Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 3, 2024
Last post: October 13, 2024 at 2:53 AM
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Players with good support (Aka: wife) allways shine.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah, the 11-3 day was sad asf, if was just laughing, Brazilians would not be this enraged, the treads that day (And all other days tbh) maked the Brazilians this mad.
But like you said, doesnt justify attack close ones.

posted 3 weeks ago

Thank you for mading me fell worst.
Bruh i dont mocked her or anything, but laughing at someone crying bc she was cheering for his family, makes me dispiseble.

posted 3 weeks ago

Oh shit, its a player gf?
Bruh i gived a laugh when i saw first time seeing without context, now i fell bad.

I am sorry miss, but only one team can pass, maybe nexte year M80 pass.

posted 3 weeks ago

Agree, also Sacy is more a Igl than a fragger trought.
His words: "If i press tab, and I am the mvp, than the game is wrong".
Opposite of Cauzin or Mazino, who is fraggers.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah, but lets be honest, Caunzin > C0M.

If Skye doesnt have flash, Caunzin would flash enemy screen with a headshoot 😂
So ofc Loud 2 controller would be more stronger than Lev double.

posted 3 weeks ago

Maybe its the other allegations, Sacy was defending Aspas when people was calling him fraud/baiter, and he explained the reason to Aspas doesnt play agressive in some maps like Abyss.
According to Sacy, Aspas doesnt have initiator support or bangs, the Lev comps are totally depending of Aspas kill someone without any bang or spot.
Aspas play backwards for many reasons, and one of the reasons is because C0M lurk instead of helping the entry.

Tbh, i could not agree more, 1 time lurking is ok, but more that 6 in one map is insane.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Agree, and dont get me wrong, Qck wasnt bad, but he wasnt the one for Loud.

posted 3 weeks ago

Peu hadnt power to do anything in Loud, when he joined, the team format was already created, and according to some people (not me) Peu besides that, was tier 2, thing that limiteded his coachs bc he hadnt space to talk.

For me the team had downfall, bc the fans opnions breached the team, and the org when they was vunerable.
Qck wasnt filling Aspas spot, and fans was shiting on him, Loud (A fan org) kicked him and taked pANcada (Yes pANcada was Loud choice, not Saad choice).
The years was already lost and the team had no strat, still Saad as what seens, heard the fans opnions and made some shit choices.

posted 3 weeks ago

Idk, Loud without Saadhack and maybe Less is impossible to stay the same for me.

posted 3 weeks ago

Agree, i didnt if you look my posts, i laughed a little bit but I do not mocked the girl.
But its impossible to deny, if the other Brazilians laugh, whould be just karma from the past.

(Edit: Now i know the girl context, its a player gf, i fell bad, i trought its some random fan, i would like to apologize)

posted 3 weeks ago

I won't hold back on the slander.

I-i will s-say offensive things l-like a racist spamming "N word".
B-because i i i am too d-dumb to process a-argument and too mad, grrhhh 😡.
I i i i i am xenophobic bu-but i act l-like the victim b-b-b-be-because i am too afraid to acc-accept i am lifeless person w-who isnt t-the cool guy 🤓.

showed your true colors.

True colors huh?

posted 3 weeks ago

Ohh ☹️, dont worry trought, once you sister turns 18, ima become you brotha 🤜🤛

posted 3 weeks ago

Ywc, continue to give us leaks 🙏.

posted 3 weeks ago

Can i join? Relax, i am a failure at football for Brazilian standarts.

posted 3 weeks ago

You ok?

posted 3 weeks ago

How tf someone fell off in a season? This isnt a competition lol.

posted 3 weeks ago

Ik you love me, weirdo.

posted 3 weeks ago

You are goingm to grow up and are going to understand.

posted 3 weeks ago

If its a school relationship, than more maybe?
Seens like after school, relations have less duration.

posted 3 weeks ago

Tbh, it was when he dont had a gf.
Girlfriend has the apecial abilitty to make her boyfriend prettier.

posted 3 weeks ago

Lo que dijiste de nosotros los brasileños es válido, pero no se puede negar la rivalidad con Argentina, incluso con todos estos años juntos, no es fácil ver a un argentino o un chileno celebrando la victoria del otro.
Pero esto se debe a la falta de interacción diplomática entre nosotros, como Europa.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah ik brother, thats why i used.


To show that this was his words not mine.

posted 3 weeks ago

No one wants to be the inferior version of theyselfs.

posted 3 weeks ago

Isnt like Europe have the smallest population in the world and are part of several aliances such as Europe union, who makes imigrations easy and more viable, that makes the Europezation of the whole Europe more easy, explaning why if this happens, generall Europe teams would have players from different europeans contries.

Still they have their own rosters, and bc Emea isnt dominant, like Americas are, they do not compete beetwhem theyselfs.

posted 3 weeks ago

Bold of you to assume the Argentinians tink Chile wins smth is a win for they too, like Canada user do with USA wins.

Yeah, mixed rosters bc of the same language, now i challenge u to find a argetinian watch party cheering for Leviathan americas trophy.
And compare with a Canadian watch party seeing Optic or Sen winning Masters.

Even with the same language, they still to not treath SA wins like their own, take you blindfold and see the world brotha.

posted 3 weeks ago

Brother are u high? I showing BrunoDK words where
u missunderstud.

Are you dense? Where in my post history have I talked about poverty in a demeaning way? Where in my post history have I answered someone asking a polite question in a mean way? The answer is nowhere.

He was talking about NA baiters, he never said u call other poors.

I am not calling u anything, i am making a statemant that he think you are a hypocrite for not calling out other NA users, thing u debated about it.

posted 3 weeks ago

Oh yeah? Uniting the region?
You say like NA was "heroes trying to save the bad villians" bruh look at yourself, NA is the region who most trashtalk and put SA down, mock us with very bad shit, and we are the ones ruining the "unification"?
Stop with this bullshit.

Look at this website, bunch of Cannadian flags trashtalk other regions when a USA team wins, like if their own team had won.
"But its continental pride" Bullshit, acts like if you are a part of USA, you teams arent in T1, still uses USA feats to flex yourself bc u mind are already corrupted thinking was a win for Canada.

posted 3 weeks ago

think you are being hypocrite


If you know those NA users are baiters and disaproves mean brasilian users, why don't u do the same about NA users who does the same?

Get it?

posted 3 weeks ago

See? What a failure, i wasnt even mentioning the politics, but this was the first thing u tinked bc u country is a disposible whore.
The art imitates life, being depedent of USA both in game and IRL.

posted 3 weeks ago

Its more a revenge, when Loud lost to Fnatic at Lock in, the whole NA and Emea was making laugh treads with the image of the Brazilians girls crying at Loud lost.

I will not mock this girl, not like these mother fuckers fathelers mocked (Aka, BULLIED) The Brazilians girls.

She can cry, the maximun i will do is laugh, i will not make treads calling her retarded like the treads i have seen.

posted 3 weeks ago

Would be more funny if Canada stop to be a USA dickrider and depend of USA to have something false such as "NA pride".

More rich and with more people than Chile and Argentina, still these two contries can depends of theyselfs, embarisisng, u should remove you flag.

posted 3 weeks ago

Brother this whole yap you did can be solved in one sentence.

You missunderstud, he was talking about the NA baiters

posted 3 weeks ago

This tread is perfect lol

posted 3 weeks ago

Like the post #2 said, we are a type of people who are allways with the door open to another countries, diferent from some north contries, we accepet someone as being our Brazilian brother very easily.

Saadhack fanbase is Brazilian, and people here treath him as a Brazilian, so he just accepeted that.

posted 3 weeks ago

Probally going to LA, and Loud is a fan org, the fans are braindead kids, so the org takes braindead actions.

posted 3 weeks ago

Uhu, so good that EG was bottom last year.
Ik what you need? See Brazil wash you region all over again, like 2022 and 2023.

U can cry about it, but we allways come back lil bro.

posted 3 weeks ago

Na can be more strong too, if NA stop puting washed players at T1, and give more chance to T2 stars, they can win more.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah isnt good, imagine a single country washing the entire NA? Bruhh, we like fair fights, we need more Nearist Airport teams to make equal.

posted 3 weeks ago

Nós não falamos na língua "País sem time no tier 1" desculpe 😫

posted 3 weeks ago

Its funny to hear this, when 2 of the top 3 of the last Americas was South America.

Buahhh, buahhh, our regions is 10x more rich than a entire continente, and they still washes our asses buahhh.

posted 3 weeks ago

Bora caralho, esses manos do norte sempre subestimam a gente em tudo.
É bom sempre lembrar a eles, que quem domina em competição é o sul poha.

posted 3 weeks ago

Weah would be better..... To China or Emea wash NA asses again.


Instead of oppening you mounth to trash talk, open you mounth to suck this fucking victory right inside you troat.

posted 3 weeks ago


Ehh, na verdade 2g é um time mid que vai perder pra M80 🤓👆


posted 3 weeks ago

Seens like we do not need a another NA tem neither, Lolllllll.

BRASIL 💚💛💙🇧🇷BRASIL 💚💛💙🇧🇷BRASIL 💚💛💙🇧🇷BRASIL 💚💛💙🇧🇷BRASIL 💚💛💙🇧🇷BRASIL 💚💛💙🇧🇷

Imagine paying 10x more a NA player than a SA player, to still fucking lose hahahahahahhahahahahahhaha.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago



posted 3 weeks ago

geographic knowledge

More obvius impossible.

posted 3 weeks ago

Bro is a caveman, its a stereotype since ever lil bro 💀.

Ok this shit is real, bro doesnt know his OWN country PRIMORDIAL stereotype LOLLLLLLLLL

posted 3 weeks ago
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