Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 3, 2024
Last post: October 13, 2024 at 2:53 AM
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Everthing 💀.
Instead of door, they say something like.
"Wooden plate openable".
But dont worry, even in portugal we are vanishing the PG portuguese for Br portuguese.

posted 1 month ago

He asked for comercial pause.

But if you want context, the dude who was beated with a chair, was saying:

  • Brazil want to know, wich hour u gonna stop? U are a little pussy, you crossed the debate these days to slap me, but u arent man to do that, u are a pussy.


posted 1 month ago

Bro the sign language translator reaction 💀💀💀💀.

I just cant LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL, i am xrting.

posted 1 month ago

The Cannadians are messing up the languages.

posted 1 month ago

You dont need to understand the language.

posted 1 month ago

Bro, ik that politics isnt allowed in this website, but check this discussion betwhen candidates of chief of state in São paulo LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

USA, BR, Europe, mann, whe are going back to caveman.

posted 1 month ago

Fair enough.
Basket wasnt popular in Brazil too.
But we are getting better, we are gonna steal the NA titles.

posted 1 month ago

Ngl, ik everyone has right to follow their dreams but...
These kids are already heirs, they arent that good (If they need papa begging for his network to his son play in the team, so he isnt good).
They should give space to who is worthy.

posted 1 month ago

Heyyyyy NA 🌚🚪

Open the historic of matches beetwen NA and SA


posted 1 month ago

Brazil football turned in a bourgeoisie and nepotism thing.
The richs kids are put in football school, while the poor ones with talent, cant acess these oportunities.

And now, u cant join a team, bc 20 heirs was put in the team u want, by pure nepotism, so you only choice, is to work.

posted 1 month ago

Some of mid tier is very toxic, in a bad way.
Talk shit is something, being disrespectfull is another.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Brother pls, use separeted paragraphs.
Like this.

I like dogs.

I hate thiefs.

posted 1 month ago

You two are baiter, the real goat at smoker is Zombs.
No other player playef like him.

posted 1 month ago

You should had put you name in the other post brother.

posted 1 month ago

I would 1000000% put some users from Mid to F ngl.

posted 1 month ago

Probally not, Tenz lacks legendary feats to be remenbered for a long time.

I will not writte everthing again.
Ik it hurts, but take Fallen as a example, he did legendary feats, both in game and in real life (If ydk his feats irl, let me sumarry to you, all the br fps community exist bc of him)

Even with everthing he did, if you ask some new players in br, about the face of Cs br, he is going to say fuking Neymar.

posted 1 month ago

This is a dickrider shit 💀

posted 1 month ago

Disagree, people WILL forget Tenz, even in NA, if someone isnt his follower, someday the casual player will forget him.

Its how idols work bro, you idol someday will be forgot.
And, will not be for a long time, Tenz didnt achieved a world recod achieve, didnt created a remarkable thing (Like a Val school, or a product), and didnt a remarkable quotes or ideias.
In summary, he didnt a "legendary" thing.

You probally are going to call me retarded or smth mean, but its how the world works bro, people have new heros everday.

posted 1 month ago

No, Tenz is the face of Val only in Na when we think about Americas region.
SA is Aspas.

To be honest, Tenz is the face of NA and Emea.

posted 1 month ago

The OP is the average Sacy hater.
Brother is a caveman.

posted 1 month ago

Was extremely hard, every day i trained to my limit.
At least 4 hour per day, Valorant coachs, studies, and The range crosshairs placement.
Trained my mental, to stay calm to act and think.
And with this, i made it, i learned how to hide my Valorant wallhack, that i put too much effort to download it and doesnt make obivius that i am cheating.

posted 1 month ago

Do not let this people get in politics/geopolitics.

They would have either anxiety crises or a heart attack.

posted 1 month ago

WOMAN 🫨🫨🫨🫨
WOMAN 🫨🫨🫨🫨


posted 1 month ago
  • Loud OG roster totally out of Loud
  • No more superteams domination
  • Other regions winning
  • Famous players retiring
  • T2 getting more strong
  • New players getting stronger

Yeah, end of a era.

posted 1 month ago

I recommwed you ignore that comment.
My first post of, was how shit the Valorant community is, they think they are smart, they have a fragile ego, they are Enzos, most childs, virgens, unfunys, no social life, etc.

Most of that Aspas glazers with fragile ego, is childs or people with mental issues.

I am a Aspas glazer, i am a big fan of him as a person, but people can be and WILL be better than him, its just a fact.

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Some admin recieved a discord call nicely 🤣

posted 2 months ago

Rick carried that show ngl.
And the series would be 10x good if Carl was alive.

posted 2 months ago

How they do not block this name in games? Lmao.

You put like, GirltW1nk?

posted 2 months ago

Nooo, not TWD 😭😭.
What season you are? After 6, the series get bad 😵.
I watched everthing, i regret after the 6 🙃

posted 2 months ago

I recommend you read/watch the lord of rings/hobbit trilogy.

Its good i promise.

posted 2 months ago

E quem não é fã do Fallen? Cara fez demais pelo Cs brasileiro.

posted 2 months ago

I didnt sayed that part, but yeah, 80% of that fruits names its womans 😅.
But doesnt matter, what can we do when the ne is chill like that?

And i already tasted one time when a was in USA, if one day you come to Brazil, tries Jaca or açai (the cold one).

posted 2 months ago

Tbh, i liked you nams, sounds cool.

posted 2 months ago

Good choice actually, its more my problem but, i think these "XxxKilleraura" names are kinda ugly, you new name sounds more mature idk.

But here im Brazil we do the same shit with fruits🤣
There is a literal faction on Vlr, with fruits names.

posted 2 months ago

Want a tip?
If something already have a name, tries in greek/Latim

posted 2 months ago

So you did kinda a anagram with you name to sounds cool right?

posted 2 months ago

We talk cause the Americans here doesnt a other language than english 😅

But its good to speak portuguese to ours Brazilians fellas.

posted 2 months ago

Good origin, and a good name too.
Is something related to you, not some "XXxKillerAuraColdZxxx"

posted 2 months ago

I tink the less we understsnd your names, the more cool it is.
Like Prasinos, no one knows its greek lol.

posted 2 months ago

Canned sounds more cool.

But CAN#NED was cool to, but, rarelly someone was going to check you tag, i get it.

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Brazil is the ominitrix of the world.
Also, he have the largest Japanese community besides Japan in the world.
And a lot od germans too.................

posted 2 months ago

Similar story to mine, here is a tip.
If you nickname is too used, try it in greek or latim lol.

And what cafe game was? Club penguin? Habbo?

posted 2 months ago

Oh hell nah not another Demon1

Boostio and Demon1 was the inflated egos of Valorant.

posted 2 months ago

That game was legendary.

But that forum saved you ass too, irl name as a child was too dangerus

posted 2 months ago

Kinda complicated name.

posted 2 months ago

Brazilians is all over the place lmao.
Have a lot of Brazilians in Itally? Here 80% of your population is Italian descendent.

posted 2 months ago
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