If SicK dosnt come back, this is a whole different convo and honestly I wouldnt mind if Shroud stayed just cuz I really love him and wanna see him play more, and I do think Shroud is plenty capable of keeping up enough to compete at tier 1. But I dont think he will, so a skuba supamen pickup would probably work out the best if no SicK

posted about a year ago

the idea is probably derived from that they looked at league's import problem, specifically in NA, and tried stopping it before it happened. Issue is that NA is the best region in VAL, and BR just won champs, and now both North America and South America are probably just gonna be stunted by this. I really think NA and SA should have just been separate, and have like 6 or 7 teams each or sum. Its not fair on South American players or orgs to make them basically move to LA to play T1 VAL, NA has too much talent to cut into 5 teams, its all messy

posted about a year ago

its rockier than I'd prefer but their Bind and pearl are probably best in the tourney, their Ascent punishes agro teams very hard, but DRX isnt that. and their fracture is really good, but prolly not better than DRX's. I hope they have been working Breeze cuz thats kinda their gate into this win

posted about a year ago

I think optics win con is dont play Ascent. Their strat has been cracked and i feel drx is really going to be able to punish it well.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Valorantle #48 7/8

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posted about a year ago

giving yoru the option dosnt necessarily mean its even a good option to begin with. yoru has 2 flashes and a clone, not really things that make a good OPer. part of what makes chamber a good OPer is that his econ is fucking busted, he has a trip to watch his back when holding an angle, and he can reliably 1 tap you at any range; his deag being better than the actual deag and the vandal. Yoru dosnt always have a 1tap at hand unlike chamber.

what buffing yoru to be able to OP really does, is open up team comps more than they already are. Yoru will never be better at OPing than Jett or Chamber, but if you are looking for more freedom in your comp, being able to check off locking either Jett or Chamber by default goes quite a bit. I think ur also under the impression that buffing yoru to be able to OP means he needs some crazy instant frame 1 TP, it dosnt need to be and shouldnt be that, he just needs to be slightly faster but probably slower than chamber atm

posted about a year ago

mug blooded americans rally

posted about a year ago

I do hope Jett gets a slight buff, shes just kinda a bit underwhelming. so are the other Duelists, really only Raze and Neon are great rn; everyone else is just comfort, no reason to pick them realistically besides that.

I really hope riot buffs Yoru's TP frame data so he can OP as well. I think that would be a great change and would really shake up pro play.

posted about a year ago

marved enjoyer W

posted about a year ago

you've had an acc for a year, have never made a post until now, and your first post is the worst take ive ever seen on this site. and I read all the EU shitter threads

posted about a year ago

vlr drainer ?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

2 do. NA >>>>>>>>>>>

posted about a year ago

map 1 was really crazy ill give fpx and drx that

posted about a year ago

ik, I remember a Nadeshot clip of him talking about acquiring TenZ and he said post Iceland his contract was way more than 2 mill, and TenZ is realistically bigger than ever now and has a comic ig? What ur buying Yay for is a nontoxic brand friendly player, who also happens to be the best in the world, guarantees you a top 3 NA team, and is never gonna have a bad game. Orgs buy egotistical shithead 16 year olds who dont work with people or socialize right for their fortnite teams for tons of money, I dont doubt Yay whos basically an Org's dream is worth as much as post Iceland TenZ. Hes even decently clouted when he does stream, he draws in roughly 10k? 2.5 mill seems pretty light to me colossal personal brand or not

posted about a year ago

if TenZ was like 1.2 mill in like 2021 pre Iceland yea; I have no doubt Yay is bare minimum 2.5mill. If his socials were larger i would say easy 3 mill but a contract for him is basically just to have winning clout, not off the server clout

posted about a year ago

Zekken best entry NA

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

LMFAO, FRAUDS. a 17 year old > SHITMEA

posted about a year ago

absolutely. nobody expected FPX to beat FNC because historically is dosnt happen either. then FPX somehow won vs FNC and everyone was thrown a curveball having to deal with a cringe anti strat team instead of fun matches against a good team. PRX should have won, everyone knows that. glad they are being outed rn vs the SET. Zekken dif, a 17 year old > ur region

posted about a year ago

Guys, optic IS the NA super team LMFAO

Nobody in NA is better than any of them in their roles

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

wtf does this even mean

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago






posted about a year ago

I want OpTic, the yay gap is real and yall better fear it. Wouldn't be mad if PRX takes it tho, they are my 2

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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