Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 3, 2024
Last post: October 13, 2024 at 2:53 AM
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I cant speak for Spanishs to be honest, but i can speak for Latam/Br people, itsnt necessary a overblow, its just that we want people who suffers what we suffer, pass for what we pass, our brothers, our sisters, we want to see our people show to the world of what we are capable of.

Loud has fans, bc they are Brazilians, Lev has fans, bc they are Chilenos and also Latinos.
What unite us latinos is a strong bond with our folk

Maybe this is just cultural diferenfe beetwhen Europe and SA, maybe its a overblow like you said.

posted 2 weeks ago

Trash ass USA food, filled with químicos.

  • Embrace cultural food and cultural restaurants.
  • Enjoy the taste of generations
  • More green, more health, more natural, more delicios.
  • Takes the time its necessary, food is made to enjoy, and not to eat like a pig.
posted 2 weeks ago

I understand you point, but even in Sports, we cant have loyality to a team that dont have a sense of itself.
Like, Spain have a lot of SA players, still they have Europeans and Spanish players, but imagine Barcelona filled with USA players, and they become a American team, they dont understand Spanish, and dont even try to get used to the culture, you will lose you interest, this team doesnt represent you anymore and are filled with players u dont give a shit.

Its the same with Val orgs, if Loud have 4 USA and 1 Br, and sudenly, all the videos be made in english, the org will lose his sense of itself, there will not have home pride.

posted 2 weeks ago

Europe its small, soo ofc all their teams is goig to be international.

posted 2 weeks ago

They already had in the past, but 2024 they wanted to build "A super team", thats why the english players.

posted 2 weeks ago

No, you need Aspas and Demon1 subs to be cool.
If you dont get these two, you will have a bad 2025 according to the Paje legends.

posted 2 weeks ago

Ask Leviathan putting Tex.
Portuguese and Spanish is extremely close counsins, so we understand each other allmost completly (Its called portunhol)

posted 2 weeks ago

YaY cursed himself, everyone that says be better than Aspas, have a cursed next year.

posted 2 weeks ago

Historical accurate tbh.

posted 2 weeks ago

Esports career is a short time career, OP itsnt being dramatic, 1 bad choice can fuck up you career.
But, we will cheer for Aspas, we belive in Aspas.

posted 2 weeks ago

Was other players, but we are talking about Aspas, the guy who never droped down since he joined profissional Valorant.

If he is going to bleed, ik they probally gonna not win champs, but i have faith that Aspas at least will perform well.

posted 2 weeks ago

I dont want to hear, i belive in Zeta/DRX Aspas 😇

posted 2 weeks ago

Put me on you team cloud, along side with FNS, and we win champs.
I am a master class smoker baiter😾

posted 2 weeks ago

Seens like we finally agree in smth 🤝

posted 2 weeks ago

Realise? Sens fans are walking corpses, they have no will of their own, they just repeat something other corpse that is less decomposed and with all his strenght, said his finals "own" words, feeding the bandwagon that they call "fanbase".

They will continue the same narrative, and if a Sen corpese starts to think the otherwise, they will make sure to eat what it left of his brain.

posted 2 weeks ago

Free Derke, let him play on Vit

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

I wouldnt be sure, seens like 2025 will be a blast, every single team getting strong rosters.

posted 2 weeks ago

Phantom is broken, until you get one taped by Vandal, sudenly, Phantom itsnt the best gun.

posted 2 weeks ago

Fuck it, Odin is for womens? Oh hell nah, i am Sova main, i need Odin 😭

posted 2 weeks ago

When they created a tread about this video, and i said this means shit, i was crucified, "You are so dumb Prasinos".

Thank you god, thank you for proving me right as allways 🙏

posted 2 weeks ago

No one in this webite is smart, end of the tread.

posted 2 weeks ago

Ironic a NA user saying this.

posted 2 weeks ago

Relax bud, he was joking, Vitality clearly will win, will win against Sen, who is going to be walked by every single team in the world 🫶.

posted 2 weeks ago

Is for people who isnt interested to learn about other languages, point my english mistakes and i surely can point yours.

posted 2 weeks ago

Maybe, Sen flairs its the representation of lack of contrast beetwhen insanity and stupicity

posted 2 weeks ago

Dont act silly, we have seen the sen flairs say "-Sacy +Curry".

Sudenly, Sacy was important to the team 🤷‍♂️.

posted 2 weeks ago

Thank god they nerfed the british, by separeting Countinents from Islands 🙏.

posted 2 weeks ago

This website provides equality for everyone.
Every American can say the shit they want and dont get banned.
Every Brazilian cant say shit because they get banned.

Equal balanced, equality.

posted 2 weeks ago

Wait until the Fanatic fans cut tou throat bc you said Derke is leaving.

posted 2 weeks ago

Have a rumor that Aspas is going to DRX, but its just a rumor, overral, good list.

posted 2 weeks ago


  • Primeiro, Loud 2022 ta bugada, eu to botando e não esta aparecendo.
  • Segundo, não sei se seria possivel, mas seria bom ter como mostrar quais skills foram usadas.
  • Terceiro, falando como um leigo total, mas alguns resultados são bem nada haver, como o Aspas na base dos cara na Ascent.

No geral, meus parabéns pro seu amigo, é uma boa ideia, o site está bem feito, apesar de alguns pequenos bugs, nada que atrapalhe a experiencia.
É uma ideia complicada, mas nada que com o devido cuidado, não evolua, sucesso 🙏.

posted 2 weeks ago


I just did a Loud vs Sen, Sen allmost cluthed 💀

posted 2 weeks ago

North SA players isnt good with raze ults.

posted 2 weeks ago

This can be a double edge sword.
Idk if you have been in a serius relation.
But people even after 1y, arent their true selfs, you dont know they.
When you explore more opitions, the chances of you being traped in 1 or 2y in a relation that negativitly affects you is lowered.

posted 2 weeks ago

When you date a girl, you two have nothing related, date < case < relationship.

To this work, you two have to show you cards, to a missinterpretation dont happen.
So, if you still dating someone, you can date other peoples, you date do the same.
If you are in a case, you two can separete and come back again, its nothing serius, but you cant date other girls without making clear.

Idk if is like that in you country, but here in Brazil is like that, like, now i am in a case, but i make it clear its nothing serius.

posted 2 weeks ago

Yeah, they have their ups and dosns, but they cool

posted 2 weeks ago

Allmost like that, malandro is someone who is good with the tongue, they know how to persuade and trap someone, and plays more than one game.

Aspas had the potential, but the first woman he fucked, he wanted to marry, he should explore more opitions to see if this was the right one to marry.

posted 2 weeks ago

You should visit South NA, their food is fire.

posted 2 weeks ago

He is the goat of North SA

posted 2 weeks ago

He is a very goos North SA player.

posted 2 weeks ago

Thank you, a valid discussion, Derk vs Aspas is valid, Zekken vs Aspas? Beyond delusional.

But no, Derke isnt consistent as Aspas, you talk about titles like if only the first place exist, Derke had a good run in the first master, being 2th, a no existent 2022, 1th lock in, 1th masters, 2th Emea, 4th Champs.
2024, 1th Emea. And besides Emea, Derke wasnt top4 in any 2024 international.

Aspas in other hand, since he joined the professional Val, he allways is top 3.
2th Masters, 1th Champs
2th lock in, 1th Americas, 3th champs
1th Americas, 4th masters, 3th Champs.

Derke has a good year and right after, a mid year.
Aspas has allways good years.

posted 2 weeks ago

O OP ta usando o argumento de titulo, mas ignorando o fato do Aspas sempre estar top 3 e com 2 Americas.
Mané me meteu Zekken > Aspas por causa de Madrid kakakakkakakakakkakakaka.

Foda é os gringo ignorando tudo isso, só pq sim, eles querem o NA no topo.

posted 2 weeks ago

Cleary dont watched, when Mazino is with Breach, Aspas do the entry.
But when the comp is without bang and C0M is lurking, the team plays slow and most of the times, depends of Aspas getting the Fk with any to no skill support.

posted 2 weeks ago

Like he wasnt top 3 at both 2023 and 2024 champs, and winned both VCT americas 🙏

posted 2 weeks ago

It no way u saying Zekken > Aspas 🤣.

Nah bro, Demon1? Fine, Derke? Fine, ZEKKEN?
Brother Zekken was washed by Aspas in 2023 and 2024.

posted 2 weeks ago

Aspas would be sexiest if he was more malandro.

If Aspas was more malandro, dann, i would keep my dates away from him.

posted 2 weeks ago

Flashing? You really watched Lev games? Bc you would know that most of comps was without flash.

posted 2 weeks ago

I tink brother is spreading missinformation 🤔

posted 2 weeks ago
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